United, White And Proud

United, White And Proud

Белый шум
Девятый Вал White Power (2002)

Коловрат - United, White And Proud

Skins in the Midwest shooting it out

Showing all the niggers what it's all about

Confederate skins are stabbing their trash

United, White & Proud - ready to bash


United, White & Proud - Proud to be White

United, White & Proud - Ready to fight

United, White & Proud - On the attack

United, White & Proud - Gonna take our nation back

East coast crew are bashing the fags

Smashing local homos dressed up in drag

Northern skins getting stronger everyday

United, White & Proud - leading the way


United, White & Proud - Proud to be White

United, White & Proud - Ready to fight

United, White & Proud - On the attack

United, White & Proud - Gonna take our nation back

Skins in the West beating the scum

Causing all the muds to be on the run

American skinhead is ready for war

United, White & Proud - we'll even the score


United, White & Proud - Proud to be White

United, White & Proud - Ready to fight

United, White & Proud - On the attack

United, White & Proud - Gonna take our nation back

United, White & Proud - Proud to be White

United, White & Proud - Ready to fight

United, White & Proud - On the attack

United, White & Proud - Gonna take our nation back

Тексты песен группы "Коловрат"

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