Unleashing the Power of Two 2️⃣
👓 Irene Benjamin MngutyoUnleashing the Power of Two 2️⃣
✅ Marriage was planned and ➕ instituted by God with no input 🔣 from the participating members. The path to navigating the murky waters 🌊 of marriage lies 🤥 in maintaining free 🆓 communication channels between the couple 👫 and ➕ God. Couples 👩❤️💋👨 in the past who did not ❌️ use these channels have plunged humanity into a lot of chaos. This book 📚️ interrogates the means and ➕ methods used by God; it x-rays ☀️ consequence of poor communication in marriages and ➕ contemporary challenges to the institution.
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