Understanding Critical Reflection as Informal Learning

Understanding Critical Reflection as Informal Learning

👓 Kyoung Hwa Lee
Understanding Critical Reflection as Informal Learning

Understanding Critical Reflection as Informal Learning

✅ This study started from the question ❓️ how does learning occur in human life 🧬. In particular, I am interested in learning that takes place continuously anywhere at any time ⏱️ rather than learning that is occurred by being taught by others. This study interpreted critical reflection as learning that continuously occur in anywhere at any time ⏱️ i.e. as informal learning, and ➕ then analyzed the process how it takes place in human life 🧬. To 🔎 find out how critical reflection occurs, this study focused on factory 👨‍🏭️ workers critical reflection while working ⚙️ on the shop 🛍️ floor 🤣. Using ethnography methodology I analyzed the observed and ➕ interviewed data of factory 👨‍🏭️ workers ⚙️ working 🧬 life in order to examine critical reflection as informal learning. In this process, I used Cultural Historical Activity ⚽️ Theory (CHAT) as the theoretical framework in order to elaborate the process that critical reflection occurs while working ⚙️. The analysis using CHAT was helpful to 🔎 find out workers 👨‍🏭️ critical reflection as expansive learning that continuously promotes the other learning. That is, factory 👨‍🏭️ workers learning activity ⚽️ on working ⚙️ life 🧬 was gradually expanded to the new 🆕 pattern of activities such as forming good 👍️ rel


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