Urban Dictionary Boy Toy

Urban Dictionary Boy Toy


Urban Dictionary Boy Toy
A male used specifically by females for pleasure and fun when their husband or boy friend is not giving them enough attention or in case of break up or divorce.
A man used by men and women to have sex or fun with play with
A name given to an extremely attractive male who either A. Dates a woman far uglier than him for his own benefit (Constant Sex, money, status, ect.) Note other women might call a girls boyfriend a boy toy because they’re jealous and cannot see why the “boy toy” would date a woman as ugly as her. B. Dates a woman older than him for the same reasons above C. Is used as a ploy or arm candy for a woman who is trying to make her ex jealous, show off to the world or her friends, or to increase her ego.
Hey did you see Samantha ’s new boyfriend?
Me: That’s actually her boy toy he’s way outta her league she’s just rich.
(v) Friends with Benifits and no obligations to eachother.
(n)Boy who will bend over backwards to do anything for a girl , knowing full well that the girl is using him.
Jon is Ashleys boy toy , he performs sexual favors for her and he doesnt expect anything in return.
this can mean many things.
for some girls a boy toy is someone who they take advantage of for sexual purposes. in MOST cases, a boy toy is someone they fool around with, or like to be around. in this use of the word, both the female and the male have equal power. so, contrary to what SOME people think, being this does not make you somebody's bitch. being a boy toy is not a bad thing, it is mostly a good thing especially for guys who are horndogs . but everyone always knows that girls have a little more power because THEY can take away privelages . so don't complain :
i had some fun with my boy toy last night
A guy that takes care of the needs of a certain someone... does whatever is needed of him.. almost like her bitch... but... a much nicer way of putting it...
Ex. Diana lives 3 hours away from her boy toy in Cape Coral , but when she visits him, he takes care of all of her needs
A boy who is pretty much a living accessory . There to make a girl look good. No emotional attachment involved. Can also be written as B.T . for short.
Did you see the new Beyonce video? The boy toy in that is hot.

A Boy Toy is an unofficial boyfriend that you like very much... Or you're friends with benefits ..but said in a nicer way. Or another word for Boyfriend
Me: He's my boy toy
Friend: whats that?
Me: My boyfriend ! :)
A lesbians strap-on dildo
boi meaning lesbian
A guy who likes older women or men .
Ashton BERG-DORF wants to be a boy toy for Blair but also Ethan and when excluded from their relationship got mad and started spreading rumors about Blair and Ethan.
Contrary to most of the definitions here, Google dictionary defines this as "a young woman who offers herself as a sex object for young men." This is the primary definition, the "guy who offers himself to women" is the second meaning.
Classmate 1: Look at Brandon's girl companions, he's such a boy toy Classmate 2: Uh, don't you mean his girl companions are his boy toys? Classmate 1: No, I mean he's a boy toy Classmate 2: Okie then
by Obv troll is obvious October 6, 2020
A young man who has his own money but dates an older woman for sexual companionship and/or sexual relations .
The sugar boy toy took his cougar on a cruise to the Bahamas .
For when you can't decide whether to say " Toy Boy " or " Boy Toy ", this great word encapsulates both.
Look , there's a Cougar and her Toy Boy Toy!

a lesbian who is 'kept'by an older nore protective lesbain .
see boi, nephew and uncle
Michelle : He treats me like shit Nessa : Fuck boys, Buy toys
when someone named billy herron completely SUCKS at graffiti and he writes kray and thinks he is so good at taggin because he can do an ok peice on paper and gets mad wen he realizez he sucks with actual paint
Exactly what it says just some big boys (Teenagers) with big toys ( Whatever you want it to be)
Only some stupid group of Teens can use this
Girl: man that group of XC boys is hot Friend: yeah there the Big Boys With Big Toys
by Big Boy with da toy March 21, 2019
Party at which all participants, both male and female, wear tennis attire . When ever two sets of eyes meet at such a party, each person then proceed in showing, or flashing the other their private parts .
I love a good Tennis Boys and Tennis Toys Party. Those parties are so awesome. I love seeing me some titties !
The sudden realization of knowing you were so poor , that if you didn't wake up with boner in the morning, you had nothing to play with all day.
So, I heard johnny only had a poor boys toy to play with, since his family couldn't afford to buy him one.
a boy toy is a guy that is messing around with a girl while she has a boyfriend . it’s her boy toy

A graffiti artists term for a novice . More experienced graffiti artists will often write "toy" next to the tag or graf of the novice.
That fuckin' toy threw up some shitty tag over my graf .
1- n. Inexperienced or new graffiti writer
2- adj. Graffiti writer lacking style or dissing writers for no reason, not dedicated to graffiti, e.t .c.
1. ''You may be a toy but you're okay''
2. ''Hey, Toy ! Why'd you go over my peice ?''
1. An inexperienced graffiti writer .
2. Also, a poser in any one of the other elements of hip-hop .
Orion , Soap , Addenton and Shockra are Toys!
An inexperienced graffiti writer who is new to the scene, or a graffiti writer that is terrible and has no respect, i.e caps a dope piece with a shitty toy tag. They are usually very easy to roll for they're paint.
"Yo toy, gimme ur paint"
"Did you see those pieces at North Melbourne that got capped by that fuckin' toy?"
"Man that MTS crew are fucking toys, they just get up heaps but none of them can piece for shit"
someone who is shit at graffiti . Abbreviation for Tag Over You
What a toy cunt
That throwy is fucking toy
a toy is someone you just hook-up with not a relationship kinda of a friend with benefits. One can have many toys
Whoa, Kevin you have so many toys in your phone book that it's just awesome .
noun .
An object that makes you happy .
"My new car is a toy ."
"This can of soda is a toy."
"I should buy all of Doctor Phineas Steels toys ."

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