Understanding Aquarius Man

Understanding Aquarius Man

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Hello, Wonder bugs my name is Maria Isoldde and this is my channel!!! What you're going to be seeing here is videos on witchcraft, divination and the occasional lifestyle or Vlog video. I promise to make it an entertaining and fun as possible. Suggestions, comments and subscribers are welcome
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The Aquarius man keeps his true feelings inside unless he feels completely comfortable and secure with someone. This makes him appear emotionally distant, although he is not. Try not to force him to open up. He is also generous and a terrific friend. The Aquarius man prides himself on being dependable. This is why he has such a strong work ethic, as well. His life is usually quite an adventure, full of changes. These changes are not always pleasant.
Mr. Aquarius is independent and intellectual. He is kind of a blend of opposites which makes him unpredictable. He is old fashioned at heart, but moves progressively with the times. He is proper and polite; however, has a rebellious streak. Mr. Aquarius needs social activity. He needs friends. He thrives surrounding himself with other humans. Because of his combination of needing friends and work ethic, he usually makes his friends at his place of employment.
Your Aquarius man is friendly and social, will work hard to provide for you, and will always show you a good time. He is also extremely humane, and probably has many rescued pets. But if you feel you need to be around someone who will spend a lot of time with you, donโ€™t count on The Water Bearer. He is either busy working, helping someone, or with friends (one of which could be you).
Dick Cheney, former Vice President of the United States of America
Abraham Lincoln, former President of the United States of America
Ronald Reagan, former President of the United States of America
For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.
As always, I certainly hope this was helpful.
Yep, that's me. on December 08, 2012:
I'm an Aquarius man, and that about sums it up. The more friends I have the better. In fact I have been single for 5 years and couldn't be more happy as long as I have my hundreds of friends.
Thank you very interesting article. I am also new here and I find so many interesting things to read :)
Hey Toshimi... how interesting you are a Scorpio woman married to an Aquarius. How do you guys make it work? I have fallen for an Aquarius man being a Sorpio woman myself...I have never been involved with an Aquarius before and I am so completely fascinated by him it almost hurts me to admit it to be honest hahahaha. He is a doctor and I am a psychologist working in the medical field as well. I told him once he is a bit of a mystery to me which to me just means yes I can't figure him out but that is why I want to know him. For him it seemed like a weird thing to say like I can ask him anything I want he says. He is not a mystery at all. We have a big distance between us at the moment so that does not make things easier. It seems to me he keeps coming and going all the time but I would rather have him coming and keep him :) I just wonder how I could get to that point. You know he would tell me he misses me so much and could talk 24hrs non stop to me and he misses it and worries if he didn't hear from me one day but then after that he would almost like disappear almost for a few days. How does that work? And I think is he kidding me he would need to hear from me or he worries but he just disappears of the radar? Then he tells me again he wants everything with me like in his mind he would like to commit and get engaged and get married have kids. Which blows me away somehow because I have never known a man who talks so openly about it. But yes then he would be like gone again for a few days. Then I know I can't change anything about this except maybe not pay too much attention to it but like I said I have fallen for him somehow so in my mind I wonder does he really mean those things when he says them or maybe could he be a player? That I can't help myself to fall crazy in love when he is so open to me about it. Does he sense that or should I say know since he is thinking maybe with his brain and I am with my emotions ? I don't know. Are Aquarius men typically more like old fashioned ? Like they want to provide ? Would that mean if I would surprise my Aquarius man for a surprise visit he would love it or feel like I should not do this because I am the woman in the relationship. I am the kind of person who would do those things and also do any of my closets friends and think it is great and I love people doing this for me too. When I was involved with a Capricorn once in the past he really disliked me doing things like this. I didn't really understand that as I thought it is a romantic gesture but I learnt that not everybody sees it like this. It would stress him because he had other plans and things like this he would tell me. As a person born into the scorpio Sagittarius cusp I know I can be quite intense and some people love it and others dislike it. I think maybe when he does his disappearing acts how I call them hahaha he just needs that time maybe I don't know if it is a good thing to still write him something like I would be thinking of him nothing more or less or to just leave him in peace with whatever he is busy with? So I wonder what an Aquarius man would feel about all of this or yes how those other scorpio ladies out there handle their Aquarius men?
Mmargie1966 (author) from Gainesville, GA on June 13, 2012:
Well, first of all, welcome to hubpages, toshimi! Don't be nervous. This is a great company with a wonderful and supportive staff.
Secondly, I can certainly understand why your husband wants to spend every moment with you; you are a Scorpio! I am too.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the read, and I will "follow" you so that I can enjoy your hubs as well.
All the best, toshimi, and thank you for your kind comment.
toshimi from Ohio on June 13, 2012:
I am new to HubPages. I signed up a few months ago and have yet to write my first hub. I know. I am nervous! I thought I would get warmed up by hub hopping, making some comments and then I might come up with some ideas.
I am a Scorpio married to Mr. King Aquarius himself, I swear you were specifically talking about my husband. Crazy! We have issues with communication because at times he would rather keep things to himself because he doesn't want me to worry. He is a hard working man and he spends a lot of focus on being dependable and taking care of his family. When we hit occasional financial setbacks, automatically thinks he is failing his family and not taking care of them. He is so old fashioned! Not in a bad way, but he is very "old-school" for a 41 year old. The funniest thing to me is that he still gives the "starving children of Africa" speech, who still does that?! He is extremely social and we often bump heads because I have settled down and do not desire to socialize like I did in my twenties. Humane? I cannot tell you how many pets we would have if I let him have his way with rescuing pets. The only part of your article that did not apply to him is not counting him to spend a lot of time with me, he hates to be away from me for one moment, he will hang with the fella's maybe a couple of times a year? Great article, I enjoyed it and I've just written my first review.
Mmargie1966 (author) from Gainesville, GA on April 09, 2012:
Thank you very much, askpandditji! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
thank you for all the things learned from here and congratulations for the good work
Mmargie1966 (author) from Gainesville, GA on April 03, 2012:
Thank you, ctbrown7. We all have specific traits based on other parts of our natal chart. You may have an Aquarius moon or rising sign, or more than one outer planet in the 11th house of your chart.
Wow, I sound like an Aquarius, but I'm a Virgo. Interesting article.

Understanding The Aquarius Man | SunSigns.Org
Understanding a Aquarius Man - YouTube
Understanding an Aquarius Man - PairedLife - Relationships
Aquarius Man: Love, Personality Traits & More | Astrology.com
The Aquarius Man | Cafe Astrology .com | Understanding the Aquarius Man
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