Urge a "no" vote on HR8 and HR1446 敦促参众议员否决这两个法案, 保护拥枪权。

Urge a "no" vote on HR8 and HR1446 敦促参众议员否决这两个法案, 保护拥枪权。


If there were a right that leftists hate more than the 1st amendment, it would be the 2nd amendment, because that is power to the people instead of the government. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that they will try whenever and wherever they are in power (or even when they are not) to take away our 2A right, and we have to fight them every step of the way.


Don't be fooled by the innocent sounding names on the bills. The extended background check will create a national registry that will later enable gun confiscation, or having gun owners' personal info leaked out as target of attack, or causing innocent gun owner to be prosecuted for "crime" of loaning a gun to a friend for shooting practice. The prolonged background check hold of up to 28 days can turn a potential self-defender into a crime victim. All these without actually helping to prevent any violent crime, committed by criminals who are not going to obey any of these laws.

Use this program to get the list of senators and representatives. 用下面的这一个程序可以找到参议员和众议员的地址和脸书。找到了以后就按照程序的指示。把电邮地址放到你自己的电邮程序里面,然后把下面的信件贴邮件的本体,就可以一键送出给多个议员。


Select email or facebook to contact the representatives or senators, follow the instructions on how to copy the email address into your mail client, then copy and paste the letter below:


I am writing to urge you to vote no on the HR 8 “Bipartisan Background check Act of 2021” and HR1446, “Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021”.  

While Americans all want something to be done to save the almost 20,000 lives lost to gun violence in 2020, the cause of these deaths were criminals with guns going rampant in big cities where law enforcement has been crippled by awful politicians and wrong policies. Majority of these criminals obtained their guns illegally. So it would take better enforcement of current laws, not more gun laws, to reduce the violent crimes. Quite to the contrary, the increased burdens and delays effected by the additional requirements in these two bills will only hamper law-abiding citizens’ exercise of their 2nd amendment rights, without curtailing the criminal gun violence. In fact, the unreasonable delay imposed by the bills would have jeopardized the life of people needing the weapon for self-defense, as in the case of Carol Bowne who was stabbed to death while waiting for the extended background check to approve her gun purchase. 

Please vote to uphold the 2nd Amendment right for every law-abiding American.

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