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Pavlov Denis. Bezrukov Anatoly. Kozlov Mikhail. Postnikov Rostislav. Podolsky Yuriy. Efimov Anton. Dobrynina Svetlana. Experienced in efficient management and comprehensive legal support of large-scale and multi-level corporate conflicts with dozens of simultaneous civil and administrative cases in arbitration commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction, as well as criminal cases with economic components, in different regions all over Russia. Regularly improves his competence and skills in the sphere of negotiations, psychology, and conflict management. Major areas of expertise: representation of large foreign and Russian companies in courts of general jurisdiction and commercial courts in a wide range of economic disputes. Scientific interests: arbitral proceedings rules of evidence, submission of evidence, review of judgements etc. Author of the monograph entitled «Prejudicial Connection of Legal Acts» and of a series of publications in specialized scientific editions. Expert activity: participates in drafting and examining laws and regulations of the Russian Federation. Competent and experienced in handling corporate disputes, bankruptcy, criminal cases with economic components;. Became a nominee in Litigation and Financial Institutions by a prestigious international rating Best Lawyers in Russia , Edition ;. Urals Legal Attorneys-at-Law specializes on legal consulting and legal representation in corporate disputes and bankruptcy. Founding partners have more than 15 years of experience in this area. We have become one of the biggest Russian legal offices thanks to 12 years of successful development and active team-building. Thanks to many years of experience we have managed to elaborate and develop basic juridical practices necessary for business that allow us to find solutions to the key problems using the resources of our team. We elaborate and bring to life a complex of juridical measures that lead to an advantageous result for a Principal in every particular case. The level of projects accomplished by the Office is constantly rising. Today these are projects with a high intellectual component with the cost starting from a few dozens of millions up to billions of rubles. Diligent and responsible attitude to our obligations and stable high quality of the service provided make the basis of our business reputation. At present Urals Legal unites more than 40 highly-qualified attorneys working for offices in Moscow, Ekaterinburg and Tyumen. We always engage several specialists for every single project. Such approach allows us: — to use a complex approach while studying any situation and find a tailored solution to a problem; — to dispense properly time and effort of employees and to save time and money of the Principal; — to constantly exchange the experience, to accumulate professional skills and ideas. Vast experience and high level of competences create excellent conditions for a professional growth for any member of our team. Many of our employees started their careers in Urals Legal as students and now they are highly-qualified specialists. Our system of vocational training enjoys a deserved trust: every year dozens of students from the best Law universities pass their study courses in Urals Legal. Efficiently oversees comprehensive support on tax control measures both at the stage of preliminary analysis and during tax control including in conflict. Effectively represents principals in court on tax disputes and in criminal cases on tax evasion and related offences. Has considerable experience in tax and corporate structuring, in legal routing of holding group investment flows. Additionally specialized in comprehensive risk assessment of atypical transactions including with a foreign element. Successfully experienced in legal support in bankruptcy cases transactions challenge, recovery of damages, bringing to subsidiary liability. Effectively represents principals in atypical labor disputes, complexly supports internal organisations activity in labor relations and relations directly linked to them, including use of alternative out-of-court conflict resolution methods. Specialized in corporations legal support, oversees a wide range of issues connected to the principals entrepreneurship including bankruptcy, antitrust and public procurement legislation. Has considerable experience in litigation related to family disputes including property division, children location and communication order determination, inheritance cases. Specialization: family law bankruptcy antitrust law. Oversees comprehensive projects in corporate and bankruptcy law spheres, develops strategies of business protection and legal risks management. Advises foreign and internal firms on the wide range of issues in commercial law; extensive experienced in competitive intelligence conducting. Has more than 8 years of practical experience in criminal law. The main specialization lays on criminal and civil branches interaction, including criminal proceedings with economic components, official malfeasance, fraud and other forms of theft. Participated in preparation of federal level regulations drafts in business entities rights protection sphere. Specialization: criminal proceedings with economic components and official malfeasance. Specialized in legal support of bankruptcy contestation of deals, recovery of damages, claims for subsidiary liability. Expert activity: participated in preparation of notes on Scientific Advisory Council to the Arbitration Court of the Ural District recommendations. Specialization: bankruptcy corporate disputes defense in economic crimes cases. Specializes in principals representation in court on corporate disputes, bankruptcy cases separate disputes for transactions challenge, recovery of damages, bringing controlling persons to subsidiary liability, bankruptcy participants protection during tender contesting , cases related to improper performance of contractual obligations. Mamina-Sibiriaka, , office 8. Telegram info uralslegal. About the Law Office Urals Legal Attorneys-at-Law specializes on legal consulting and legal representation in corporate disputes and bankruptcy. Lawyers of our Bureau At present Urals Legal unites more than 40 highly-qualified attorneys working for offices in Moscow, Ekaterinburg and Tyumen. Tax Law Tax Business framework; Consulting on tax risks optimization; Representation of interests in courts of various instances on tax disputes. Geography We represent our Principals all over Russia. Oudweg 4, CH Almer. Екатеринбург, ул. Комсомольская, Тюмень ул. Володарского, 6. Комсомольская, 21, офис Толмачева, 7. Москва, ул. Мясницкая, д. Участие в студенческих научных и иных мероприятиях. Рекомендации от бывших работодателей doc, docx, pdf, jpg, odt, не более 2mb. Владение справочными правовыми системами, иными программами, наличие водительских прав и др. Ваши работы doc, docx, pdf, odt, не более 2mb. Нажимая на кнопку 'Отправить', вы даете согласие на обработку своих персональных данных. Your application has been successfully sent. Please expect a call from a specialist.

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