Uncut Guys

Uncut Guys


Uncut Guys
We are looking forward to Mano's exhibit ”Yes, It’s a Sin”, in Barcelona this June. Read more below.

We congratulate Mano Martinez on the news of his exhibit “Yes, It’s a Sin” opening at the Galeria Fundacion Arena June 21 and continuing through August 2, 2019
Martinez — who lives and works in Barcelona — is inspired by the great masters of photography that influenced him: Avedon, Beaton, Brandt, Walde Huth, and Edward Weston.
Check out his very wide-reaching professional photography website here . Also Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and his male erotic portfolio .

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Manu Bennett (Crixus in Spartacus, Azog in The Hobbit) with Jennifer Campagnolo of the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project (CAN-FAP)
Colin Farrell Quote People say, "It's much cleaner to have no foreskin." What, have you never heard of a fucking shower?

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Heard it might depend on the areas they are from and the generation but I've heard that the Western part of the US typically has more uncut guys compared to elsewhere.
Not according to my experience and observations. The cut guys here in Cali definitely outnumber the uncut guys.
The Western parts of the US have more uncut guys as a rule. Even the white guys are uncut.
There’s a lot of Hispanics in California, so that may be way the number is higher.
I slept with three white guys and all three were uncut, so I assume yes. California is uncut by default.
In the US, I'd argue the single biggest determinant of whether a guy is cut or uncut is age, followed by race, not geography.
I been with many uncut white guys in CA. It was hot. Just as nature intended.
Well then, I guess that settles it.
Remind me to take CA off my list if I wanna get laid on vacation.
Smelly cheesy cocks. Yuck. Give me a cut guy.
Didn't realize there was still discrimination against uncut guys here. I know it was worse before, but it seems to have gotten a little better after more exposure.
The stupid questions that some bitches ask here never ceases to amaze me.
Career California police officer here. I'd guess at least 80% of the Caucasian cops on my department are cut. Most Hispanics, blacks and Asians aren't. I notice that the younger the officer, the less likely he is to be cut.
I love uncut dick. Love it, love it. I think they’re beautiful. They feel nice, the head is like velvet.
What is it with being white and circumcised? The minority white uncircumcised guys usually come from very lax or hippie-ish families or those who weren't born in a hospital.
R17, their family members don’t want them to get head.
straight men and gay men should be re tagged cunt and un cunt
White men in America who are uncut are stereotyped as "poor white trash."
[quote]White men in America who are uncut are stereotyped as "poor white trash."
No, Californians are not uncut by default. But circumcision rates are much lower in those born into Latino and Asian families that have recently immigrated.
r15, how do you know about who is cut and uncut on t he force?
The correct term is “intact,” not uncut. A whole penis is not “un” anything. Intact is the way a penis is meant to be. And yes, in recent generations, California, and the West in general, is leading the nation as more male newborns are being left intact and not having their penises mutilated.
Californians are uncut, so what? Let them be as nature intended.
R7 - “ I been with many uncut white guys in CA. It was hot. Just as nature intended.”
What did you do with the cheese? Toss it in a salad? Spread it on a cracker? Eat it right from the container?
[quote][R15], how do you know about who is cut and uncut on t he force?
Through the magic of something called the locker room. Sometimes you can't help but notice.
cheese on a white uncut guy is almost impossible to find. trust me, i've tried
This whole smegma thing is way overstated and not even a thing especially after your teens. It's not an effort to wash your cock. It's no different than washing any other body part. It's mainly skin cells sloughing off when a guy is younger. After that, you would have to not shower for a quite a while to even notice anything. And yes, even cut guys have to wash their dicks. It's about hygiene regardless of your dick status. Don't think cut guys get a pass on being clean--you're not, just because you've been mutilated. Everyone needs to wash. Besides, foreskin feels fantastic.
[quote]What did you do with the cheese? Toss it in a salad? Spread it on a cracker? Eat it right from the container?
R26 should hang out with cleaner guys. I have never seen our come across any of the cheese you seem to encounter. I've been with many intact guys.
I've been with plenty of uncut guys at night who haven't showered since that morning and yeah it's a bit cheesy. I hate having to suggest a shower when we're about to get down, but sometimes it's necessary. I prefer cut, it's more hygenic. And calling it "mutilated" is just childish. It's just a flap of skin FFS.
R32. Cut is not more hygienic. You think every cut guy smells like fucking roses? Fuck off.
It has more to do with WHEN you were born, not where. Like breastfeeding-- women in the 1950s didn't breastfeed, that's when they started pushing formula. It was starting to come back into fashion in the 1960s and 1970s. My mom had four kids, I'm the youngest born in 1970 and I'm the first one she even attempted to breast-feed (though she had trouble and I ended up on formula anyway).
But being in-tact just wasn't "done" years ago, but it's becoming more common. My niece and her hubby elected not to have their son circumcised. He was born in 2016.
R34. More parents in the U.S. leaving their sons intact has been quite common for the past generation. Eventually there is going to be a tipping point when intact will be the majority. Hospitals asking if you want your baby cut should not even be question. Boys' penises should be left intact. Once hospitals stop asking, this barbaric mutilation will end. And insurance companies should stop paying for this totally unnecessary surgery.
I'm uncut. I live in California. But I prefer cut guys. They're cleaner. It's just a fact. That's from an uncut guy.
I'm lucky that so many guys are into uncut. I can't relate to it, but I benefit from it. However I only hook up with cut guys and turn down uncut men.
There is no way R37 is real. No I can't prove it, but I have been around enough and been with enough uncut men to know. And anyone uncut knows that the hygiene thing is complete myth.
Moreover, his comment is straight out of the anti-uncut-obsessed playbook.
On the off chance he is real and being honest, it likely stems from some weird insecurity about growing up in the US different from others.
Anyone who's ever slept with an uncut man or had sex as uncut man knows it is more pleasurable for both parties. It's simple laws of physics.
I've been with uncut guys who were stinky and cheesy. When I've been in Europe it's been a problem. Give me a cut guy any day.
If an uncut guy hasn’t showered for a day, you will smell him. 🤢
If a cut guy hasn't showered for a day, you will smell him.
I think it's safe to assume that the majority of GenXers are cut. Millennials are probably 60/40. I hear the circumcision numbers are rising again with this new Generation. I prefer cut. It's cleaner, healthier, and just looks more natural. Europeans are the only ones who understand how to do uncut. If an American is uncut, it's either their parents were hippies or too cheap to pay for it.
[quote] It's cleaner, healthier, and just looks more natural.
Why are some gay men so obsessed with cut versus uncut cocks? Shallow and dumb.
The scars on cut cock are really upsetting sometimes. So painful; but the baby didn't notice, did he? Psychos.
R43 How can a cut cock look "natural" when what was natural has been snipped off?
Stanksleeves are verboten in my house. They are of the Devil.
[quote] Why are some gay men so obsessed with cut versus uncut cocks? Shallow and dumb.
R45 the cut guys resent the intact guys. It is only dumb and shallow if you don't care about your cock; most men care about their cock.
[quote] I hear the circumcision numbers are rising again with this new Generation.
Once immigrants settle in, they adopt American practices.
R48 with her verboten must be one of the few jews left in Germany and Austria.
Wrong, r49. The only activism you get are from the anti-circ minority trying to get others to join them. Smelly and unhinged.
[quote] Once immigrants settle in, they adopt American practices.
Cutting will become a Latin/immigrant issue. Those of us who are from here will not do it anymore, like Princess Di.
Cock is smelly if unwashed. Circ or intact: got to be washed, along with the body. Some of the smelliest boys I have encountered were cut, from the USA.
R45, there are a few weirdos who spend their time obsessing about this. Most cut guys don’t. Studies have shown there isn’t a perceptible difference in sexual sensation. You can be cut and still care about your penis.
I think circumcision is unnecessary, but the guys that spend their time angry about being cut and mourn the sex life they could have had are over the top. They have an obsession problem. The funniest are the guys who try to get it back with little weights.
R50 Not always. Sometimes it was forced on those boys by the hospital without consulting the parents.
R43. Circumcised males in the U.S. are decreasing, not increasing It may take a while, but this barbarism will end sooner or later. The tipping point when the majority of newborns will be left intact has already been for more than a generation and continues to be on the rise. As a result, these males as adults will not be rushing out to have themselves sliced and will overwhelmingly not be cutting their sons, and thus the end will happen. The rest of the world already knows better not to mutilate.
R58 It's still being done all over the world but your theory on how it will end makes sense.
Asians, Mexicans and other Catholics are uncut and there’s a lot more of them out west.
What's the big fucking deal about being circumcised? These anti-circ nuts are as looney as anti-vaxxers.
White and black Americans continue to circumcise their kids by default. Latino and Asian kids born in the US are also more cut than not. A random survey of American porn, currently dominated by millennials and zoomers on the gay side, shows nothing has changed.
Hospitals in the U.S. shouldn't even ask parents if they want it done. It should be standard to leave the kid alone. That would end this cutting nonsense very quickly. Many state insurance companies s don't cover it any longer. Regular insurance companies should end their coverage (as many have) for this outrageous and unnecessary surgery especially on a newborn. If parents want it done, they should have to ask for it, pay for it and be shamed into not doing it, which would also end this barbarism immediately. A whole generation of men would grow up and come to realize that their foreskin feel fucking awesome...another convincing way to end cutting anyone's dick.
[quote]I prefer cut. It's cleaner, healthier, and just looks more natural.
That is rather stupid. Data above showed it's NOT healthier, and how can altering nature be more "natural"
if you've ever had sex with an uncut guy (not just stared at it and went "ew" ) you'd know that having foreskin makes one way more sensitive.
I'm circumcised and my dick's always felt fucking awesome.
^ And pigs will fly r63. I’m 42 years old. I will NEVER have sex with anyone born today so I don’t care what they do with their penises. Why do you?
[quote]What's the big fucking deal about being circumcised? These anti-circ nuts are as looney as anti-vaxxers.
R61. Leaving a male intact is about his own genital integrity. No one has the right to cut off perfectly healthy tissue without the owner's consent. There is no medical reason to do it on a newborn. If a male wants it done as an adult, that is up to him. But by the time the male is an adult, he would realize that his foreskin is an integral part of his penis and overwhelmingly wouldn't agree to have it cut off. If there is a medical reason to do it when the boy is under-aged, which is relatively rare, that decision can be made by the parents (and the boy if he's able), but a decision such as this can be made individually--not done as a routine procedure on newborns. This can be compared to operations as tonsils, appendix or even breasts, which are not routine operations simply because a person might need to have his tonsils removed later in life (another procedure which rightfully has fallen out of favor). There is no need for routine circumcision for either medical, cosmetic or religious reasons.
Being against circumcision is not comparable in the slightest to being against vaccines. Being against vaccines is public health issue that could cause an epidemic or spread disease. Leaving your son intact will cause nothing except more enjoyable sex for him and his partner. Advocating that males remain intact will not harm your community, children in your local school system or society as a whole. It's his body--it's his right to keep his foreskin.
[quote]Data above showed it's NOT healthier, and how can altering nature be more "natural"
Actually, W.H.O. data shows it is and that’s why they fund circumcision across Africa to reduce HIV infection. And it’s working.
[quote]I'm circumcised and my dick's always felt fucking awesome.
Ughhhh. Seriously. How stupid are some of you????
That is like someone who can only see in black and white, saying "well I can see fine? what's the big deal? Who needs color?"
You are literally and physically unable to understand what you are missing out on.
R68 you’re wasting your time and are not going to change anyone’s mind. Circumcision will continue to be practised and uncuts will remain a minority in America for at least the next 50 years. After which I suspect you will either be dead or your interest in other peoples penises will have waned. Get a hobby!
R69. The studies in Africa were deeply flawed and concerned those also wearing condoms, health education versus those who lacked these things, etc. Education and wearing condoms have also increased in Africa, which is why HIV had decreased in Africa in the years since. In addition and most importantly, the African studies were about HIV-positive WOMEN ONLY and their uncircumcised partners--but again, there were many factors and involved whether or not the men used condoms and then the studies were stopped prematurely so a proper result became difficult at best and impossible in many cases. The studies were not about HIV-negative women with intact men, which of course would not have any affect. As a follow-up, more controlled studies were done in the U.S. with male-to-male sex between intact men concerning HIV. The results were that being uncircumcised had no effect on contracting HIV for either partner. As an aside, most men in the U.S. who contracted HIV and died in the 1980s were circumcised--so not having a foreskin did not save them. HIV rates in the U.S. continued to skyrocket despite most men being cut here. Prevention of HIV is condoms and education--not circumcision.
Americans are the most circumcised in teh world and have the highest rates of HIV and other STDs; Europeans are like 90% uncut and have lower rates.
To the “I can’t live without foreskin” crowd, such as r30:
What you never seem to grasp is that you can wash away the appearance of that stuff, but the SMELL never goes away. Uncut men and their admirers have grown used to it, and insist there is no smell. You’re wrong.
[quote]No one has the right to cut off perfectly healthy tissue without the owner's consent.
It's a little flap of skin FFS. You make it sound like a finger is being cut off. After being with many uncircumcised guys, I prefer being circumcised.
I can't believe you guys are shaming California for having white uncut guys. Let's be real, you racists are not asking about Latinos or Asians.
Yes, white guys in California are uncut, unless they are of a certain age and come from out of state.
These threads always bring out the worst of DL. Foreskins are sexy. I love sucking uncut dick. I live in a largely latino neighborhood and I've never run across one that is as you naysayers describe. You're imagining things. Intact dicks are delightful. I am cut.
[quote]It's a little flap of skin FFS. You make it sound like a finger is being cut off.
R75. ...with thousands of nerve endings that provide endless pleasure. And as long as it's not your little flap of skin, even if you're the parent, you have no right to cut it off. His Body. His Right. Not yours.
Look, it's not that complicated. I'm not here to discuss the health benefits of circumcision. I don't care to know if the baby can or cannot consent. I just don't care.
What I care about is smell. The reason I care is that I like to suck dick. Uncut dicks tends to smell more than cut ones. I'm uncut, I know what I'm talking about. Even if you wash it often, the fact that there's a foreskin will make it smell after a few hours. Smegma will build up under the foreskin in ways it wouldn't on a circumsized dick.
So R38, take your ideology and shove it up your ass. While you're at it, go fuck yourself with bag of uncut/natural/intact dicks. I bet you'll like it.
[quote]Again the stupidity on here. Americans are the most circumcised in the world and have the highest rates of HIV and other STDs; Europeans are like 90% uncut and have lower rates. It's basic math.
R73. Of course you're right. Thank you for sharing your logic and common sense!
[quote]It's a little flap of skin FFS. You make it sound like a finger is being cut off.
Exactly! And I get so tired of idiots talking about nerve endings that they don't know shit about. I have never met a man circumcised or not who complains about the pleasure their cock brings them. Some of you are being overly extra about... yes... a little flap of skin. If you don't lik
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