Urethral Sounding Cum

Urethral Sounding Cum


Urethral Sounding Cum

Last Updated On 08/17/2020 by Craig
How Can I Make Myself Cum with a Urethral Sound? was last modified: August 17th, 2020 by Craig
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Urethral play is a great experience but it takes some time for new users to learn how to enjoy themselves to the fullest. There is a lot to learn: how to choose the best urethral toys , how to insert them and how to keep yourself safe during urethral stimulation . There is also question of arousal and pleasure, of course. How can I make myself cum with a urethral sound ? This is one of the most common questions beginner users ask about urethral play .
The good news is that this is not so difficult to achieve. All you need is a high-quality urethral toy and plenty of time to experiment. It means learning a new way to masturbate , which is always fun! So relax and enjoy the experience. Learning how to cum with a urethral sound can be a great fun and a very arousing thing.
Warning: Before you even start experimenting with urethral stimulation, make sure you are familiar with all the safety rules and guidelines. It is absolutely crucial to stay safe during this sexual activity. Remember, this activity brings certain risks and you need to do everything you can to minimize this risk. It is also best to consult a kink-friendly doctor who can examine you and make sure that it is safe for you to practice urethral play. Your doctor can also help you stay safe during urethral stimulation. Remember, any advice you read online (including ours) is not a substitute for professional medical advice. We a re not doctors: in order to get a medical advice and stay safe, make sure to consult your medical provider about all questions concerning urethral stimulation .
It is important to read this warning carefully and to take it seriously. This is the only way to stay safe during urethral play.
Now for the topic at hand: how can I make myself cum with a urethral sound ? The easiest answer here is that you need to masturbate. Using urethral toys for solo play is basically this: masturbating with your new and exciting toy. As you probably know, sex toys can make the experience more exciting but there is always a learning curve. You need to teach yourself a new way to masturbate.
The good news here is that this exploration and learning process is usually very exciting. It is arousing and pleasurable so it is definitely something you’ll enjoy. On the other hand, this is a process that can take time. A toy makes the experience different and you need to find a way to incorporate it into your masturbation routine. You should learn a new way to stimulate your body.
Since everyone has their own style and their own things to turn them on, there is no one way to masturbate with a urethral sound . You will need to try different things to see what works the best for you and what turns you on.
Beginners are highly advised not to rush things out. It doesn’t have to be perfect on your first try. Also, it doesn’t have to happen the first time you use your urethral toy . The goal for now is to get used to your urethral toy and to try different things so see which ones work for you.
Before you start, it is best to have at least some experience with inserting urethral toys . You should practice inserting and taking your toys out first . Once you are confident that you can insert and take the toy out without a problem is when you should move to proper masturbation. Also, don’t forget to use plenty of lube .
Once the urethral sound is inside, you can start experimenting to see what works the best. If you are not already erect, try stroking your penis in the usual way to see how it responds. Chances are that the sound will make your penis stand: these toys are great at helping you achieve quicker erections, even though they can’t really cure an erectile dysfunction.
You will probably get erect soon after the toy is in place. If you don’t experience this, or if you feel pain, discomfort and other problems, slow down. You may even have to take the toy out and try again. If you feel fine, try stroking your penis in different ways to see if your erection gets stronger.
From here, it is all about fun and experimentation. There are a few main ways to masturbate to orgasm with a sound inside . You may try them out to see which one works for you, or invent a new one that will suit you best.
Many men either stroke their penis or move the sound in and out , or both. Stroking of your penis should be the same as your usual masturbation routine but you might need to adjust the grip. Some men find lighter touch more exciting while others prefer to grip tightly when the toy is inside. You need to find the best amount of pressure and speed that arouses you the most.
Another good way to go is to move the sound in and out a little. This will produce pleasurable sensations to the walls of your urethra. Many men find these movements the most arousing part of urethral stimulation . To do this right, make sure that our urethral sound is properly lubed and that you never use force. Your movements should be gentle and comfortable. Move the toy in and out only for about half an inch. You shouldn’t move the whole toy out; just a bit up and down so it rubs nicely against the wall of your urethra.
While you’re doing this, try to also stimulate your penis from the outside. Move the sound in and out while also stroking your penis. Many men find this highly arousing and orgasm-inducing. Try different ways to do this to find the one that feels the most pleasurable. After you find your rhythm you will feel the arousal building so you can expect orgasm soon.
Make sure not to ejaculate with a solid sound or penis plug inside . Keep in mind that these toys practically block your urethra so semen cannot get outside. Instead, it goes back to the bladder. This can be dangerous, so it’s important to consult your doctor if you wish to experience it – you need to make sure that it’s safe for you to ejaculate with toys inserted. While this doesn’t always lead to trouble, remember that it does increase risks of urinary tract infections and other problems.
This is particularly true for beginner users who wish to cum with a urethral sound for the first time. If you are a newbie it is best to leave this experimentation for later. For now, it is important to enjoy your urethral play while keeping it absolutely safe. Keep in mind that you are still inexperienced and your primary goal for now is to learn how to enjoy this type of sexual stimulation. It is therefore advisable to take your toy out before or during ejaculation.
You may feel like this is extra work but it is vital to ensure your safety. This is why it’s important to monitor your body and know when to take the toy out. Yes, it may be difficult in the heat of the moment but remember that these first exploratory moments are there to teach you how to use urethral sounds for pleasure : the experience doesn’t have to be the best of your life for now. Once you gain more experience you will be able to enjoy your urethral toys to the fullest.
The first thing you need to ensure is that your chosen urethral sound can be safely taken out while you still have erection. If you want to take the toy out before or during ejaculation, you need the one that can be safely removed (and inserted, for that matter) when the penis is erect. Not all urethral toys fulfill this requirement.
Generally speaking, urethral toys that can be safely removed during erection are straight toys. They don’t have significant curves so you don’t need to manipulate your penis to get them in or take them out. Toys with a curve, such as Van Buren sounds , require you to gently rotate the sound or your penis to position them correctly. These toys are not safe to be removed during erection. Straight toys, on the other hand, are generally safe for this.
Another thing to keep in mind is the length of the toy. Toys made for deep urethral stimulation and prostate massage are typically longer than other urethral toys. These toys reach very deep and are more likely to have a curve. It is more difficult to take them out than it is to take out shorter toys. As a beginner , you are highly advised to use shorter urethral toys that don’t go deeper than the base of the penis. If you insert your toy up to this point (not deeper than the base of the penis), chances are that you will be able to remove it relatively easily while you are erect.
So, general rule is to use straight and not overly long toys is you wish to remove them before or during ejaculation. While more experienced users can do this without a problem regardless of the toy, beginners are highly advised to stay on the safe side and only try straight and not overly long toys. You need to use only urethral sounds you can remove while you are still erect because you don’t want to ejaculate with the toy inside! When in doubt, consult the toy store or manufacturer to make sure it is safe to remove your urethral toy while you are still erect.
As you can see, it is highly advisable to remove your urethral sound before or during orgasm in order to ensure safety and a pleasurable experience. Here are some tips you should follow to ensure success without compromising you safety:
How to remove the sound? Once you feel the arousal building to the point of orgasm, you can gently pull the toy outside. Don’t use force and don’t do it hastily: you need to be careful and gentle here. If your toy is properly lubed chances are that you will not have a problem taking the toy out.
For many men, removing the sound at the point of orgasm makes the whole experience even more arousing and enjoyable. One of the best things about urethral stimulation is that it makes orgasm stronger and truly mind-blowing. For many men, this experience happens precisely because they remove their toy at the point of orgasm.
If you wish to try this, make sure to practice removal first. You need to learn how to remove your toy quickly and safely. Always make sure the toy is properly lubed and never use force! Your toy should gently slip out and not to be violently ejected. It is all about finding a fine balance between being being careful and enjoying yourself. Remember, removing the toy during orgasms is highly pleasurable and can lead to some of the best orgasms but you need to practice a bit.
Once the toy is removed and you have your orgasm, you can expect to shoot your load at a higher force than usual. This is because of the buildup and the fact the sound blocked the urethra before you remove it. This can make the experience more pleasurable so this is something you should enjoy to the fullest.
How can I make myself cum with a urethral sound ? As you can see, cumming with a urethral sound is not so difficult. All you need to do is to listen to your body and be gentle. You should be careful not to hurt yourself: it is important to stay safe during urethral stimulation . At the same time, you should enjoy: after all, urethral play is highly pleasurable and a great way to masturbate.
If you don’t succeed to cum on your first try, don’t worry. This is a process that takes time. Practice inserting and removing the toy so you are comfortable with these tasks. Make sure that your toy is always properly lubed and that you have plenty of time – this is not something you should rush. Once the toy is inside, take your time to practice different moves and strokes to see what feels pleasurable and what turns you on the most. Through this practice you will discover what you like about urethral stimulation and what is the best way to make yourself cum.
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About Craig: Craig Rutledge is a staff writer for TheChainGang. His main interests include sex toys for men, particularly urethral sounds and ball stretchers. He is also a proud owner of numerous body piercings. He says: “I am happy to contribute with my experience and knowledge about various penis toys and stretching devices. There is still so much unknown about things like urethral sounding, ball stretching or male chastity and it needs to change. I will share my experience and advice in order to help men, young and old, to discover these toys and have the best fun”. In addition to writing, Craig also answers questions and provides handy advice for people learning more about extreme sex toys for men.

Last Updated On 05/06/2022 by Craig
Urethral (Penis) Sounding: For Beginners & Advanced Users was last modified: May 6th, 2022 by Craig
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Many people wonder about the urethral sound benefits.
What can urethral sounding bring to your sex life?
How can urethral sounds pleasure you and why do people choose to perform this activity?
Here we’ll be discussing all the major things on Urethral Sounding – the benefits of male sounding, how to get stared & the common concerns people may have:
There are numerous benefits that urethral sounding can bring to your sex life if you are into this sort of sexual activity. Some of the most important benefits include:
Below are the benefits of Urethral Sounding explained in more detail:
Urethral sounding can produce many great feelings and sensations. This is probably the main benefit of using urethral sounds – they feel amazing. There are many men who claim that this is their favorite form of stimulation. Being stimulated from the inside of the penis feels great, especially when coupled with masturbation. This is a perfect way to massage your penis both on the inside and outside. It produces great and new sensations.
It is therefore not surprising that there are so many men who engage in steamy urethral stimulation. This is a perfect way to enhance your arousal and bring pleasure to a completely new level. 
Keep in mind that urethral stimulation requires a bit of practice to perform well, but once you get used to the feeling you will be able to enjoy it to the fullest. Some men even claim that urethral sounding is addictive and difficult to stop once you learn how to do it properly. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you are careful and follow all the safety guidelines .
You may choose between many different types of urethral sounds according to your preferences and desires. Beginner users should use shorter, straight sounds because these toys do not go too deep. More experienced users can choose longer, curved sounds made for deep urethral play. Each sound produces a unique sensation so there is something for everyone. Also, as a beginner, you can try short and small penis plugs. These are ideal toys for new users who want to try urethral play for the first time. 
Urethral sounding allows men to experience something new. If you are bored with your usual masturbation routine and would like to spice things up, this is one of the best ways to go. Urethral play is not for everyone, but if the idea of inserting toys into the penis sounds appealing to you, go for it! While it requires some practice and skill to get it right, once you get used to the feeling you will discover some truly new ways to pleasure yourself. This is why urethral sounding is ideal for adventurous people who wish to try something new and exciting.
Some men have a bit of doubt about urethral sounding. It is understandable: inserting things into the penis seems counter-intuitive. However, don’t let this thought stop you or prevent you from enjoying. If you are intrigued by urethral stimulation, try it to see if this is something you like. 
Keep in mind that urethral sounding is truly something different – this is a completely new approach to pleasure. As such,
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