Urban Dictionary Bb

Urban Dictionary Bb


Urban Dictionary Bb
bb is short for bottom bitch , or a butt buddy (someone you are so close with that its almost gay ). This can only be achieved by very close friends.
by Fatniss Neverlean March 26, 2015
stands for Bye Bye . It's used more in the European gaming arena than in North America.
Flash: gotta Go
Sr Timbo : bb
Flash: cya
Hot, kind, funny, strong , very attractive but no boys like herπŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»
Gosh, Mary is such a bb. Did you see ehat she was wearing? Leggings and uggs, she even had a starbucks drink on her.
Hey! You know Samantha is having surgery again? apparently she wants bb
A word to describe your bestest bitch . In other words, your SISTER !!!

Short for "baby".
Usually used on the internet on forums , comments, profiles, messages , IMs etc.

BBS is an acronym for Bulletin Board System, which were old timey computer networks. Each was privately owned, and you would dial in to connect. Once there you could share text files/warez/pics, or talk about random stuff with other people. The first one went up in 1978, and they reached their peak in 1996 with over 5000 systems in the USA alone. They were essentially killed off by the Internet. Today, there's about 75 free dial-up BBS's left in the USA. There are hundreds of Telnet-only ones, however they have a tendency to suck.
A type of guy who will go the extra mile for anyone. They are very friendly and gets along with anyone, the town dock is a go to spot to find friends. They are usually tall and possibly have some bigger parts. (There balls look like a large cocoNUTS ) don’t sleep on them as there revenge is a dish best served cold
( BB $)
A woman that works hard,grind or hustle like a man. Keeps her independence and knows her worth.
A go getter . Not afraid to challenge life. A money magnetic .
Everything about her says ( BB $) I keep my Boss bitch status at all times.
by Kisha Rogers /BB$ July 21, 2016
I'd like to have sex with my girlfriend BB but she is afraid of getting pregnant .
"Have you looked up the news on the BBS today?"
by Wuyshsksnbsbsbabs November 20, 2019

BBS is an acronym for Belligerent Boys Summer - note that it is pronounced "Beta Beta Sigma." The term was coined in Boston during the summer of '22 and refers to a summer filled with general ignancy and shenanigans such as chugging Steel Reserve with the boys.
Guy One: Hey what if we figured out how to shotgun a 42 ouncer of Steel Reserve then ass branded ourselves with ΝΣΕ?
Guy Two: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Guy One: Sir I'll have you know its BBS!
Guy Two: Oh yeah good point , let's do it!
Burning butthole syndrome: after you eat spicy food like taco Bell
I have BBS after that Taco Bell run
1. Acronym for Be Back Soon. Used in chatrooms, IMs and the like to indicate to others that you will be AFK/offline/gone for a period of time that is too long to just say brb, but not long enough to warrant a bbl ; usually 10-30 minutes. 2. Acronym for Bulletin Board System, the predecessors to forums. Pulsar is an example of a BBS - it was founded in Belgium and was the first to use HTML pages.
1. (In an IM convertsation) "Hey my dad's calling me, BBS" 2. " Do you remember Pulsar ?" -"That old BBS? Yeah, it was pretty cool."
BBS, an abreviation of Bulletin Board System now more commonly known as Forums . BBS are usually found on the Internet but Network based BBS are often used by large businesses.
Jane Doe : Omg, I just ate the most spicy food ever...
John Doe : Shit! Really? Did you let it out ?
Jane Doe: Yea and I had BBS for a week!!!
John Doe: Yum
Big Bag Syndrome- Where your bag is too big for you (normally associated with small people )
BBS is an acronym for Bitches be Schemin. In reference to a member of the female race in general.

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Booty Bay (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Blythe Baxter (fictional character)
Base on Balls, Walk (baseball scoring)
Bubba Bomb (wrestling finishing move)
Bubble Buddy (Spongebob Squarepants cartoon)
Butcherblock Mountains (Everquest game)
Nickname of Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli prime minister)

Hairy Cunt Close Ups
Finger Till Cum
Eve Hewson Tits

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