Urban Dictionary 420 Friendly

Urban Dictionary 420 Friendly


Urban Dictionary 420 Friendly
To add to the definition regarding " The Waldos ," I'd like to note that in an article of High Times containing an interview with the waldos , one of them told this story:
We had heard rumors that one of the members brothers had planted a pot patch in the wooded area around town. We all wanted to go look for this patch of weed, so we devised to meet eachother by the statue of Louis Pasteur after school. Since we all had after school activities or electives that lasted about fifty minutes, and since it took about ten minutes to get from school to our after school activities, and another ten minutes to walk from the activites to the statue. Since there were many of us we decided that 420 would be a good time to meet so we could go search for the patch of pot. We never did find it, but we had lots of fun getting high while trying to look for it.
Therefore, when they were at school, when they saw eachother between classes they would secretively say "420" and maybe give the thumb-and-pointer-finger-to-the-mouth sign to indicate that that was when they would meet to look for the weed patch. Since the waldos were such legendary potheads, when people who were not waldos saw this, it caught on and they assumed it was a secret code word for pot.
by Darius Sunofovich January 1, 2005
The term 420 is used widely in Cannabis culture as a time to get high, a national day to get high, and cannabis itself.

There are a lot of different theories about how the word was first invented:

:: San Rafael theroy ::
In the early 1970's, a group of teenagers who attended San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California used to get high every day at 4:20 in the afternoon under the Louis Pasteur statue.

:: Bob Dylan theroy ::
In Bob Dylan's song, 'Rainy Day Women #12 && 35,' the lyrics contain 'everybody must get stoned.' 420 comes from the title, as 12 * 35 = 420.

:: Highway 420 ::
In Ontario, Canada in the 60's, marijuana grew freely on one of the Highways. This highway was later renamed in 1972 as Highway 420.

:: The Date 4/20 ::
April 20th is coincidentally (or not..) the birthday of Adolf Hitler who was born on April 20, 1889 . It is also interesting to note that the Columbine High School shootings also occured on this date in 1999.

There are many other theories that have been debunked such as the Bob Marley theroy and the Police Code theroy.
You: "Yo, dude.. it's April 20th - let's go smoke over there!"
Me: "You also realize that today is Hitler's birthday? Let's go throw some rocks at passing Volkswagen's while smoking mary jane! After all.. hitler invented the VW Beetle "
You: "GOOD IDEA! This is gonna be the best 420 ever!!"
1)Noun: The time of day for ritual/social smoking of herb . Usually there's enough time to be prepared well to start(inviting friends, driving around , buying stuff, etc).
2)Noun: Herb
" Dude, IT'S ALMOST 420 .. FUCK! Light up right here man."
" This is some high quality 4. 2.0 .
who really cares ...it's 420 right now !!!
Happy 420!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roll it up Light it up Smoke it up Inhale Ehale
420 is april 20 the day to smoke your best bud, or national pot smoking day. It all started with a bunch of teenagers called the Waldos .
stoners mental math 4+20 = 420.... lets go smoke.
Code for homicide. From CSI, but is the actual police code used by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
419 = Dead Body
419A = Drowned Person
420 = Homicide
420A = Murder/Non-negligent homicide
420B = Manslaughter
420Z = Attempted homicide
421 = Sick or injured
421A = Mentally ill person
422 = Sick or injured Officer

710 friendly means hash oil friendly. The 710 looks like the word oil when you flip it over in reverse.
Xander Grim is 420/710 friendly, but only fucks with dro .

What’s the Meaning of β€˜420’ in Cannabis Culture?
The Most update 420 Slang Terms (2022)
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Ever got that feeling,Β you know… the one where you have no idea what you’re fellow stoner friend has just said. You nod as if you understood, but you simply didn’t understand a word that was said. It seems like the words coming out of his mouth are complete Chinese.
Well, here at WayofLeaf we’re about to make things much clearer.Β Here’s a rundown on some of the most common slang used in the Marijuana industry.
A-bomb – marijuana and heroin smoked in cigarette
Acapulco gold – marijuana from S.W.Mexico
African woodbine – marijuana cigarette
Alice B. Toklas – marijuana brownie
Amp joint – marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic
Assassin of Youth – marijuana (from 1930’s film of same name)
B – amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox
B-40 – cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in
Bad seed – peyote; heroin; marijuana
Bite one’s lips- to smoke marijuana
Black gold – high potency marijuana
Black mote – marijuana mixed with honey
Blast a joint – to smoke marijuana
Blast a roach – to smoke marijuana
Blow one’s roof – to smoke marijuana
Bogart a joint – salivate on a marijuana cigarette; refuse to share
Bong – pipe used to smoke marijuana
Budda – potent marijuana spiked with opium
Cambodian red – marijuana from Cambodia
Chips – tobacco or marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP
Chiba chiba – high potency marijuana from Columbia
Chicago black – marijuana, term from Chicago
Christmas tree – marijuana; depressant; amphetamine
Chronic – marijuana; marijuana mixed with crack
Citrol – high potency marijuana, from Nepal
Colas – marijuana flowing tops (Spanish=tails)
Culican – high potency marijuana from Mexico
Dimba – marijuana from West Africa
Dirt grass – inferior quality marijuana
Ditch weed – marijuana inferior quality, Mexican
Dope – heroin; marijuana; any other drug
Dust – heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals
Dusting – adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana
El diablito – marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP
El diablo – marijuana, cocaine and heroin
Fallbrook redhair – marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA
Fiend – someone who smokes marijuana alone
Fly Mexican airlines – to smoke marijuana
Fry daddy – crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with crack
Fuel – marijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP
Fuma D’Angola – marijuana (Portugese term)
Golden leaf – very high quality marijuana
Green – inferior quality marijuana; PCP; ketamine
Gunney sack – marijuana (from sacks made with hemp fiber)
Happy cigarette – marijuana cigarette
Hawaiian – very high potency marijuana
Herb and Al – marijuana and alcohol
Hit – crack; marijuana cigarette; to smoke marijuana
Honey blunts – marijuana cigars sealed with honey
Hookah – Middle Eastern water pipe used for smoking tobacco or marijuana
Hubbly bubbly – hookah; a Middle Eastern water pipe used for smoking tobacco or marijuana
Indo – marijuana, term from Northern CA
Jim Jones – marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP
Juice joint – marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Killer weed – (1980s) marijuana and PCP
Little smoke – marijuana; psilocybin/psilocin
Love boat – marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP
Lovelies – marijuana laced with PCP
Matchbox – 1/4 ounce of marijuana or 6 marijuana cigarettes
Monte – marijuana from South America
Munchies – symptoms of intense hunger after marijuana use
Pack of rocks – marijuana cigarette
Panatella – large marijuana cigarette
Paper blunts – marijuana within a paper casing rather than a tobacco leaf casing
Phillies Blunt – cigar hollowed out and filled with marijuana
Pipe – crack pipe; marijuana pipe; vein into which a drug is injected
Primo – crack; marijuana mixed with crack
Puff the dragon – to smoke marijuana
Ragweed – inferior quality marijuana; heroin
Roach – butt of marijuana cigarette
Roach clip – holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette
Sinsemilla – potent variety marijuana
Smoke – heroin and crack; crack; marijuana
Square mackerel – marijuana, term from Florida
Squirrel – smoking cocaine, marijuana and PCP; LSD
Thai sticks – bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil;
marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo
Toke – to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Up against the stem – addicted to smoking marijuana
Wollie – rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette
Woolah – a hollowed out cigar refilled with marijuana and crack
Woolas – cigarette laced with cocaine;
marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Woolies – marijuana amd crack or PCP
Wooly blunts – marijuana and crack or PCP
Zacatecas purple – marijuana from Mexico
Zig Zag man – LSD; marijuana; marijuana rolling papers
Zooie – holds butt of marijuana cigarette
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360 Friend'ly Right-on Wordage 1. An advanced form of 420 friendly
2. 360 Friendly is cool with all mood altering substances
3. 360 friendly is a person who doesnt care what drugs you do as long as they can do some too.
She pulled out the crack pipe and I said damn !!! Im down. Im 360 friendly . Now lets roll these white dice on this stained mattress. Hey man. I dont judge. Im Cool 360 all around but you need pants on to enter sir.

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