Universal rules for Xiaomeme/Poco groups

Universal rules for Xiaomeme/Poco groups


This is a mega rule list for all Xiaomeme/Poco groups. It is a mandatory requirement for this rule list to be used in all groups that come under Xiaomeme network of groups and federation/Poco Alliance Federation.

Along with the usual rules for members, there are a set of rules stated below for admins which must be taken seriously by every admin to make moderation simple, clutter-free and meaningful in all groups rather than having obsolete different rules for every group with each admin having different styles of moderation, which makes maintaining the group clean tough altogether.

Violation of any rule will lead to a warn and two warns will lead to a ban, rules marked with "!" will lead to a direct ban when violated.

Rules for all members:

1. English only

2. No ETAs whatsoever. That means you are not allowed to ask about release dates.

3. ! Constructive criticism and disagreements are welcome, but all discussions should be civil, kind, and thoughtful. Respect all the fellow members, admins, device maintainers and developers, if you have issues with a person, ignore their existence and fight in pm. Being disrespectful will lead to a direct ban.

4. ! No NSFW/pornography is allowed neither in the main chat nor off topic chat of the respective group.

5. Off topic is allowed till an extent, if it's beyond that 'extent', go continue in the off topic group (#ot)

6. ! No piracy, you'll be banned without notice even if found to be encouraging piracy and not 'actually' doing piracy.

7. Users with disrespectful, NSFW or disturbing profile pictures (s) in resemblance, depicting or characterizing materials or beings (living or dead) shall be instructed to change or remove the profile picture, failing to do so will result in a ban.

8. ! No promotion of any sort, feel free to use to "@admin" command to report spammers.

9. Don't forward any ROM from any channel randomly, this is no less than promotion

10. Keep your name simple and avoid characters that are too eye catching or distracting. Any normal ASCII characters are fine. It can be your real name in your language if it uses different characters. It's fine to use emojis. Characters that are bigger than the line they are in should be avoided (but are not generally banned). If an admin finds your name to be too distracting in a per case decision, you will be asked to change it.

11. Magisk modules that claim to optimise, enhance performance, disable battery temperature check, thermal disablers, or charging speed enhancers are dangerous for the phone hardware and as such, it is not recommended to use them, or to recommend them to others. If you decide to use such modules, it will be at your own risk and support won't be provided thereafter.

Rules for admins:

0. Goes without saying: being an admin doesn't make you a dictator. Be nice to people. Respect all members and fellow admins.

1. Do not unban members banned by other admins, it is disrespectful to the admin who originally banned.

2. While taking action against a user, state the reason descriptively to avoid confusion when the banned/warned/muted user contacts any other admin asking for the ban/warn reason.

3. When someone reports a spammer and you ban or take any other form of action towards them, make sure to delete the message of the person who used the / report command and the bot's command followed. Saves an unnecessary tag given to all the other admins.

4. Stickers, GIFs, media and links are locked overnight (GMT +5:30) by an automated userbot to prevent spam, admins are not encouraged not to tinker with the locking mechanism. However, admins may temporarily unlock media (and media alone) for troubleshooting users' issues at night while the admin is actively online. It is the sole responsibility of the admin to moderate the chat during the unlock period and it will not be taken lightly in the event of forgetting to lock everything before going afk and may lead to a revocation of admin status, either temporarily as a timeout or permanently.

Guidelines for developers:

1. Promoting modified OEM stock software (ROM or apps) or/and any GPL licensed software (kernels) that are paid/patreon or requires payment by any means will get you a warn regardless of whether or not you're the developer of the same. Not only will the user get a warn, but the porter/seller will get a blacklist from the designated device channel, so any ROM builds from that person, even free won't be posted in the channel.

2. Overclocking of any sort is strictly condemned and warrants a blacklist of the ROM/kernel in both the particular group and channel.

Report Page