Usables v2
@star_citizenBuild: SQ42 Q3 2019
Category: AI
Progress: 52/75 (old 49/75) task completed.
Status: In Development
Improving the usables system to allow AI characters to interact with objects in a more believable way. Since there are thousands of NPCs populating the game's locations, the goal is to have them interact with each other or the player in a meaningful way as part of their day-to-day routines. We are planning to expand the usable system to correctly support the ability to override how to perform an action based on where the users are (for example, serving an NPC in the mess hall of an Idris will result in a different action compared to serving the player in a shop on a planet, but the basic functionality will be the same). We are also connecting usables to other usables without the need to create multiple entries. For example, allowing a table to have different numbers of chairs attached to it, without blocking the NPC's ability to stand at the table when a chair is not available.