Undertale Fetish

Undertale Fetish


Undertale Fetish
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2066726-Undertail-Fetish-Fun-wFrisk--Toriel/map/1
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · # 2066726
Our young protagonist has an odd ailment, making the underground much more dangerous.
Created: November 27th, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Modified: August 24th, 2022 at 1:53 am
[writer's note: I will remove the link to the image if asked by the artist]

Your name is Frisk. You are a young child of indeterminate gender who has wandered up into Mt. Ebott and fallen into the chasm inside for reason known only to yourself. Your determination has allowed you to have a certain amount of control over the flow of time. You've SAVED and gone through the underground more times than you can count. However, you often felt the influence of a malevolent force controlling your actions every now and then, making you do things you can't bear to think about. This time will be different, you think to yourself. Nothing is going to control you now. This time, you will save the underworld for good. At least, that's what you hope.

You were surprised to find that Flowey, a being that had quickly become the bane of your existence, was nowhere to be found from where you first fell down again. By now, you had gotten a good way into your journey, and it was odd that he hadn't shown up yet. You didn't even catch a sight of him sneaking behind you as he often did. This wasn't normal, but you had figured that, since he also had knowledge of RESETS and SAVES, that it might be because he knows you won't fall for his tricks. You knew that you'd inevitably run into him after getting to the barrier, so you weren't too worried. Nothing he did surprised you anymore.

Having just saved Undyne from heat death, you had decided to head back and try to befriend her. As you walked through the seaweed, a thick vine suddenly wrapped itself around your entire body, holding you firmly in place!


You groaned as you heard that familiar high-pitched voice. You didn't think he would turn up this soon.

"Heya buddy", Flowey greeted. "Looks like you're a little stuck there", he said, feigning concern as you struggled against your binds. "Betcha didn't expect to see me here, huh?" He continued. "Now, we've been doing this for a while now, and by now you probably think you've got everything figured out."

You tried to scream out, hoping maybe your arm-less monster friend was still nearby, but no sound came out.

"And you know what? I'm pretty sick of going through the motions. Picking on you when you fall down, killing Asgore, becoming a god and all that", Flowey continued. "So, I decided to change things up a little", he said, tightening his grip on you. "Instead of messing with you at the entrance and watching your every move, I've been using my time to work on something special for ya." With that, he stuck his tongue out and winked as a surge of energy flowed through the vine and into your body, giving you an incredibly painful experience. More vines wrapped around you, seeming to drain your energy and replacing it with... something else. Your mind nearly went blank when your binds were finally unwrapped. Once they returned to the ground, you fell limp to the ground as the world was spinning around you.

Flowey laughed as you struggled to return to your feet. "You really are an idiot!", he laughed maniacally as two leaves sprouted from the sides of him. "I bet you don't even know what I just did, but I'll give you a moment to guess", Flowey said before pausing. "Nope? Nothin'? Well I'll just tell you. I just drained away some of your DETERMINATION. Not all of it, but just enough to give me control of the timeline again", he said, laughing. "And a little extra to give me this..." With that, the two leaves on the sides of Flowey pushed down on the ground and he popped out of the ground, revealing that he had gained a pear-shaped body, as well as a set of arms and legs, along with a rather... generously sized behind. (though he was still about half your size)
[pic for reference: https://e621.net/post/show/1252260 ]

"Pretty jealous, huh?", he said, walking up to you with a confident stride. "But don't worry, I gave something to you in return. In addition to draining your DETERMINATION, I went ahead and changed your body's makeup for ya. That ought to make things way more fun. In fact, I think I'm gonna have some fun with you right now..." Flowey licked his lips as he walked closer to you, clearly having ill intentions.

You didn't want to wait to see what the sadistic flower had in mind. Not even thinking about what happened to your body, you got up and ran as fast as you could, trying to get as far away from your attacker as possible.

"Aww, come on, buddy. You're not being a very good friend, ya know", he said as he slowly walked to your direction. He wasn't in a hurry to catch you. He had control over the timeline again, after all. You were basically already his.

You eventually grew tired of running and found a group of echo flowers to hide in. Now having a chance to catch your breath, you examined your self to see what he meant about altering your body's makeup. To your horror, you found that...
Where will this interactive story go?
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2066726-Undertail-Fetish-Fun-wFrisk--Toriel/map/11
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · # 2066726
Our young protagonist has an odd ailment, making the underground much more dangerous.
Created: November 27th, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Modified: August 24th, 2022 at 1:53 am
This choice: You have a weak, squishy body, and mostly unnoticeable to other monsters! · Go Back...
You pressed into your sides to find that your hands went rather deep into your body, enough that you were able to touch your other hand. Pulling your arms out of your body, you had figured that awful talking weed had made you into some kind of jelly person.

"Where are ya, buddy? I'm getting pretty tired of walking", Flowey called out. "You like helping people out, right? I could use a seat cushion", he laughed as he gave his new plump behind a slap.

You shuddered at the thought of getting smushed beneath him. Filled with terror, you thought about what you should do. Dr. Alphys was up ahead. Maybe she could help you with your new problem. You'd at least be safe in her lab.
Undyne could probably provide you with protection. Though, you still hadn't made friends with her yet. An encounter with her may not end well.
Of course, you could always seek shelter with Toriel. She said that she didn't want you coming back, but hearing about your situation may change her mind.

You had to think quickly, otherwise you were gonna get squashed!

What happens?
Where will this interactive story go?
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Undertale >
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Now, i perosnally haven't faced so sorry and i dont nkowa lot about this origin except that he kind of a kickstarter character or something (if someone could explain that sh*t to me that would be great). but from what i understand, the character has gotten a lot of hate lately, is it true? and if it is, why then?

1 2
1 2

i think there was furry related stuff or some thing , personally I don't care

People seem to hate him just because he originated from a furry artist who used him as a way to draw furry porn "convey his artistic matter". Personally, I don't mind him at all... Other than that, he could've been a good character. I mean, he fits kinda well (at this point, EVERYTHING does), and he also has this art thing going on which I personally like.

Last edited by Alicia von Verdun ;
16 Jan, 2016 @ 7:14am

I actually like "So Sorry". Sure, the dude put in his fursona which has origins that involves a fat fetish of sorts, but the guy donated about $1,000 for Undertale to become a thing (Y'know, that game 90% of you guys orgasm over?). Not to mention the fetish is non-existant in Undertale, so it's very harmless in-game.

Last edited by Ransack Raccoon ;
16 Jan, 2016 @ 7:22am

this conversation has already been discussed a lot and people came just simply to this; the character is originally used for fetish art as a furrsona. The reward for the kickstarter (for the contributed amount) was to have a character of yourself in the game. People are disgusted by the origin and use of the OC and thus are hating. Even while the character in the game itself has no indication or relation showing it is fetish related.
Originally posted by Cyco Vision! :

i read this while genocide run music wasd playing in the background. wtf.
Originally posted by Cyco Vision! :

I don't give two ♥♥♥♥♥ about the character or the fact that the guy has a fetish. The problem is that he donated SO much money to the game, just to get his fetish character in it.


It's a fursona, the guy furry representation, and also, a fetish character... instead of doing an original new character, he just did that. Now look at Muffet, she is another character that was made like So Sorry, the difference? is a new character just created for this game, is not a representation of the person who donate the money and is not a character made for fetish.
Originally posted by Zunnoab #931 :
Originally posted by Zun
Fat Spread Pussy
Naked Table
No Panty Under Dress Xxx

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