Urban Dictionary Frosty

Urban Dictionary Frosty


Urban Dictionary Frosty
To be frosty is to be or do anything awesome, sick, or hilarious. People who call themselves frosty, such as naming your gamer tag FROSTYCOWZZZ is looked down upon. Only bros call each other Frosty . If your bro says something is Frosty, you are expected to acknowledge it and yell FROSTY !
Bro 1: You see that lax game last night bro?
Bro 2: Yeah! That dude on Syracuse had a frosty snipe! Example 2 Guy 1: I am so FROSTY ! Guy 2: No you're not. That was the opposite of frosty.
When you pour a Wendy's frosty , your choice of flavor, down a girl's vag then exclaim "Fuck you Mcdonalds" then enjoy your frosty while pleasuring your bitch.
Man i was frostying that bitch so hard last night.
by Diknutz McSpikychode December 12, 2016
To describe a state of Illness .
Usually used to describe people cruising in the CRV .
DAMM them kids in that CRV are staying frosty .
Receiving road head while the giver has a mouth full of ice cream .
To Be Incredibly Gay And To Possess An Un-Deserved Sense Of Being Wronged Expression Commonly Used In Perry Hall , MD
Drake - Holy shit that ass hole just fucking killed me one kill away from a nuke , this asshole must have been hacking im reporting his ass Austin - Nigga You Just Frosty Drake - Fuck You Austin
- (n) A gentleman in the middle stages of his life who is flamboyantly homosexual and either grey or balding . Frost - (n) the characteristic trait that makes one a " frosty "
1) Its the Boston Marathon, the frostys are running wild ! 2) Excuse me, your frost is showing.
The date was 1970 in the town of Macon , Georgia, a snowbunny by the name of 'Tangerine Monique Sunflower', had a baby boy affectionately dubbed (no pun intended) 'Frosty'. Once Frosty grew up, he perfected dub slinging into an artform This artform that he created, tentatively titled dubslingin' put MacTown on the map, and left a precedent that his son and future dub slingers could only wish to follow.
If you did coke in the 70's there was a 99 .99999999999999578 % chance Frosty was the slinger . D33 H33, never forget it.

When a girl is giving you head and you are about to cum, take her head and smash it on your dick as you giz
Boy 1 : Yo I gave my girl the Frosty breath Boy 2 : Good job bro but she’ll smell from the mouth for 2 weeks
Boy 1 : I know but it was worth it!
When you suck a dick that was covered in melted chocolate and then frozen over the dick .
yo kate gave me a frosty john at the valentine’s day dance
On Slashdot , a high-traffic technology news website, there is a moderation system based on score. Traffic alone guarantees the difficulty of obtaining the first post , which is rewarding for the user. Such comments are generally frowned upon and attributed a negative score by the moderators. Frosty Piss is therefore intended to be a near-anagram of First Post . Many other anagrammatic variations exist, depending only on the user's boredom and creativity.
Subject : FROSTY PISS !!!!!
When a guy or preferably a bunch of guys cum all over a girls face.
Me and my buddy gave Christina a Frosty Finish last night. You should have seen all the jit on her face
When a ton of dudes cum on a slip-n-slide , then slide down it face first with their tounges out. Slide
"Hey, what are you doing tonight, Tim?" "Me and the guys from work are gonna do a frosty slide tonight!" Slide
When the powder that you sprinkle on your balls, makes its way onto the shit that you just took on your partners chest .
Earliest origin I have seen is the 1972 movie "The New Centurions" and is spoken by George C. Scott to the "newbie" Stacy Keach . The meaning is " Stay cool and in control"

money , 
friend , 
trying to impress others , 
boyfriend or girlfriend

Urban Thesaurus finds slang words that are related to your search query.
As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " frosty " are listed above. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "frosty" are: fpoon, lubna, blowsty, plunger, and ll cool j'ing it. There are 179 other synonyms or words related to frosty listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to " frosty " (perhaps tenuously). This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works.
You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). Hopefully the related words and synonyms for " frosty " are a little tamer than average.
The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary . These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary.
Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. bae ). Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results.
There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.
Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk , @HubSpot , and @mongodb .
Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia .
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Urban Dictionary: If you’re not familiar with it yet, we both apologize and envy you. It’s the bowels of the internet, with some of the most disgusting and disturbing words and phrases ever thought up by humans. And it’s hilarious. Gross, but hilarious.
This somewhat guilty appreciation of Urban Dictionary and all that they do led us to assemble our top 25 dirtiest/most disgusting/most disturbing words you’ll find there. Let us know if we missed one of your favorites in the comments, and get ready to laugh… and probably barf a little in your mouth.
Like Santorum but somehow even grosser.
Massholes must have really thin dicks if they can a) Be replace by a straw and their partner doesn’t notice and b) to be able slide it into the straw to get their money shot lined up.
Sounds like it’s an awesome substitute for Tres Flores and probably smells just as good.
The best entry based on musical instruments, and boy do actual trombonists love it when you ask them if it’s “rusty” after they tell you they’re in a band, and they play trombone. Seriously, the next time someone says, “I play the trombone,” ask them if it’s rusty. It kills every time.
Our first entry featuring straight up beastiality. All this time we thought it was traditional to use clubs on baby seals, not shovels. (Urban Dictionary knows no bounds.)
Popular during rush week and spring break for FSU students. Eat some crab legs beforehand to give it a hint of seafood.
A fun Urban Dictionary game: Use your imagination and fill in the blanks.
I’m not even sure this is possible. But the Norwegians are an ambitious people so who knows.
Another chili bowl, this one from our neighbors to the North. Jesus Fuck.
The aggressive-aggressive version of the passive-aggressive snowball.
A favorite among California gastronomes, at least until the foie gras ban is overturned.
Ladies and Gentleman, it’s the reverse Carolina Mudflap. Also you should be old with saggy balls.
Another classic, the definition is surprisingly controversial, based on the number of competing definitions.
You must be a septuagenarian to perform the Carolina Mudflap.
No Right To Lifer will be able to stop these. Defund Planned Parenthood? How about we defund Urban Dictionary, lol!
Some other facts about Nebraska: the state insect is the Honey Bee, its motto is “Equality before the law,” and they changed their nickname from “Tree Planter’s state” to “cornhusker state” in 1945. Also, Spam is produced in Fremont, NE, using the Nebraskan Corn Cob process.
The instructions are way too involved to be practical. Microwave for 8 minutes? Fuck outta here.
The options are endless with frozen poop logs, so don’t let this somewhat narrow definition stop you from experimenting with this. (We learned about this one during an office lunch outing. Note to self: Urban Dictionary is a hilarious jumping off place for workplace conversation starters.)
So you don’t need maple syrup or peanut butter. Just a nice curry.
Kurt Cobain’s hometown checks in with the most complicated burn of all time for someone hitting on your girlfriend. Honestly, if you hit on your host’s girlfriend AND you pass out there, I think this is just divine retribution.
Not to be outdone by their rivals Ohio, Michigan joins the party and adds a spoon, bringing a touch of civilization to their dookie-based boudoir shenanigans.
Another classic, and #2 on our list of gross things named after places, the Cleveland Steamer is an important part of your repertoire. It’s great for at office parties when there’s a lull in the conversation.
If you’ve somehow made it past sophomore year of high school without knowing what felching is, you’re welcome. Bane of people named “Fletcher” everywhere.
There’s an Auburn version that involves Charles Barkley on his Weight Watchers cheat day and Gus Mahlzan doing the robot.
Last but not least, the one thing “worse than genocide.” I mean, you have to be a seriously damaged person to even look this up and put it in a top 25 list.
There you have it, the 25 most disturbing Urban Dictionary words in the world. Speaking of disturbing, why not check out 32 OF THE WORST THINGS DONALD TRUMP HAS SAID . Or, you could always just go visit Urban Dictionary.
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