Us Secretary

Us Secretary


Us Secretary
What are the Qualifications of a Secretary of State? He ought to be a Man of universal Reading in Laws, Governments, History. Our whole terrestrial Universe ought to be summarily comprehended in his Mind.

^ "Protocolā€…Reference" . United States Department of State . Retrieved January 31, 2021 .

^ "UNITEDā€…NATIONSā€…HEADSā€…OFā€…STATE,ā€…Protocolā€…andā€…Liaisonā€…Service" (PDF) . United Nations . January 29, 2021 . Retrieved January 31, 2021 .

^ "3ā€…U.S.ā€…Codeā€…Ā§ā€…19ā€…-ā€…Vacancyā€…inā€…officesā€…ofā€…bothā€…Presidentā€…andā€…Viceā€…President;ā€…officersā€…eligibleā€…toā€…act" . Cornellā€…Lawā€…School .

^ a b 5Ā U.S.C. Ā  Ā§Ā 5312 .

^ "Headsā€…ofā€…State,ā€…Headsā€…ofā€…Government,ā€…Ministersā€…forā€…Foreignā€…Affairs" , Protocol and Liaison Service, Unitedā€…Nations . Retrieved November 2, 2012.

^ NATOā€…Memberā€…Countries , NATO . Retrieved November 2, 2012.

^ "Cabinets and Counselors: The President and the Executive Branch" (1997). Congressionalā€…Quarterly . p. 87.

^ "U.S.ā€…Senate:ā€…U.S.ā€…Senateā€…Rollā€…Callā€…Votesā€…117thā€…Congressā€…-ā€…1stā€…Session" . . Retrieved January 31, 2021 .

^ a b "Dutiesā€…ofā€…theā€…Secretaryā€…ofā€…State" . U.S. Department of State . Retrieved February 1, 2017 .

^ Ford,ā€…Worthingtonā€…C. , ed. (1927). Statesman and Friend: Correspondence of John Adams with Benjamin Waterhouse, 1784ā€“1822 . Boston, MA: Little,ā€…Brown,ā€…andā€…Company . p.Ā  57 .

^ "Dutiesā€…ofā€…theā€…Secretaryā€…ofā€…Stateā€…ofā€…theā€…Unitedā€…States" . . United States Department of State. January 20, 2009 . Retrieved March 28, 2010 .

^ "3ā€…U.S.ā€…Codeā€…Ā§ā€…20ā€…-ā€…Resignationā€…orā€…refusalā€…ofā€…office" . LII / Legal Information Institute . Retrieved January 31, 2021 .

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* Ambiguity exists concerning eligibility to actā€…asā€…president

This page was last edited on 31 January 2021, at 19:30

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The United States SecĀ­reĀ­tary of State imĀ­pleĀ­ments forĀ­eignā€…polĀ­icy for the U.S. govĀ­ernĀ­ment as the head of the U.S.ā€…DeĀ­partĀ­mentā€…ofā€…State . CreĀ­ated in 1789, the CabĀ­iĀ­net poĀ­siĀ­tion is analĀ­oĀ­gous to a forĀ­eignā€…minĀ­isĀ­ter in other countries. [5] [6]

The secĀ­reĀ­tary of state is nomĀ­iĀ­nated by the presĀ­iĀ­dentā€…ofā€…theā€…Unitedā€…States and, folĀ­lowĀ­ing a conĀ­firĀ­maĀ­tionā€…hearĀ­ing beĀ­fore the SenĀ­ateā€…ComĀ­mitĀ­teeā€…onā€…ForĀ­eignā€…ReĀ­laĀ­tions , is conĀ­firmed by the Unitedā€…Statesā€…SenĀ­ate . The secĀ­reĀ­tary of state, along with the secĀ­reĀ­taryā€…ofā€…theā€…treaĀ­sury , secĀ­reĀ­taryā€…ofā€…deĀ­fense , and atĀ­torĀ­neyā€…genĀ­eral , are genĀ­erĀ­ally reĀ­garded as the four most cruĀ­cial CabĀ­iĀ­net memĀ­bers beĀ­cause of the imĀ­porĀ­tance of their reĀ­specĀ­tive departments. [7] SecĀ­reĀ­tary of State is a Levelā€…Iā€…poĀ­siĀ­tionā€…inā€…theā€…ExĀ­ecĀ­uĀ­tiveā€…SchedĀ­ule and thus earns the salary preĀ­scribed for that level (curĀ­rently US$ 210,700). [4]

The curĀ­rent secĀ­reĀ­tary of state is Antonyā€…Blinken , who was conĀ­firmed on JanĀ­uĀ­ary 26, 2021 by the SenĀ­ate by a vote of 78-22. [8]

The stated duĀ­ties of the secĀ­reĀ­tary of state are to suĀ­perĀ­vise the United States forĀ­eignā€…serĀ­vice and imĀ­miĀ­graĀ­tionā€…polĀ­icy and adĀ­minĀ­isĀ­ter the DeĀ­partĀ­ment of State. The secĀ­reĀ­tary must also adĀ­vise the presĀ­iĀ­dent on U.S. forĀ­eign matĀ­ters such as the apĀ­pointĀ­ment of diploĀ­mats and amĀ­basĀ­sadors , adĀ­visĀ­ing the presĀ­iĀ­dent of the disĀ­missal and reĀ­call of these perĀ­sons. The secĀ­reĀ­tary of state can conĀ­duct neĀ­goĀ­tiĀ­aĀ­tions, inĀ­terĀ­pret, and terĀ­miĀ­nate treaties reĀ­latĀ­ing to forĀ­eign polĀ­icy. The secĀ­reĀ­tary also can parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pate in inĀ­terĀ­naĀ­tional conĀ­ferĀ­ences, orĀ­gaĀ­niĀ­zaĀ­tions, and agenĀ­cies as a repĀ­reĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tive of the United States. The secĀ­reĀ­tary comĀ­muĀ­niĀ­cates isĀ­sues reĀ­latĀ­ing to the U.S. forĀ­eign polĀ­icy to ConĀ­gress and citĀ­iĀ­zens. The secĀ­reĀ­tary also proĀ­vides serĀ­vices to U.S. citĀ­iĀ­zens livĀ­ing or travĀ­elĀ­ing abroad such as proĀ­vidĀ­ing creĀ­denĀ­tials in the form of passĀ­ports . Doing this, the secĀ­reĀ­tary also enĀ­sures the proĀ­tecĀ­tion of citĀ­iĀ­zens, their propĀ­erty, and inĀ­terĀ­ests in forĀ­eign countries. [9]

SecĀ­reĀ­taries of state also have doĀ­mesĀ­tic reĀ­sponĀ­siĀ­bilĀ­iĀ­ties, enĀ­trusted in 1789, when the poĀ­siĀ­tion was first creĀ­ated. These inĀ­clude the proĀ­tecĀ­tion and cusĀ­tody of the Greatā€…Sealā€…ofā€…theā€…Unitedā€…States , and the prepaĀ­raĀ­tion of some presĀ­iĀ­denĀ­tialā€…proclaĀ­maĀ­tions . In the process of exĀ­traĀ­ditĀ­ing fugiĀ­tives to or from the counĀ­try, the secĀ­reĀ­tary serves as the chanĀ­nel of comĀ­muĀ­niĀ­caĀ­tion beĀ­tween forĀ­eign govĀ­ernĀ­ments, the fedĀ­eral govĀ­ernĀ­ment, and the states. [9]

Most of the doĀ­mesĀ­tic funcĀ­tions of the DeĀ­partĀ­ment of State have been transĀ­ferred to other agencies. [ when? ] [ why? ] Those that reĀ­main inĀ­clude storĀ­age and use of the Great Seal, perĀ­forĀ­mance of proĀ­toĀ­col funcĀ­tions for the Whiteā€…House , and the draftĀ­ing of cerĀ­tain proclaĀ­maĀ­tions. The secĀ­reĀ­tary also neĀ­goĀ­tiĀ­ates with the inĀ­diĀ­vidĀ­ual states over the exĀ­traĀ­diĀ­tion of fugiĀ­tives to forĀ­eign countries. [11] Under fedĀ­eral law, [12] the resĀ­igĀ­naĀ­tion of a presĀ­iĀ­dent or of a vice presĀ­iĀ­dent is only valid if deĀ­clared in writĀ­ing, in an inĀ­struĀ­ment deĀ­livĀ­ered to the ofĀ­fice of the secĀ­reĀ­tary of state. AcĀ­cordĀ­ingly, the resĀ­igĀ­naĀ­tions of PresĀ­iĀ­dent Richardā€…Nixon and of Vice PresĀ­iĀ­dent Spiroā€…Agnew were forĀ­malĀ­ized in inĀ­struĀ­ments deĀ­livĀ­ered to then-SecĀ­reĀ­tary of State Henryā€…Kissinger .

As the highĀ­est-rankĀ­ing memĀ­ber of the cabĀ­iĀ­net, the secĀ­reĀ­tary of state is the third-highĀ­est ofĀ­fiĀ­cial of the exĀ­ecĀ­uĀ­tiveā€…branch of the U.S. fedĀ­eral govĀ­ernĀ­ment, after the presĀ­iĀ­dent and vice presĀ­iĀ­dent, and is fourth in lineā€…toā€…sucĀ­ceedā€…theā€…presĀ­iĀ­dency , after the viceā€…presĀ­iĀ­dent , the speakerā€…ofā€…theā€…Houseā€…ofā€…RepĀ­reĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tives , and the presĀ­iĀ­dentā€…proā€…temĀ­poreā€…ofā€…theā€…SenĀ­ate . Six past secĀ­reĀ­taries of state -- JefĀ­ferĀ­son , MadiĀ­son , MonĀ­roe , Johnā€…Quincyā€…Adams , Vanā€…Buren and Buchanan -- have gone on to be elected presĀ­iĀ­dent. OthĀ­ers, inĀ­cludĀ­ing Henryā€…Clay , Williamā€…SeĀ­ward , Jamesā€…Blaine , Williamā€…JenĀ­ningsā€…Bryan , Johnā€…Kerry , and Hillaryā€…ClinĀ­ton have also camĀ­paigned as presĀ­iĀ­denĀ­tial canĀ­diĀ­dates, eiĀ­ther beĀ­fore or after their term of ofĀ­fice as SecĀ­reĀ­tary of State, but were ulĀ­tiĀ­mately unĀ­sucĀ­cessĀ­ful.

Mr. Secretary (informal) Theā€…Honorable [1] (formal) Hisā€…Excellency [2] (diplomatic)
JulyĀ 27, 1789 ; 231Ā years ago Ā ( 1789-07-27 )
PrecededĀ by Ambassadorsā€…fromā€…theā€…Unitedā€…States (while at their posts)

SucceededĀ by Ambassadorsā€…toā€…theā€…Unitedā€…States (in order of tenure)

PrecededĀ by Otherwise Barackā€…Obama as Former President

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The United States Secretary of State is the head of the U.S. Department of State . The Secretary of State is the highest-ranking member of the President's Cabinet in both line of succession and order of precedence. The first Secretary of State was John Jay, under President George Washington . The current Secretary of State is Mike Pompeo .

The Second Continental Congress created the office of Secretary of Foreign Affairs to head the Department of Foreign Affairs on January 13, 1781. Later that year, on July 27, President George Washington signed a law authorizing the executive department. On September 15 of the same year, the Department and Secretary of Foreign Affairs were renamed the Department and Secretary of State.

The title Secretary of State is of British origin. This title was given to senior members of the King's cabinet.

Secretary of State is one of the highest offices a non-national can obtain in the United States government. To date, two non-nationals have served in the position. Henry Kissinger (1973 - 1977) was born in Germany , while Madeleine Albright (1997 - 2001) was born in Czechoslovakia . While in office both of them would have been excluded from the Presidential Line of Succession .

In recent decades the post has seen a lot of historical "firsts". Albright was the first female Secretary of State. Her successor, Colin Powell , was the first African-American Secretary, while his successor Condoleezza Rice was the first African-American woman to hold the post. In 2009 another woman, the leftist Hillary Rodham Clinton took the post. In 2017, former CEO of ExxonMobil , Rex Tillerson was confirmed to the position.

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