Une brunette acrobate sur une bite

Une brunette acrobate sur une bite


Une brunette acrobate sur une bite

Trio de jeunes d’acrobates en plein numéro sur une plage.

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Artisan africain aux cheveux blancs

Artisan africain aux cheveux blancs

Outils traditionnels de récolte du cacao, à Soubré, dans l’ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Outils traditionnels de récolte du cacao, à Soubré, dans l’ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Jeune africain dans un état découragé

Jeune africain dans un état découragé

Flûtes vides scintillantes sur une table

Flûtes vides scintillantes sur une table

Design intérieur d’une chambre luxueuse

Design intérieur d’une chambre luxueuse

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Cartes Pokémon : sortie d’un nouveau coffret Ultra Premium ...
Belle atitude sur cette image avec un traitement qui m’apparaît un peu dur...
Je préfère la première, là ça devient un peu confus dans la posture...
Je vote aussi pour la 1, plus lisible.
Alligator427.67 a écrit: Je préfère la première, là ça devient un peu confus dans la posture... malgré un fond un peu "bruité"
SCALPA a écrit: Ton traitement est dur, c'est voulu? La posture est belle, et la contre plongée rajoute un plus.
Sujet: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Ven 10 Juil 2020 - 8:08
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Ven 10 Juil 2020 - 8:41
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Ven 10 Juil 2020 - 13:19
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Ven 10 Juil 2020 - 13:34
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Ven 10 Juil 2020 - 21:07
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 0:11
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 0:38
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 11:01
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 14:39
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mar 14 Juil 2020 - 16:22
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mer 15 Juil 2020 - 5:58
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Mer 15 Juil 2020 - 21:36
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Jeu 16 Juil 2020 - 11:02
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Jeu 16 Juil 2020 - 20:17
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  Jeu 16 Juil 2020 - 21:10
Sujet: Re: Sur une tige. + l'acrobate.  
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Parfait. Très beau travail ! Je l'attends avec impatience... Encore merci. ..Bien reçu le tableau ce matin et je tiens à féliciter une nouvelle fois la personne qui…
Pour ma part, je trouve cette réalisation très réussie. Très bon travail. Vous pouvez le mettre en expédition. Merci.
C'est excellent,vous pouvez procéder à la livraison.
Oui parfait pour le tableau, vous pouvez l'envoyer.
La commande me convient très bien Vous pouvez programmer la livraison
Hallo, sie konnen die Gemälde senden. Danke im voraus,
Le résultat des 3 tableaux semble satisfaisant et proche des originaux. Vous pouvez programmer la livraison.
Vous pouvez procéder à la livraison, la peinture me convient. Merci de votre travail.
Les photos du tableau me conviennent. Vous pouvez prendre livraison.
Le tableau est bien merci. Pour ce qui est de la livraison, je suis actuellement en voyage et rentre à Nice le 5 juin. Pourriez-vous planifier une livraison pour le…
Oui vous pouvez procéder à la livraison. Votre travail me convient.
je viens sur ce site pour la première fois appret avoir vue le film de lili elbe qui ma très touché j ais voulue voir ces peinture que je trouve très ravissante j e…
Merci pour cette présentation du tableau. Il correspond à nos attentes. Vous pouvez procéder à l'expédition.
He recibido la pintura.Maravillosamente pintada.Les felicito no sólo por el arte que atesoráis sino también por lo bien que tratáis al cliente. Enhorabuena y gracia…
Hola, quisiera saber que técnica : oleo, pastel... tiene la foto de esta pintura.Un saludo
peut-on utiliser une copie de cette peinture pour une publication?
Il y a quelques jours déjà que j'ai reçu vos peintures je vouslais vous signaler que je trouve la qualité intéressante avec tous mes remerciements. Je prépare autre…
Je tenais à vous informer que j'avais bien reçu le tableau commandé. Merci pour votre disponibilité tout au long du processus de ma commande. Je n'hésiterais pas à …
Bonjour, j'ai bien reçu votre tableau et vous en remercie. Je vous donne rendez-vous pour une future commande. Cordialement Bagues Gauré, France
J'ai bien reçu le tableau. Il est magnifique !!! Merci beaucoup. Je vais recommander votre site à mes amis. Michel ALBAR VAUREAL - FRANCE
The work is beautiful. The picture looks more fine than the original work Antonio Blanchard did. I like the work a lot and I want to keep ordering stuff.
We are in Hawaii enjoying this wonderful Island. By the time I get back the painting will be there. What a wonderful time that will be. I thank you from the bottom …
The painting looks good. Yes, you can make framing and arrange shipping at this time. His servant and yours,
I just received it. It looks great! Thanks.
This looks great based on the pictures. Yes, please make framing and arrange shipment. Thanks so much
It looks fantastic. Go ahead and ship. Thanks
everything out look great! How long it takes for shipping? Thanks
Wow It looks beautiful when it dries you can send it to me thank you so much! I really appreciate how you respond and update for everything thanks
The picture looks great. I still have a total of 10 pictures I want to order in the near future. I will pay Today! Thank you
This looks great! Thank you so much... It looks Amazing! I know this is not in your power but if I could get it by the end of next week that would be amazing! Thank…
It looks great! You can send it. Thank you so much!!!
Received the last painting today. It look beautiful we are very pleased. We thank you from the bottom of our heart and we thank the most talented artists/proffesors…
Looks lovely. Everthing looks much more vibrant. I am very pleased. Can't wait to have it in the house. Please give our thanks to the professor. He did do a great …
Looks great from the pictures on my phone. Yes please ship!
I just made the payment on the balance. Please see below. I want to thank you and your professors for such on outstanding job. We are so very happy with the results…
Twoday we received both the paintings that were sent. They look lovely, we are very pleased with the results. Once we hang them I will sewnd you some pictures of h…
Looks good. Please thank the artists for the great job on both paintings. A special thanks to you for your patience.
Both paintings look very nice. ... Again, thanks for the opportunity to give my input. This is a great part of your service.
Nice one, it has been nicely retouched and definately better than the first version. That looks great I think. Yes, arrange shipping via Fedex please...once I get t…
I received it yesterday. I can't stop looking at it (that's how I am in museums). It's stunning and thank you for giving me a way to hang it without a frame. It loo…
The painting arrived safely this afternoon. I must compliment your firm on your excellent packaging. I am delighted with the painting and would like to thank all…
Looks good. Please thank the artists for their fine work and patience...It’s been awhile since my last purchase and with these three paintings my walls are just abo…
It looks good, thanks. You can go ahead and ship.
Thank you, It looks great. The extra detail at the lower left looks good. Thank you so much, and please extend my gratitude to the artist(s). Please send shipping i…
Thank you for sending me the image. I am delighted with the painting and please proceed to stetch the painting.
Today we received one painting of the boy with the tiger skin. It looks absouletly beautiful, we are very greatful.
Yes, we did receive the painting. I can not believe how talented your artist is. The paintings are incredibly beautiful. I stand front of them constantly staring an…
It looks beautiful. Our compliments to the artists, they are extremely talented. Please have both pieces framed. We can't wait to see these on our walls.
It looks fabulous!!! I am so very pleased. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please let the artist know that he has done a great job. All the best.
We would like thank you for sending us the picture. The painting looks fine. If it is shipped now, Will we be able to receive it before the 18th of april? From the …
This is the best attempt at reproducing the painting at this price point that I have seen. It must be very difficult to reproduce accurately as I have seen some pre…
The painting is great, please arrange shipping.
It seems very successful !!! I'm waiting to discover the other painting.
Picture looks great please go ahead and send it, just package it so it arrives safe. Thank you; look forward to ordering our next painting from you.
I received the paining and it great!
Painting looks nice, you can send it. Invoice under 20USD.
The painting looks great. Yes, please ship it ASAP to the address I listed in my order. Thank you, Courtney Pawlak
I just received by DHL my painting and I am excited about the beauty and quality of it. Thank you so much!
Looks great, thank you! please arrange shipment now! I am very happy with it! Regards, Beatrice
I really like. Thank you for sending it to me as soon as possible.
Your job seems of good quality. You can send me this picture.
Great looks good - please send. When should I expect to receive it? Thank you!
From what I can see on the photo attached to your email, you did a good job.
the painting just arrived and it is just phantastic. Thank you so much! I am more than happy with it! Best regards, Beatrice
Yes, this looks good. Please ship it, and then when can I expect it to arrive? Thank you, Kristen
The painting looks good to me and I'm happy for it to be shipped. Thanks, Vladimir
thank you so much. The painting looks just g r e a t!! Please arrange now the shipment, Regards, Beatrice
I received the two paintings, Il’s a superbe and awesome art of work, Thanks, Maxim
Looks Great!!! Please ship. Thanks, Heath
It looks good. Yes, please arrange shipping Thank you
It looks fine, thank you. Please ship anytime now.
Thank you. It is beautiful! We appreciate your hard work and look forward to seeing it hanging in our house. Have a great day, Michele
Thank you very much for creating so beautiful a painting. I cannot wait to receive it.
The painting looks very nice! You may go ahead with framing and shipping. Thank you! Dawn
Nice! They are amazingo. Please go ahead!
I am happy with the picture of venice that i have purchased. Thanks. Luca.
The painting looks pretty good to me. Thanks.
The painting looks very nice. Please go ahead and ship it to me. Thank you, Suzanne Phillips
Looks good. Arrange shipment. Thanks. Bob H.
Thank you, the painting is fine. Kindly ship it. Sincerely, Mario
Looks fine, please proceed with the shipment. Yung Chen
The picture looks great. I'm excited to see it in person. Please continue with shipping. Thank you
Looks good, can you give my the dimensions with the frame in inches? Thanks. Can hardly wait to see the next one. Dallas
Approved, Looks great! Thank you, Mirna
The painting was awesome. Thank you so much for make my friends wedding gift a success. Awesome work to all who made this happen. As well as the painter who comple…
Thank you! It looks really good! Yes, please arrange shipment now. Best regards, Alexander
The picture is looking fabulous. I'm very happy with the result. Kind regards, Angus
The picture as shown in the attachement looks excelent.I'm extremely happy with the result.
It's gorgeous!!! Yes, do you have all of my shipping information? Thank you,
It looks great!!! Please proceed with stretching and shipment. Thank you very much, Andrew Horn
These photos look beautiful. Thank you so much! Yes please. Frame and ship. Kathleen Henry
It looks very nice. Thank you for allowing us to check it out before shipping. We are looking forward to receiving this beautiful piece of art. Sincerely, Robert an…
The painting looks great. Yes go ahead with framing. Thank you. June
The painting looks very nice. I can't see any problems with it. My husband Robert and I are looking forward to hanging it in our home. We are very excited. Thank yo…
Yes, please ship the picture. I am very pleased with what I see in the photo provided. I am looking forward to seeing the actual canvas. Paul
It looks so very nice!!! Thank you. Yes, you can arrange shipment
Une double pénétration pour une brune chaude
Branlette en POV
Une ado très salope au téléphone

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