Undisputed Proof You Need Female Rabbit Vibrator

Undisputed Proof You Need Female Rabbit Vibrator

Female Rabbit Vibrator

A rabbit vibrator is a fantastic toy for those who love sexually stimulating toys. These classic vibrations combine G-spot penetration with the clitoral stimulation to provide mixed orgasms.

Choosing the best rabbit for you is a matter of comparing to your personal preferences. Consider skin-safe materials, and other functions such pulsing and thrusting remote controls, rotating beads and more.


Rabbit vibrators have an external arm that is designed to vibrate on the clitoris as you insert the internal part. The design is perfect for those who wish to feel both external and internal stimulation simultaneously. Unlike internal vibrators that can be uncomfortable or hard to get used to, a rabbit-shaped vibrator is generally comfortable and easy to use straight out of the box. You can choose a model that has a gentle curve so it fits inside your body. It also has a slim arm that makes penetration more enjoyable.

The phallic-shaped rabbit became famous in 1998 after being featured on the TV show Sex and the City, they're now an integral part of the vibrator community. They're available in a variety of sizes and shapes, from small to large. Some brands have even created smaller versions of this popular toy that are more discrete than other vibrators. Many rabbit vibrators feature rotating beads that provide additional sensations.

The most modern and up-to-date rabbit vibrations are powered by powerful motors and offer up to 50+ vibrational settings. They're usually composed of a jelly-like substance or silicone which is more hygienic and safe for your body than rubber. female rabbit vibrator is a material that is able to hold heat, and does not possess the rubbery smell some people dislike. You can buy rabbit-shaped vibrating toys that are waterproof so you can play with them while in the shower or bathtub.

If you're a Miranda or Charlotte--or somewhere between, a rabbit vibrator could be just what you need to increase your sexual pleasure to the next level. However, before you decide to add this item in your collection, keep in mind the most important rule that you should always have a good bottle of lube on hand. Add water-based liquid lubricant to any external stimulator. This includes a rabbit vibration. It will decrease friction and make the experience more enjoyable. It is particularly important to use a rabbit vibrator when you are experiencing clitoral or anal stimuli.

Clitoral Stimulation

The shorter part of a rabbit-style vibrator is meant to stroke your clitoris, stimulating the G-spot--an internal vaginal sensitivity area located at the front of the vulva that some women find extremely enjoyable. The clitoral stimulation of the rabbit vibration is usually extremely intense, but the sensation can also be turned down to achieve your preferred level of stimulation. These toys let you mix the vibrations of the clitoral and the penetrative feeling that is provided by the longer arm. This can result in an amazing mix of orgasms when you penetrate.

The combination of pleasure and pleasure is what makes rabbit vibrations so popular. It's basically the love child of the dildo and a device for clitoral stimulation. The dildo shape of the rabbit-style vibration device allows for the possibility of penetration while the other arm, or "rabbit ears," can be used for anal stimulation. The stimulation of two areas with a high concentration of nerves of the body at once increases the chances of an ensuing climax that is blended. This is why these vibrations are ideal for couples who like to play with their anals.

Rabbit-style vibrators can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as include additional features like thrusting or apps-controlled functions. Before making a purchase you must consider the type of penetration and clitoral stimulation you want. Different sex toys suit different purposes.

You'll also want to consider how sexy the rabbit ambiance is. Many of these toys are made of jelly (polyvinyl chloride) and rubber, silicone or latex, and some have a sexy scent that some users like very much. These products are soft and flexible, that allow them to easily slide into the vagina. They also provide an incredibly pleasant sensation.

Some models of rabbit-style vibrators include an internal wand that is fixed in place while others feature a stubbier external nub that can be moved around to the desired place. This flexibility is beneficial, as it can give the user more control over their experience. It can make the toys more accessible to certain people, since the nub needs to be placed differently to reach both the clitoral and vaginal regions.


The ability of rabbit vibrators to stimulate more than one erogenous area is the primary reason why they are so popular. Their internal stimulator, which is curvaceous, typically delivers vibration directly to the G-spot, while their external shaft curves up and around the clitoris, stimulating the area in different ways and at different intensities. Lisa Finn, a sex educator, suggests that these dual-action toys can be used to induce blended orgasms.

For a powerful, compact rabbit look you should check out Miss Bii. This toy for sex has two motors with independent vibrations in the shorter shafts and arms (which can be controlled separately), and it's fully waterproof so you can use it either vaginally or as anally. Make sure to use plenty of lubricant as the vibrations can create more friction, particularly at first.

Start with the wand that is external in case you are just beginning. Once you are comfortable inserting the inner part, you can test the thrusting functions. You'll feel the difference immediately because it feels more intense than simple flutters. Experimenting with positioning can also be fun--try straddling a pillow or surface and squatting to find the areas that feel most pleasurable.

A lot of rabbit-themed vibes allow you to control the internal and external parts separately, which is an excellent way to begin to feel the sensations. There's also the possibility of finding a rabbit vibe that's exclusively for thrusting, like this mini-vibration from Fun Factory that's waterproof and features 10 thrusting vibration settings.

They are usually made of a jelly-like substance, but can also be found as silicone rubber, vinyl and latex. These vibes come in a variety of shapes from the classic rabbit to more stubbier versions that have an angled shaft and "rabbit ears." Some come with a longer tip for greater penetration and a wand that can reach deeper into the clitoris or vagina canal and others are more realistic thanks to the rounded bulb and clitoral stimulation. These more realistic designs are particularly appealing to beginners. This Lelo Rabbit style vibe includes a curved light bulb for internal stimulation and a an ear that is flexible to help newcomers get hang of it.


The rabbit vibrator has become the most popular sex instrument for women, loved by many because of its dual stimulation orgasm. The rabbit ears stimulate the clitoris, while the shaft is inserted into the vagina to provide both external and internal pleasure. Some rabbit vibes have bullet vibrators for extra excitement, and also have multiple speeds for the shaft.

Selecting the best rabbit vibrator depends on personal preference and anatomy. The length of the shaft determines how deep it can penetrate your vagina. Ideally, you want a shaft that is long enough to allow you to reach your G spot and the internal erogenous zones. Some have a rotating head, or a curve that stimulates the G spot more. Some have triple stimulators to increase the arousal. Some also allow you to connect your ears to the shaft to increase the level of arousal.

You can also pick from a range of materials to meet your preferences. Some toys are encased with silicone that is safe for your body. Cobb says this is healthier for your health and less prone to accumulating bacteria. She suggests avoiding toys that are made of latex, plastic, rubber or jelly as they could absorb germs. It is recommended to read the cleaning instructions on most sex toys before you begin playing.

If you're not sure how to use your sex toy, ask your partner or someone who has played with the toys before for guidance. Once you're confident, try out a variety of vibration patterns and intensities to determine what feels right to you.

A waterproof rabbit vibrator should be considered. Some are not so make sure to keep it out of water and make sure it's properly connected when you're playing with it. You can also put a toy that is waterproof into the shower or bath to enjoy a more sexually sexy experience. Some are even remote-controlled.

If you're purchasing a rabbit that vibrates, be sure to purchase it from a reputable source and confirm certifications. It is also recommended to choose a rechargeable model so you can play with your toys for longer. And remember to always clean your toy and let it air dry prior to storing it. This will prevent towel lint and other contaminants from causing damage to motors as well as other components.

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