Uncensored Sites

Uncensored Sites





Yippy.com  Startpage.com  Search.meta.ua


  Mail.ru  Yacy.net  Ecosia  AOL Search



    Ahmia .onion    DuckDuckGo .Onion    Fireball   Metabear.ru  








Search Encrypt  

Swiss Cows AI  

Discreet Search  


Candle .onion  





  ImageAtlas  AOL Images

  Yahoo Images

  UnBubble Images


   Zapmeta Images

   Oscobo Images


Google Advanced     

Yandex Advanced    Yahoo




Uncensored, Unfiltered, Unblocked Search

Engines, Notable or Found Useful





Yippy.com    JoeAnt



















Dogpile    Lukol  







Additional Uncensored, Unfiltered Search


QUO: quosl6t6c64mnn7d.onion

SearchDemon: srcdemonnle7zigm.onion

Tor66 : tor66sezptuu2nta.onion

Google .Onion : ggonionvhfq7brmj.onion

Torgle : torgle5fj664v7pf.onion

Tor : searcherc3uwk535.onion

OnionLand : 3bbaaaccczcbdddz.onion

Phobos : phobosxilamwcg75xt22id7aywkzol6q6rfl2flipcqoc4e4ahima5id.onion

DarkSearch : 7pwy57iklvt6lyhe.onion

MultiVac : multivacigqzqqon.onion

Torch : xmh57jrzrnfcl7dj.onion

Haystak : haystakvxad7wbk5.onion

DarkSearch : 7pwy57iklvt6lyhe.onion

Not Evil : hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion

Grams : grams7enqfy4nieo.onion

Oss : oss7wrm7xvoub77o.onion

Visitor : visitorfi5kl7q7i.onion

Ahmia : msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion

Tordex : tordex7iie7z2wcg.onion

Doogle : doogle4aubt5qdb6.onion

Uncensored Hidden Wiki  


Tor Links  

Duck Duck Go  


WWW Virtual Library  

MasterList Alpha  


are 100 largely uncensored, unfiltered, unblocked alternatives to Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask above. The following Search Engines seem to be, circa 2021, the most uncensored, unblocked of all "uncensored" Search Engines: Yandex.com, Rambler.ru, Startpage.com, Search.meta.ua, Parseek.ir, Mail.ru, Kvasir.no, Boomle.ru, Cluuz.com, Fireball.com, Metabear.ru and DuckDuckgo.com. What is uncensored, unfiltered in a Russian Search Engine is what is often censored in the West, and vice versa. While initially researching U.S. Government Black Projects and Operations , in some search instances nearly every link on this page was followed. Sometimes, Yandex Advanced, Yahoo Advanced, Google Advanced and WebArchive.org were helpful. So was using the Tor Browser and utilizing Torch Uncensored Unfiltered Unblocked Search Engine, etc.

This page was made in large part by using alternative uncensored search engines to

search for more alternative, uncensored, unfiltered search engines. Near the top of the page are links to 13 hassle-free Image Search Engines: Yandex Images, Bing Images, ImageAtlas, AOL Images, Yahoo Images, UnBubble Images, PicSearch, Zapmeta Images, Mail.ru Images, Boomle Images, Rambler Images and DuckDuckGo Images.

of July 15, 2021 there are no broken links and few to no spam ads that we

are aware of on the roughly 100 search engine pages – no preponderance of “parked domain” pages

like you see on many other similar search engine pages.

Many people do not want Multinational Corporations, Governments, etc., tracking and recording their every nuance. On any given day, I use 6-15 (some days even more) of the links on this page; mostly to track how bad Censorship has become. If you use TV, the car radio and one major Search Engine to get news and info, you are in the dark, literally in a blacklist or a "whitelist" sanitized, propaganda effervescence balloon.

Go to parseek.ir and search for news topics you know are censored, U.S. Government Black Operations, etc. Try going to parseek.ir and search for "U.S. Government Black Operations whale.to" or "U.S. Government Black Operations bibliotecapleyades.net" (without quotes). It is all about pattern matching.

If you were to encounter

(extremely rare, but still...) a "takeover" ransom page… on a Mac,

type command-option-escape. Quit the broswer in the

small processes window. On a PC, type control-alt-delete, then quit the

browser in the processes window. Reboot to refresh RAM.

you are looking for “dark news”, bear in mind the DHS / NSA blocks everything

it possibly can. At the risk of sounding paranoid, one of the foreign, highly

alternative search engines coughed up about ten pages of results not

available in the big four search engines. The following day, its results were

just like the big four – literally everything worth reading in the

results disappeared overnight. Who do you think has the power to re-arrange

“the open Internet” or “overhaul a foreign search engine” overnight?

is highly recommended you use the search engines with JavaScript off, pop-up

windows blocked and up to date antivirus protection – just in case. All

but 5 links open in Firefox and IE, those 5 .onion URL's open only in Tor

browser bundle.

you have not done so, download, install and use Yacy (pronounced Ya see)

peer-to-peer search engine. Much of the info in the Fukushima Plumegate

articles came from Yacy searches.

is not a comprehensive list of all search engines, but rather a one-page list

of foreign, clustering, deep web and alternative uncensored search engines.

Engine Boolean crash course: "targeted individual" or

"organized harassment" and +Morgellons … Try it with and without

"quotes" and use minus signs on propaganda disinfo

words. If you don't find any results, use less verbage ,

like "targeted individuals Morgellons" (no quotes). The German metasearch engine Fireball.com boasts the ability to handle

far more keywords than google , bing, yahoo and ask.

Fireball.com also boasts the ability to handle the most minus-sign words

(keywords you wish excluded from results). There are many system trade-offs

in 100 search engines, but the ability to add 10 keywords and an additional

10 minus-sign words in Metager makes it my personal

favorite at this time. I still have Google as my default homepage, but have several alternatives in my bookmarks for quick reference use. When all else fails, search for what you know or want and use an asterisk * as a Wild Card, for instance: my favorite rock band and * collaboration. Or Morgellons and *. Boolean works well with Swisscows.com (AI). But the powers that be have all of us mostly seeing a flea on a camel's ass through backwards binoculars.

On March 14, 2018, the link immediately above gave me the first 7 results as being "newsworthy". No spam, no obvious lies, etc.


diligent research, so you learn that "Security Role Players Morgellons"

(no quotes) means the same thing, essentially. Some Search Engines do not

handle plus and minus signs, quote marks, etc. Some alternative search

engines handle 12 words, others balk at 6-7 words (or even less like 5).

Sometimes less is more, no quotes, no Booleans :

organized harassment Morgellons … just the three words, for example. The best

search engines interpret -aliens as skip all content that has the propaganda,

disinformation word "aliens"; you wish to filter out all

"aliens" blather. Hence: "targeted individuals Morgellons

-aliens" will work in the best 20-30% of the search engines list above.

If the minus sign filter (-aliens) does not work, switch to another search

engine, like sogou.com, Yandex.ru, baidu.com or mail.ru (or many, many others,


in doubt, don't use plus and minus signs, just use 3-5 appropriate words.

When in doubt, use less words, generally. Now some contradicitions .

The search "organized harassment +Morgellons -time -travel -aliens"

means I wish for all results to include "Morgellons" and wish to

block out "time travel aliens"… Different words, similar example.

"global warming +coral +bleaching -hoax" will give you the

Liberal's pages. "Global warming +hoax" will give you the

Republican's pages. Or just use Google advanced (with no plus or minus

symbols, it automatically includes them) - anything that gets you using Booleans and filters (minus signs) is to your search

engine advantage.

minus signs are a plus in many search engines. A plus-minus (i.e., +-aliens) is a minus. Learn to think of

"and" or "or" or both, when appropriate. "Targeted

and individuals or organized and harassment or srp's -aliens". If you get zero

results, try less words or drop "-aliens"; or better yet, use a

more sophisticated search portal. If time permits, try one of your same exact searches

in all 100+ search engines to compare. That was how the article, " Mossadgate , NSA Prism " was in large part researched…

Google has a Boolean help page well worth your time that deals with Search

Engine Boolean beyond the scope of our short lesson…

In the past year, Bing's handling of *some* searches has improved greatly. Although at this time I haven't discovered a "Bing Advanced" console, Bing handles searches i.e.,: " Morgellons Surveillance Role Players or Gangstalkers not Aliens not time not warp " (without the quotes) extremely well. Whether you use math operators (+ or -), etc. or language Boolean ( and or not plus ), Bing does an improved job. For images Bing and Yandex are the best followed by AOL, imho. Bing and Yandex excel with vintage music videos. For blacklisted news, the first 15 Search Engines links top above and the entire page is what it takes to not live in an absence of "Blacklisted News" Government/Media/Multinationals Propaganda Bubble, totally. Please don't get the impression to totally boycott the Big 5. Notice the links to Google Advanced, Yahoo Advanced and Yandex Advanced (above); three extremely powerful tools.

Let's review using Boolean to make Internet Search more uncensored and unfiltered using our Boolean unfiltered:

surveillance role players +gangstalkers targeted individuals +fbi +cops +cointelpro -aliens -reptilians -nibiru

Click the text above to see how very uncensored Fireball.com handles Boolean. The Internet is both censored and very easy to uncensor. Now click the same Boolean, imediately below, to see how Parseek handles the Boolean:

surveillance+role+players gangstalkers+targeted+individuals fbi cops cointelpro+-aliens+-reptilians+-nibiru

Try one more unfiltered, uncensored, unblocked web searches with the same terms on Yandex.com:

surveillance role players +gangstalkers targeted individuals +fbi +cops +cointelpro -aliens -reptilians -nibiru

Of the three search links above, which do you think gave the most uncensored, unfiltered, unblocked results?


using Yandex, Mozbot.fr and Kvasir.no. We

trust you are now search engine proficient. Be sure to try the Cluuz and Search.meta.ua Search Engines,

two of our favorites for general or specialized web surfing… Experiment, it is how we learn.

search engines are well worth using and generally safe to use. Much of the

news found is more interesting than that found in mainstream search engines,

that by comparison seem censored. Hence, uncensored unfiltered

unblocked search, Deep iInternet Deep Web, Hidden Internet are the themes

of this page. Foreign National and Independent Search Engines that don't track you with cookies for unblocked, unfiltered and uncensored searches. More than a dozen image search engines for unblocked, unfiltered, uncensored image searches. For Dark Web info, read articles below.

The short list at the top of the page are the most unblocked, unfiltered, uncensored Search Engines: Yandex.com, Rambler.ru, Startpage.com, Search.meta.ua, Parseek.ir, Mail.ru, Kvasir.no, Boomle.ru, Cluuz.com, Fireball.com, Metabear.ru, DuckDuckgo.com and Gibiru. The Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians seem to have no interest in helping the NSA serve up an effervescent, censored Internet; or the machines work by uncensored, unfiltered by meta-proxy and anonymously, or both. We live in an era where AI is being touted as "society's savior/invest now" and AI is being simultaneously rolled out as an Orwellian propaganda/censorship tool.

Everybody knows the Internet is rigged; the Web Cognitive Disonnance is seeing your wife's spending habits all over newsgroups, "alternative" Jewish News sites, etc. Every bit and byte is rigged with commercialism's shadow splashed everywhere one turns to online. Each time one's brain synapses a fleeting interest in a subject, the NSA, DHS, FBI, Apple, Intel, Google, Amazon, FB, Twitter, airforce.mil, navy.mil, army.mil, et al file away one's very keystrokes to see if said taped keys can be used against one in some adversarial, profitable, or archival of "one's privacy" recording. Spy, profit, spy, profit. How long after we die do they keep our digital footsteps?

Two of the Search Engines that I felt were most anonymous search (did not data harvest on you) were Seznam.cz and Cluuz.com. The powers that be seem to starve such enities in the so-called "Search Engines" (URL-Erasers/Thought-Control-Portals). They almost got Metager.org , or partially or wholly Zionized it. Basically, we are witnessing the Zionization of "the free, open Internet". Note that what is left of Metager will handle a search string such as: Zionists+Zersetzung+Mind+Control+Matrix+Surveillance+Role+Players+Office+of+Naval+Intelligence+-aliens+-planet+-niburu and they don't appear totally Zionized.

Every time that you believe you have exhausted your boolean search engine skills, put out some effort and teach yourself how each search engine behaves to certain input:

How does Yandex react when you put a quoted phrase in twice, for example: +Gangstalking FirstNet Police Firefighters AT&T FirstNet +Gangstalkers ?

How does Metager react when you put a quoted phrase in twice, for example: Gangstalking FirstNet Police Firefighters AT&T FirstNet +Gangstalkers ?

How does Metacrawler compare to the Yandex and Metager when you look at the results, for example: police firefighters firstnet gangstalking gangstalkers zersetzung ?


So, maybe you have been Googling "Jew Gangstalkers" and Google has given you the same articles, over and over.

Going to Yandex or Parseek and searching for "Jew Gangstalkers" will frequently yield the same dozen articles you saw at Google (or Bing). But click the search terms below and you will find that there are indeed new articles by new authors that you completely missed before now:

Dark Web Definition

from http://Technopedia.com :
The dark Web ensures one’s privacy by

effectively hiding the server or IP details from the public. The dark Web

requires special kinds of software to

access. This software acts as a gateway to the dark Web. Once the user gains

access, then all the dark websites and other services can be accessed in a

simple way with help of browsers.
The dark Web includes a wide range of

networks, from small, friend-to-friend/peer-to-peer networks to large, popular

networks such as Freenet, I2P and Tor, operated by public organizations and

individuals. Some of the categories of Web-based hidden services include:
Most dark websites are not directly

accessible via a normal search made through a search engine; they effectively hide themselves. They are accessible

only if the addresses of those sites are known to the user. Some methods which

hide websites from normal searches are:
The industries

which operate over the dark Web are known as darknet markets; this includes

black market sales of illegal products, to stay hidden from governments and law

enforcement agencies. The dark Web is also used in other ways, like

communication between whistleblowers and protecting users from attacks or

surveillance to ensure privacy in communication. But the dark Web is mostly

used in black markets as it promises total anonymity.
Nathan Chandler is

a freelance writer and photographer based in Lincoln, Neb. He earned his B.A.

from the University of Northern Iowa, and has researched and written about

consumer tech for more than 10 years.

Deep Web and the Dark Web are topics of intrigue, particularly since the FBI

shut down the Silk Road website in October of 2013. 

inaccurately use the terms Deep Web and Dark Web interchangeably.

the Dark Web is only a small portion of the Deep Web (below Figure).


both the enormous Deep Web and the much smaller Dark Web are inac
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