Understanding Aquarius Man

Understanding Aquarius Man


Understanding Aquarius Man

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aquarius man

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The Aquarius man can be a captivating—and often confusing—person.
He’s the kind of guy who many people are curious about, but few people ever truly understand. Much of this is due to the fact that these men are often perceived as being either ahead their time, or having ideas that are so radical and new that most people aren’t ready to hear them. Aquarius men often feel removed from most of society, and thrive best when they find a few like-minded individuals with whom they can share their far-seeing visions of the future.
Aquarian men are frequently perceived as wacky geniuses, full of brilliant plans and concepts, but not always capable of bringing these to fruition. They are social personalities who move in extremely varied circles – like the zany high school guy who was somehow able to move smoothly between the jocks, the nerds, and the freaks with little friction, getting along well with everyone.
If you go out on the town with an Aquarian , you may notice that he seems to know everybody, saying hi to the servers and gallery owners wherever he goes – but who really knows him? Few people are patient enough to really peel back the layers and discover what makes this guy tick.
The silvery heart of an Aquarian man is like a wonder of antiquated clockwork—this Uranus -ruled guy is often pulling out all the springs and cogs and trying to sort it out himself, but sometimes his emotions get jumbled up with his logic and make a mess of the whole mechanism.
Aquarian men are the original sexy nerds, much beloved by those who find intelligence to be the ultimate aphrodisiac.
These guys are often hilarious, with a zany sense of humor that borders on the absurd. This is a tool they use to charm the pants off whomever they’re flirting with at the moment – which could be a few people at the same time. They’re notorious bachelors, so it often takes someone extremely forgiving to put up with the infamous Aquarian eccentricities long-term, and they may go through a few marriages or partnerships before they find a really compatible match. Are you and your Aquarius compatible? Find out here.
These men are complete originals, refusing to conform to society’s standards and expectations. This may be displayed in their clothing, choice of profession, or political viewpoints, but it will always be obvious in their unconventional choice of mate. They often want to be with someone who’s even more transgressive and unusual than they are, and they frequently pair with a fellow Aquarian.
When not permanently bonded, the Aquarian man can take a businesslike air to sex , romance, or when he’s in love. These relationships can feel purely transactional, and he may prefer to just have “friends with benefits” arrangements. He can have a detached and even humorous attitude towards sexuality – and is known for being callous and leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him.
Eroticism can be experimental territory for an Aquarius, and he may enjoy mind games, role play, or taking a scientific approach to lovemaking by using the latest in sex toys with his lovers. Not all Aquarians allow themselves to indulge physically in what their minds may be fascinated by, so it’s helpful when they have an open-minded partner who’s willing to explore new worlds with them.
The home of an Aquarian man can feel a little bit like the workshop of a mad scientist – often with elements of his current projects scattered about, or some experiment taking place in the middle of the kitchen table (or in the refrigerator). He’s always got some bizarre new hobby taking up space in his life, and he rarely gets rid of the remnants of his past enchantments once they’ve lost their glamour.
He loves any memorabilia that relates to his chosen profession (or latest obsession), so if you share a home with this guy, he may need his own man-cave or a separate area to display all his favorite treasures and really spread out.
An Aquarian man’s personality often makes for diffident, somewhat distracted dads. They are much more interested in their progeny when the kids have learned to walk and talk, and they can take part in their education and engage in conversation. They shine their brightest when they learn to show empathy for their children’s emotions. Play and silliness come naturally to an Aquarius dad, and he will always be happy to let his children express themselves and evolve into whoever they want to be.
Aquarians rarely have conventional, boring desk jobs, much preferring to create their own schedules and not be limited by inhibiting corporate structures or lots of rules that don’t give them free reign to stretch the limits of their imaginations.
The realm of ideas and creativity is where an Aquarian man will truly flourish. And bringing people together to help humanity is always of the utmost importance to this cerebral air sign, who uses his mind and formidable intelligence to attempt to solve age-old problems. He is motivated by the idea of Utopia and creating a better world for all people, but sometimes loses himself in the big picture and can’t quite work out the little details necessary to get his would-be castle in the sky off the ground.
Ideally, the Aquarian man will put his genius traits to work helping out charitable organizations, or being a part of creative movements. You’ll often find this Water-Bearing wizard working with music festivals, teaching college students about transgressive politics, or trying to discover cures for terminal illnesses. Whatever he does, you can count on his profession being somewhat out of left field, and always completely unexpected.
Aquarians delight in delving into the universal mysteries of life, and are often curious about spirituality, concepts of oneness, and unity. But as much as he’s all about working together toward common goals, he may put others off with his odd ideas and quirky tactics. However, this man has immense conviction, and his intense focus will usually sway his teammates to see his point of view eventually.
As an arbiter of social change and champion for mankind, Aquarius is like a light shining in the darkness – provided he doesn’t get too lost in his own unique perspective and end up lost in a fervor of rhetoric like a 1960s cult leader who’s alienated his flock.
Saving money can be an issue for the Aquarian man, but his charm and charisma have a way of attracting rich investors who believe in his wild visions for the future. When he can manage his finances prudently, he can end up becoming extremely wealthy.
If you have an appreciation for the unusual and enjoy the hunt for something truly extraordinary, you will take much pleasure in finding gifts for your Aquarian man who makes a habit of collecting odd things. You may find that he’ll value and use the electric razor or fancy tooth-cleaning gadget that you got him for his latest birthday, but he won’t be as enthused about these as he will about the strange Victorian stereoscope with accompanying slides, or an antique jade-handled magnifying glass.
He likes objects that combine both form and function, and anything that appeals to his childlike sense of curiosity will be a natural winner with an Aquarian’s inquisitive personality and voracious hunger for knowledge. Don’t make the mistake of gifting this guy anything too run-of-the-mill – playing it safe with a boring gift will fail to capture his attention, and he may interpret anything too practical as a lack of interest on your part.
Books, magazines, comics, and beautiful art prints always captivate his cerebral intellect – and the more oddball, the better. If you are willing to dig through stacks of tomes at an antiquarian bookseller to find the obscure medical textbook of his dreams or a rare printing of some controversial political pamphlet, you will see this air sign’s eyes light up. He loves to ponder, to wonder, and to let his mind wander – so give him something that will hold his focus.
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Once you befriended an Aquarius man, you won’t have many reasons to turn away from him. If you are wondering what Aquarius man personality traits and characteristic are, you are in the right place.
Aquarius men are some of the best men out there. Everything a good man could be, an Aquarius man is. Aquarius men do have their ups and downs, but the downsides to them are very limited.
Overall, Aquarius men are amazing and if you have a chance to be close with one, don’t take it for granted; it might be one of the best relationships you’ll ever have- romantic or otherwise. Keep reading and find out some of the Aquarius man traits that you need to know to understand him better.
Be sure to learn both the positive and negative traits of Aquarius man before you make any decisions.
The first personality trait that comes to every Astrologer’s mind when they think of Aquarius is friendly.
The average Aquarius man is friendly and outgoing to everyone they see. They’re always in a good mood towards other people because they love seeing peoples’ reactions.
This is sort of a con in the way that they might just be doing it to get a reaction out of you, but they do it so often, being nice and friendly just comes naturally to them now.
Friendliness is in an Aquarius man’s bones. It’s their instinct to help and be kind, and for that, they are approachable and honest.
Having this personality trait be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Aquarius men is an incredible thing that they, for the most part, all possess.
Aquarius men are very smart. They are problem solvers and are very reliable when you need some excellent advice. They’re often business owners or are consultants for others.
Not only can he be an amazing business partner but as a love partner or husband; he’s great with balancing the checkbook, keeping the accounting pristine, and making sure bills are all taken care of.
That doesn’t by any means mean that he’s willing to support you fully. He does still want an equal partner . It doesn’t mean you need to make as much money as he does but he does expect you to still do something with your life.
While some people would call it nosey, Aquarius men would call it getting to know people on a personal level. They do it in a polite way, of cours e.
They’re not the type of people to just belt something out the moment it pops into their head. They like to sit and think things through before they announce it.
One of their favorite hobbies could be peering into your head and seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. They are extremely knowledgeable and always searching for something new. Aquarius men not only love doing this to see things differently in their own world; they like to be close to people.
They are definitely not the type of people to slow down and attach themselves to someone- at least not early on in their life – but they require a deep and personal connection to really feel close to people.
The Aquarius man is typically the type to stand up for people who cannot stand up for themselves . You may find him in a soup kitchen or doing things that will help improve the quality of life for handicapped or elderly.
He’s the guy that you see rescuing animals or running organizations that help animals get fed, get medical care, and possibly homes. This is what it means to be a true humanitarian.
This man does not like to see suffering and he was born with the gift of intelligence so this is just yet another problem that he seeks answers to solve. He will go out of his way for what his passion is.
He may start a business that will offer donations at a percentage in order to help his favorite cause . Whatever it is, he’s on top of it and will do what he can to help as many as he can.
Being a natural leader ; this guy can convince the world to do better and help as many people as they can as well. If you’re looking for a guy that can lead a crusade, this is the one to do it.
Aquarius men are not known to shout out what they’re feeling, or express their emotions in a progressive way , so another trait of theirs is that they hide their feelings. A lot. It could take days, weeks, or even months to get an Aquarius man to tell you how he’s feeling.
It can be frustrating sometimes to not know what’s going on inside that head of his, but if you’re close and if he’s ready, he’ll give you little hints to what’s wrong. These hints won’t be obscure or out of the blue either.
Another trait of theirs is that Aquarius men are incredibly deep thinkers. They will think about what they want to eat at a restaurant for as long as they can, weighing the pros and cons.
So when they want to tell you what’s going on inside their head, but they just can’t, look into the situation the way he would.
I’m sure you’ve read that Aquarius takes his time in committing. It’s not that he’s so much afraid of it more than he is cautious. Some people make snide remarks that he’s a commitment-phobe.
The truth is, he isn’t really afraid, he’s just careful to make sure that he commits to the right person . He’d rather use his time productively and finding the right person to settle down with.
He may play a lot in the meantime but ultimately he doesn’t want to give up his personal freedom to someone he knows in his gut isn’t the right person for him . So this could make him at times, seem cold or afraid.
The Aquarius man knows what he wants and he won’t settle for less . Once he finds it and he’s REALLY ready to commit, he will be loyal to his lady love. What you need to understand is that loyalty only comes when he commits.
When it comes to creativity, the Aquarius man is like a firework. They’re small at first, but once they get their drive and spirit, nothing can stop them.
Whether they are needed for a party, a gift, or an outing, an Aquarius man will have the best, most thoughtful ideas of the bunch.
When an Aquarius man is a father, he will be thanked for his imagination. Any offspring of an Aquarius man will be excitable no matter the Sun sign.
An Aquarius man will be expressive and inviting when he needs to be or when he wants to show off.
These traits are the most commonly found among Aquarius men. The men born under this Sun sign are extremely complex and have more to them than just these few personality traits.
The ones listed are the ones that shine through every Aquarius man. They show how great a person he really is.
Understanding your Aquarius guy’s personality traits and characteristics are crucial for a successful relationship. Of course, each Aquarius man has his own thing, but, the more you know, the better you can recognize and understand what’s REALLY going on.
It’s not likely to meet an Aquarius man who is looking for a sugar mama. He isn’t interested in trying to find a woman to support him financially. He relies on himself and will work hard to make it happen.
He can also spend great amounts of time on his own . This could seem like a downside as you want him to miss you . However; if you also are someone that treasures some personal freedom; this may be a relief to you.
The Aquarius man isn’t the type that wants to be glued to his woman at all times. He wants to be able to have time to himself and/or with his friends without you being around.
He may love you deeply but he also loves to do his own thing. As long as there is trust then this should be a non-issue. Enjoy your own time alone or with your friends when he’s doing his thing.
This article was more to present to you the positive traits of the Aquarius man . However, there are some darker sides to him. Here are a few things to watch out for:
If you’d like to learn more about what the negative Aquarius man traits are, you might want to click this link . There is a whole other side you need to get to know so that you’re more rounded in your assessment of the Aquarius man’s behaviors.
Do you agree with the Aquarius man traits? Let me know!
Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).
Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
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Well Written & Quite Accurate, If I Must Say So Myself. As A Fellow Aquarian Man! #Kudos
Very insightful. Only difference i see, myself being a male Aquarius, I’m forward and open with my emotions. That has been developed over the last almost decade now though.
Interesting i can say i agree to more than 95% of the above mentioned traits. I was feeling as if am reading my self
Wonderful, I’m glad you’re able to relate and identify with the articles I’ve written on Aquarius man. If you want to see even more content, you should check out my books on Aquarius Man Secrets! It’s crammed packed with delicious information. I wish you all the best!
Just read this and as an Aquarius man I love my freedom and time alone. I am approachable, socially friendly and love to think outside the box (like a visionary). I love to get lost into my thoughts and my imagination. I think people get frustrated trying to figure us out cause we keep a lot of things inside ourselves and we’ll figure it out on our own.
Being self-sufficient, oh yeah I can take care of myself. I’m always trying to make a better version of myself. When in love I am fiercely loyal and dedicated with a playful flirting character.
Thank you so much for chiming in. I love hearing feedback from the men! Everything you’re saying is what I also know of Aquarius. I really appreciate you giv
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