Ups mdma

Ups mdma

Ups mdma

Ups mdma

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How to Preload for best experience, and Postload to prevent hangover. Staying hydrated is very important when dancing, drink water to prevent Heatstroke , and replenish your electrolytes with salty snacks! If you are on any of these, but not limited to, medications, it is wise to stop taking them for a few weeks before ingesting MDMA. Buy a test kit! Places with free lab testing! No talking about where or how to buy MDMA or other illegal substances. This includes discussing specific markets, vendors or places or linking to them. Failure to follow this rule may result in a perm-ban. No talking about how to synthesize MDMA or other illegal substances. This includes but is not limited to talking about where to get precursors, recipes or lab equipment. ReagentTesting - dedicated to providing accurate information about testing drugs. Best post UPS pills self. Hi everyone, posting this on another account but long time lurker here. Anybod know what the successors are to the UPS pills and if the mdma content is the same? I posted this too a few days ago. So far I feel everything is slightly under UPS but legos get me pretty good and orange teslas didnt disappoint. Trying GTA next saturda! Yeah, only problem with the legos is they look difficult to correctly take half. The rest do look sweet though. I still got 3 of them red ups bad boys sitting in closet. Marking days until I can consume. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Know what it is you are ingesting! Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Want to add to the discussion?

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