Used Panty Stories

Used Panty Stories


Used Panty Stories
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My thoughts exactly. Why would he steal his Grandmother's underwear and his own sister's underwear too? If the underwear were all hidden together chances are he has been wearing them. Try not to shame him just tell him it's ok to experiment with what he likes to wear. This is a huge issue that he will need a lot of support from his family if he is trans or likes to simply wear women's clothes. If he is already acting ashamed try to be more compassionate as shocking as this may be for you. Good luck. 
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Whenever I do my laundry, I fold my clothes straight out of the dryer to avoid wrinkling and if I wait I probably wont fold them so it's just convenient. Sometimes I'm busy and I don't put them away right away. For the past 6 or so months I've noticed that when I go to put them away some of my underwear are missing but I thought nothing of it (maybe I didn't wash them? Maybe dryer ate them? Maybe in hubbies nightstand? lol) until a month ago I washed almost all of my underwear at the same time and out of about 15-20 pairs only 3 of them were there. I was forced to go buy new underwear when I had just bought brand new ones. Well my mom in law is cleaning out my nephews' room(me and DH live with his parents and 3 nephews, oldest, david, is 12) she finds a towel I had washed with that load of laundry rolled up in a corner under their bed so she takes it to wash it but when she unravels it about 30 pairs of my underwear was there!!! There was also a pair that belonged to their older sister who no longer lives with us so he had those for over 2 years. Their grandmother told me that sometimes she finds her underwear in their room too. I feel so violated and I confronted him. I was careful not to ask if he did it but instead why did he do it as to not give him a chance to lie and he only looked very ashamed and only shrugged his shoulders and refused to speak. I just left the room very angry with the evidence in hand. I feel very violated and disrespected. I told DH but he doesn't know how to go about it yet. His grandmother and I agreed he should be the one to talk to him about it as his father is in jail at the moment and he is their second father. We feel it would be best for him to hear it from another man. I love my nephew very much but I am angry with him for violating me in that way but I am understanding and he has always showed signs of crushing on me. I could understand why he would do it but it was wrong. How should I go about this situation? I don't want him to feel ashamed for being a sexual being(as in being curious and at the age when its completely normal to be) but he should learn that there is a right and wrong way to go about it. He has been caught many times watching porn and their grandmother only says she'll take his phone at night but never does. Now that he has done this she feels more strongly about it. We plan on taking it tonight and checking on his activities. He doesn't know anything else other than he was caught. He has been avoiding me all day after I confronted him this morning and won't look at me directly nor enter a room when I'm present. Please leave me suggestions and if you have experienced something similar leave me your story. It would help me a lot. Thanks in advance.
*names have been changed for privacy
I've totally been listening to too many murder/true crime podcasts because my first thought was "future serial killer"!
You are making out this whole thing about your feelings. Clearly there is something going on with this child and he needs help. You trying to shame him is not going to help. Get over your violation and help get this child into therapy before something bad happens.
I've had a feeling about him for a few years now. I think I just didn't want to believe it.
Your instincts exist to keep you and your babies safe. This does not say innocent crush to me. This says social deviant pervert who prefers to violates privacy to get what he wants. He should be avoided. He will probably escalate.
I hate to say it but I honestly thought future creep/rapist/childmolester/incest vibes because he kind of comes off like that in day to day life not just because of the panties. There was another incident when he was about 10 where he was talking to me but eyes were not on my eyes they were on my boobs and I told him to stop and he replied "well I can't help it! they're nice!" ?? Then he hugs his grandma so intimately and kisses her romantically on the cheek while saying he loves her but it's so intimate that even his grandpa gets uncomfortable.
Are you certain it was for something sexual? Honestly, when I read this, I was thinking that he is possibly wearing them. If it was for something sexual, I feel like he wouldn’t be stealing so many. I would be sending my husband into that conversation with a completely different mindset. I would be researching and educating myself on crossdressing.
porn has a LOT to do with it too, then. The porn that kids have full access nowadays is extremely twisted. There’s so much research behind the damage it is doing to young boys’ brains. I really hope your nephew can get some help, I feel terribly for him. I’m sure you can get family members together to find some help or therapy that would be good for him.
A 10-12 year old that’s watching porn is not being supervised appropriately, to say the absolute least. That is absolutely heartbreaking and disgusting that in a house full of adults a CHILD has access to pornography and no one is doing anything about it.
this is exactly what I think happened.
yes, this. His behaviors point to being a possible sexual abuse victim. I'd see if you can get him professional help just in case.
I hope it is an issue with being trans and hiding it or even just prefering womens underwear but in a way I don't because his main parental figure, his grandma, will not support him in any way. She is more likely to help him in his perversions than in that.
I do have a lock for my bedroom. I'll just have to be watchful about my laundry from now on.
That makes sense actually. I didn't think about that. I have to do some digging in his past.
Also, the underwear is clean from the dryer. It’s not necessarily sexual, but if it is, I’d take the angle of concern about previous assault. If it bothers you a lot, you can move out. There’s really no way to secure your stuff in a shared living situation without a lock and key on the bedroom.
Porn might be normal, maybe even the panties to an extent, but the way you describe his behavior towards you and the grandmother in such an open and sexual way is concerning because he seems to find it appropriate
Ahhh man, I had the same thought...
Even between 10-12? I would think yes for smaller kids but because he is going through puberty and constantly is caught watching porn as well.
Plus ready my comment to the first response. He's perved on me before and his grandmother.
We know it's not that. He was caught smelling his sister's underwear before.
I might have missed this, but how old is he?
I would take him to a counselor and let them talk to him. His behavior is not normal and saying the right thing to him is important so he doesn’t shut off or do anything damaging.
Also since you bought new panties I’d definitely throw all those away...I could never look at them the same no matter how many washes lol
I was thinking about counseling too. and yeah Idk if I can look at the undies the same either.
I agree with getting him a counselor. Poor kid.. sounds like he is a future rapist.. get him help now.
Counseling is probably a good idea... stealing his sisters, his grandmothers, and your underwear is creepy and really weird.
I agree. Shaming this child and calling him a potential rapist or serial killer is a bit much. I hope your back is okay because that was a reach!
Sounds like you are doing everything that you can. I'm sure it is a super awkward situation, especially since he is not even your child but I'm glad that you are trying to figure out the root of the problem. I hope things get better for all of you <3
I'm trying not to. I'm more so concerned for his wellbeing and his behavior continueing into adulthood as that would be a huge problem. I was very angry earlier so I didn't say much because I don't want his to feel like he can't talk to anyone about his feelings or try to do other things in secret. I'm treading very cautiously as to not make him feel like an outsider or wierdo. Maybe he's developing some sort of fetish for undies? He is 12 so experienting in his sexuality is not so wierd at this age even though he's young but I don't want him thinking it's okay to have sexual feelings toward family or treating sex as solely a physical thing as we all know the crazy emotions that can come with it and he doesn't seem at all to think about the consequences for himself or others.
I get what you are saying about the creepy or in appropriate vibes but honestly that just makes it even more likely that he may have been sexually abused in some way as it tends to create a cycle. I had two instances when I was a child where friends wanted to "play" in sexually inappropriate ways and I later found out that both of them were being sexually abused. Try not to be too judgemental towards him or see him as this dangerous child; children normally wouldn't act like this for no reason, I actually feel quite sad for him that something is going on where he doesn't know what appropriate affection is supposed to look like.
he doesn't show much empathy, is pretty perverted, shows no respect for boundaries of any sort, being inappropriate with family members and he gives off that feeling that you get when you know someone is creeping on you in a non flattering but very violating way. That's the best way I can express the feeling right now but when you feel it you know. It's wierd and uncomfortable and it makes you naturally put up boundaries and want to hide you private parts even more than they are hidden or just run away. He also thinks it's okay to express sexual feelings toward family members in confidence.
I feel for you and this situation and want to second everyone else who said this behavior may stem from trauma and to tread carefully.
I’m also wondering - what is a ‘rapist’ vibe from a young child? Really??
That's exactly what I'm concerned about! He has been giving me creep/rapist vibes for a long time now but I always brushed it off thinking I was just crazy because he wasn't doing perverted things like this back then but now it makes sense!
right!! No matter how you look at it - it’s creepy and weird.... makes me kind of wonder what else he is doing... maybe he has some kind of fetish? I would get him in counseling ASAP. You see this behavior on serial killers / rapists...
It is really creepy. I could understand a cute girl he goes to school with or something like that but we're all family. I may not be blood but I've been his aunt since he was really little. Grandma and sister are blood related. The grandma thing especially creeps me out, even though she does look really young it's just weird.
If this is a serious post OP your child needs therapy and he needs to be evaluated for possible sexual misconduct in his life. This is extremely disturbing.
Sadly is it serious. I'm already looking into family counseling in our area. I'm also asking around the family to figure out if he has ever been left alone where she shouldn't have. So far I have one possibility.
Yea this is very disturbing and I would definitely try to get him into some kind of counseling. I would also throw away your old underwear you found 😳 there’s no telling what he did with them.
Also, in the case of possible sexual abuse to him or possible inappropriate sexual behavior by him, I would also watch the other children (you said there were two younger nephews living there as well). I hate to assume the worst but you don't know if the other kids have been exposed to sexual abuse either by whoever may have done it to him, or even possibly by the 12 year old =\
Yes I've been thinking this too. I'm worried because they are much younger and not the type to talk about when someone has hurt or done something wrong to them. They are all boys and "David" seems only interested in girls but in these cases that honestly means very little.
Hopefully they can all get in to some sort of therapy, I'm sure it would be helpful regardless since you say their father is in jail. At least you are all aware of the situation now and can notice things more now.
I would think that maybe he watches so much porn he takes it seriously? Like watching milf/stepsister, etc. he’s young so maybe he wouldn’t realize it’s staged. And that’s almost morphed his train of thought into thinking that as something normal. I would suggest he get into counseling before the behavior escalates.
I think this could be it. I used to take away his phone quite often but MIL would make a big deal out of it "it's HIS phone, give it back, pobrecito(poor little one)". But obviously he would be better off now without it. Now that he's like this she wants to take it away. So now she wants to fix what I tried to prevent. Smh.
No 12 year old should have that much access to porn. He shouldn’t have a phone at all since he can’t control himself. He needs to be parented and watched over much more obviously. He could also benefit from counseling.
Read above because it's similar. I've tried plenty to take his phone away both for a time and for good. But MIL undermines until now.
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