United Kingdom - География и экономическая география презентация

United Kingdom - География и экономическая география презентация

The study of geographic location, topography and population of Great Britain. Transport, religion, sports in United Kingdom. The Government of England - the parliament, based on the Westminster system. The political role of the monarch in a unitary state.

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United Kingdom of Great Britain is an island nation in the north-west Europe. Four "historical provinces" is in contain of State: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Locks and Architectural building of United Kingdom of Great Britain. презентация [23,5 M], добавлен 02.04.2015
Administrative division and state system of Great Britain. The country population, a population and ethnic structure. Historical places of interest, big cities, London - the British capital. A geographical position, the nature, a relief and a climate. презентация [5,7 M], добавлен 16.01.2010
Geographical location Unated Kingdom. The cities of the Great Britain. London – as the British capital and one of the most biggest cities in the world. Belfast as a city of the east coast of Ireland. Wales - one of the components of the United Kingdom. презентация [3,6 M], добавлен 23.01.2014
History of the city of London - the capital of the United Kingdom. London is economic, political and cultural center. Places of interest of London. The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famous buildings. Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament. презентация [1013,7 K], добавлен 25.05.2013
Queen - the head of state. The role of the Queen in the political and social life. Queen in Parliament - the official name of the British legal system. The monarch as "supreme leader" of the Anglican Church and the Supreme Commander of the army. реферат [12,5 K], добавлен 20.04.2015
Geography and the climate of the Great Britain. The history of the formation and development of the state. The figures of the country's policy. Level of economic development and industries. Demographic characteristics. The education and culture of the UK. курс лекций [117,9 K], добавлен 12.11.2014
The study of attractions in the United Kingdom of great Britain. Trafalgar Square is one of them and it is in the centre of the West End. St. Paul's Cathedral the greatest of English churches. London is one of the most famous capital cities of the world. презентация [6,7 M], добавлен 05.06.2015
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