Urge senators to defeat HR1 3 letters 阻击HR1意义极大,赶快行动

Urge senators to defeat HR1 3 letters 阻击HR1意义极大,赶快行动

HR1美其名曰为人民法案,实际上就相当于某大国的名字上冠以人民一样为人民的程度,实际上是为了统治阶级愚弄人民,继续掌权而设计的,这个法案把我们去年大选中看见的所有作弊的手段都用立法的方式成为强制各州执行的选举模式。现在众议院已经基本是按照党派的投票通过了这个法案,只要参议员一通过,白灯就会迫不及待的把它签为法律。打败这个法案的唯一场所就是在参议院,或者所有参议员共和党人联合起来,加上一两个民主党的背叛党派,或者至少41个共和党人联合起来进行冗长辩论(Filibuster) 的方式来阻击。


所以必须尽快行动起来, 写信或打电话给你的参议员。每一个州都有两个参议员。给自己州的参议员写信之外,如果你捐献过给其他州的共和党参议员,尽量给他们写信。如果你所在的州的是红州而有民主党参议员的话,你们的信会起更大的作用。在关于最低工资的议案表决中,有8个民主党的参议员,背叛的他们自己党派,因此在这些红州的民主党参议员,有些时候他们是可以被争取过来的。

The HR1 with the name "For the People Act" is about as "for the people" as "The People's Republic of" China and Korea are -- it is for the ruling class' ability to manipulate people in order to stay in power. It codifies as federally mandated election practices all the frauds and shenanigan we witnessed in the 2020 election but are now forbidden to decry. This awful bill has already cleared the house in a party-line vote with Joe Biden eager to sign into law once it clears the senate. The only way to stop it is in the senate, either by all Republicans hanging together plus persuading 1-2 Democrats to join them (unlikely) or by successfully employing filibuster (more likely) to halt its senate passage.

This bill is the battle of Thermopylae in the defense of our republic. If signed into law, US will be a one party ruled leftist dictatorship. If we don't do everything we possibly can to stop this naked power grab to overturn the constitutional republic, we won't have one anymore.

Write or call your senators (there are two in each state) with a sense of urgency. In addition, write to Republican senators even if they are not in your state, especially if they are one of the leaders and/or if you have supported them during their campaign, to urge all Republican leaders to help everyone holding the line using filibuster.

For democrat, use 1st letter to persuade to vote no. Generic Republican, use 2nd letter to persuade to stand with the filibuster. For a strong Republican, use 3nd letter to urge to fight hard against the bill besides voting no. 请用下面的链接找出你的参议员,如是民主党,用第一封样品信,如是共和党,用第二封,第三封是给共和党领袖,敦促他们组织有效抵御。

如果不是自己州的议员,我在第一段加上这段(虽然我不在您的选区居住,但这个法案影响深远,而您又是参议院中有领袖地位的人物):I am writing to you even though I am not from your district, because the bill being discussed is of national implication, and I recognize your leadership position in the senate.


一:给民主党议员 Dear (Democrat)特别这几位 -- These are the Democrat senators most likely to vote across party line, and can face home state pressure to vote no.

1. Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia, Lance West, Chief of Staff Email: lance_west@manchin.senate.gov  

2.  Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona, Meg Joseph, Chief of Staff Email: meg_joseph@sinema.senate.gov

3.  Senator Michael Bennet, Colorado Email: michael_bennet@bennet.senate.gov

4.  Senator Tom Carper, Delaware Email: tom_carper@carper.senate.gov

5.  Senator Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Email: jeanne_shaheen@shaheen.senate.gov

6.  Senator Mark Warner, Virginia Email: mark_warner@warner.senate.gov

Dear Senator:

I am writing to urge you to vote no on the "For the People Act" (HR1) when it comes to the senate for vote.

The 2020 election revealed many challenges our democracy faces to ensure election integrity in the era of technological advances, changing demographic and intense ideological differences. However, the sweeping changes prescribed in the HR1 are far from being the cure promised, but will rather open up greater conflict in many ways.

  1. Its questionable constitutionality invites legal challenges. The United States Constitution requires elections for federal, state, and local officials to be determined by the respective states. It is necessary to allow each state to create an electoral process that works best for their communities. H.R. 1 would implement several provisions which strip or reduce state's power to carry out elections as outlined in constitution. This alone, regardless of the intent, will lead to challenges in courts by many states, costing tax payers large sum of money which the federal government can ill-afford.
  2. Its evident partisanship deepens the rift. Reducing the Federal Election Commission from six members to five members will almost certainly insert partisanship into decisions regarding election communications. When Americans are looking for the two parties to work together after a fiercely fought election, a bill passed just along party-line and insert more partisanship into the FEC will do nothing to heal the rift.
  3. Its non-existent safeguard against fraud weakens voter confidence -- I can understand the desire to encourage more US citizens to practice their sacred right to vote, to determine the direction of our nation. But it is important that there is enough safeguard to make sure that sacred right is exercised as a sacred right. The reality is that fraudulent activities happen in almost every kind of transactions -- banking, e-commerce, health insurance, wherever benefits, whether it be money or power, or both, are found. Any election reform that lower the standard of security for election will only further erode voter confidence, which in turn lead to less trust in the federal government by the states and by Americans. I don't think that is your intention.

I am mentioning only a few of the problems I see in the current HR1 bill for which I think it is a serious detriment to our great democracy. Please vote no on this bill, and allow the people in various states to strengthen their election through the process of intended by the framers of our constitution.

二:给如何共和党议员 Dear Republican (generic)

I am writing to urge you to bring your best effort to defeat the "For the People Act" (HR1) in the senate.

The HR1 with the name "For the People Act" is about as "for the people" as "The People's Republic of" China and Korea are -- it is for the ruling class' ability to manipulate people in order to stay in power. It codifies as federally mandated election procedures all the practices which enable fraudulent practices -- massive mail-in ballots, no ID required for voting, lax voter registrations requirements and same day registration, etc. Even if you didn't think the 2020 election was stolen by fraud, these new rules will certainly make it much easier for the next one to be, and it will only benefit the corrupt politicians.

Therefore, the senate battle for this bill is the battle of Thermopylae in the defense of our republic. If HR1 signed into law, US will be a one party ruled leftist dictatorship where Republicans will be reduced to token oppositions and also-rans with no power to alter the agenda. If we don't do everything we possibly can to stop this naked power grab to overturn the constitutional republic, we won't have one anymore.

Be the Leonidas when the nation needs a hero, and rise up to hold the line against the vicious army of leftist politicians, media, big tech and even big money. On your side are the constitution and all the patriotic Americans who love truth and justice. The republic will thank you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.   

三:Dear Republican (If you donated to campaign, or are in leadership) -- 给参议院共和党领袖, 不管是不是你的州。括号里的是六位共和党参议院的领袖人物,是的,包括老龟,捏着鼻子写吧。(Rick Scott, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Joni Ernst, John Thune, McConnell) -- Yes, Thune and McConnell have behaved badly, but for the time being, we still need their cooperation to defeat this bill (and the next).

I am writing to urge you give your best fight to defeat the "For the People Act" or HR1.

This bill is about as "for the people" as "The People's Republic of" China and Korea are -- it is for the ruling class' ability to manipulate people in order to stay in power. It codifies as federally mandated election practices all the frauds and shenanigan we witnessed in the 2020 election but are now forbidden to decry - massive mail-in ballots, no ID required for voting, lax voter registrations requirements and same day registration, etc. If they had to deny committing fraud in stealing the 2020 election, they won't need to any more with these new rules, since they will be able to do all those things in broad daylight, in the name of doing it "For the People".

The only way to stop it is in the senate, either by all Republicans hanging together plus persuading 1-2 Democrats to join them (unlikely) or by successfully employing filibuster (more likely) to halt its senate passage.

This bill is the battle of Thermopylae in the defense of our republic. If signed into law, US will be a one party ruled leftist dictatorship where Republicans will be reduced to token oppositions and also-rans with no power to alter the agenda. If we don't do everything we possibly can to stop this naked power grab to overturn the constitutional republic, we won't have one anymore.

You have been sent to DC to represent the value of the people in your district. You were also supported by others outside of your district, like myself, who felt your values represent what America is all about and should be. Be the Leonidas when the nation needs a hero, and rise up to lead your Republican colleagues to hold the line against the vicious army of leftist politicians, media, big tech and even big money. On your side are the constitution and all the patriotic Americans who love truth and justice.

The republic will thank you.

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