Uncomfortable theories: what happens if conspiracy theorists are right
In a new episode of the podcast What Has Changed?, we discuss how conspiracy theories appear and why new discoveries are unprofitable for those who write world history
Your browser does not support audio player. Listen to us on any convenient platform: Apple Podcasts, CastBox, Yandex Music, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and VK Podcasts. Also follow us on Instagram 'What has changed?' — there we share interesting materials on the topic. Guest of the issue: Igor Prokopenko — host of the program 'The most shocking hypotheses' on the Ren TV channel. Igor explained why people believe in conspiracy theories and what happens when one of the ideas of conspiracy scientists encounters scientific facts. Timeline conversations 1:15 — How conspiracy theories emerge? 7:31 — Lunar scam: who invented it and why it is needed 12:52 — How to develop critical thinking 15:27 — To invent or explain: where is the boundary between fact-checking and intentional invention 16:48 — What will happen if some conspiracy theories turn out to be true 20:55 — Why people are afraid of chipping 24:02 — 'There is no place for' arcaims ': how new discoveries affect the scientific environment Highlights of the conversation Igor explained that conspiracy theories emerge...
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