Un secret bien gardé

Un secret bien gardé


Un secret bien gardé
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Emma, cadre dans une entreprise new-yorkaise, ne s'épanouit ni dans sa vie privée ni dans son métier. Alors que la jeune femme prend l'avion pour rentrer d'une réunion, l'appareil est soudain pris dans des turbulences. Persuadée qu'ils vont s'écraser, Emma se confie alors à l'inconnu assis à côté d'elle...
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Preview — Un secret bien gardé
by Alice Hoffman

Alice Hoffman (Goodreads Author) ,

Monroe, Massachusetts, petite ville aux pelouses impeccables, aux demeures spacieuses et aux allées bordées de pommiers. C'est là que vivent Jorie, Ethan et leur fils Collie. Jorie et Ethan vivent un amour sans faille, Jorie est une épouse comblée et Ethan, pompier volontaire, fait l'admiration de tous. Cette famille unie incarne un bonheur serein que rien ne semble pouvoi
Monroe, Massachusetts, petite ville aux pelouses impeccables, aux demeures spacieuses et aux allées bordées de pommiers. C'est là que vivent Jorie, Ethan et leur fils Collie. Jorie et Ethan vivent un amour sans faille, Jorie est une épouse comblée et Ethan, pompier volontaire, fait l'admiration de tous. Cette famille unie incarne un bonheur serein que rien ne semble pouvoir troubler. Mais ce tableau idyllique se lézarde un beau matin d'été lorsque la police vient arrêter Ethan, suspecté d'avoir commis un meurtre atroce quinze ans auparavant... Alice Hoffman tisse une intrigue originale et forte et nous offre la description acide d'une communauté aux apparences trompeuses, dans un roman foisonnant, tendu et inoubliable.

February 10th 2006
by J'ai lu

(first published July 23rd 2001)

(ISBN13: 9782290336458 )

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Un secret bien gardé ,
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May 21, 2014


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Ethan Ford - a handyman, kids' baseball coach, and volunteer fireman - is a town hero. After 13 years of marriage he's still deeply in love with his wife Jorie..... .....and a good dad to his son Collie. Then one morning Ethan is arrested for the rape and murder of a young girl fifteen years ago. Jorie and Collie are devastated and the townsfolk can hardly take it in, believing a terrible mistake has occurred. SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT To many people's surprise, Ethan pleads guilty to
Ethan Ford - a handyman, kids' baseball coach, and volunteer fireman - is a town hero. After 13 years of marriage he's still deeply in love with his wife Jorie..... .....and a good dad to his son Collie. Then one morning Ethan is arrested for the rape and murder of a young girl fifteen years ago. Jorie and Collie are devastated and the townsfolk can hardly take it in, believing a terrible mistake has occurred. SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT To many people's surprise, Ethan pleads guilty to the crime, asserting that he's a 'different man' now. In one way he is, having acquired a new identity. Collie is distraught and becomes completely withdrawn while Jorie torments herself trying to figure out how Ethan could have done such a thing. In flashbacks we learn that Ethan was a truly despicable youth who - after he committed the murder - instantaneously transformed himself into a good, caring man. Other characters in the novel include Jorie's best friend Charlotte, who is suffering from cancer; Jorie's mother and sister who try to support her in this time of crisis; and Kat - an insightful young friend of Collie's. There are also lawyers who advise/defend Ethan, and townspeople who form an 'Ethan support group' to raise money for his defense. This group includes Kat's sister Rosarie, a beautiful but cold 17-year-old heartbreaker who becomes infatuated with Ethan. The heart of the story involves how Jorie comes to terms with her husband's crime and the actions she decides to take. To me Ethan's sudden transformation into a 'good guy' after the murder is completely unbelievable and the story's finale also rings false. However, the characters are interesting and the book does a good job illustrating the heartbreak and devastation that can occur when a gigantic lie is exposed. END SPOILER ALERT END SPOILER ALERT You can follow my reviews at http://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot.com/


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I read the Kindle edition of this book, and there were so many typos/misprints that I almost didn't finish reading it. Overall, though, the story itself was pretty good. This was my first Alice Hoffman book but definitely not my last!
I read the Kindle edition of this book, and there were so many typos/misprints that I almost didn't finish reading it. Overall, though, the story itself was pretty good. This was my first Alice Hoffman book but definitely not my last!


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didnt-finish ,
bookcrossed-or-otherwise-set-free ,

I didn't finish this book. Ms Hoffman failed to make me care enough about the characters, with the possible exception of Kat, to want to continue past page 116. Yes, I gave it a few extra pages beyond my 100-page limit because I wanted to like this book. Alice Hoffman is an author highly recommended by many friends, and I thoroughly enjoyed another of her novels, "The Probable Future." This novel, though, irritated the fluff out of me with the 3rd-person omniscient POV written in the present ten
I didn't finish this book. Ms Hoffman failed to make me care enough about the characters, with the possible exception of Kat, to want to continue past page 116. Yes, I gave it a few extra pages beyond my 100-page limit because I wanted to like this book. Alice Hoffman is an author highly recommended by many friends, and I thoroughly enjoyed another of her novels, "The Probable Future." This novel, though, irritated the fluff out of me with the 3rd-person omniscient POV written in the present tense. I much preferred the 1st person narrative through Kat's eyes. Sadly, there was too much "the curtain wafts in the gentle breeze. Ethan looks at his wife in the sunlight and marvels at her beauty" and not enough Kat. When the style of narrative annoys the fire out of me, it's a sure sign that my time would be better spent finding something I'll actually enjoy reading. Pretty cover, though.


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Apr 14, 2008


rated it
it was ok

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Can someone commit a terrible crime and then completely change themselves for the better? If that person has changed and now lives an exemplary life, are they still responsible for that crime even though they are no longer the same person? This is the question posed in Blue Diary. Ethan Ford is THE perfect husband and father or is he? The secret he has kept from his wife for 15 years comes back to haunt him and the whole town is drawn into the ensuing chaos. I thought the premise of the book was
Can someone commit a terrible crime and then completely change themselves for the better? If that person has changed and now lives an exemplary life, are they still responsible for that crime even though they are no longer the same person? This is the question posed in Blue Diary. Ethan Ford is THE perfect husband and father or is he? The secret he has kept from his wife for 15 years comes back to haunt him and the whole town is drawn into the ensuing chaos. I thought the premise of the book was interesting. The first half of the book was good but it kind of lost its way towards the end. I expected to feel more challenged by this moral dilemma but in the end, finished the book out of curiosity more than interest.


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Aug 07, 2011


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did not like it

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I didn’t hate it but I did skim most of it and couldn’t wait to finish and move on...but at least I finished it. The characters are too perfect or either too perfectly flawed. They are boring and unbelievable more than endearing and sympathetic. The author takes too much time making everything perfect...even the dang strawberries grown by Jorie are the best and sweetest in the world. Give me a break! The story is about Ethan Ford (the most perfect man on earth through the first 30 pages) who is
I didn’t hate it but I did skim most of it and couldn’t wait to finish and move on...but at least I finished it. The characters are too perfect or either too perfectly flawed. They are boring and unbelievable more than endearing and sympathetic. The author takes too much time making everything perfect...even the dang strawberries grown by Jorie are the best and sweetest in the world. Give me a break! The story is about Ethan Ford (the most perfect man on earth through the first 30 pages) who is accused of committing a horrific crime 15 years ago. He now has a (perfect) wife and (perfect) son who know nothing about his past. The book is more about what the accusation and arrest do to the people around Ethan more than the crime itself. There is no courtroom drama and very little legal story. This one is about feelings and emotions, how life goes on after horrible tragedies. I did not connect with the characters but I was interested in the story so I kept with it.


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Recommended to Susan by:

Unrealistic plot..Rapist/Murderer turns into Perfect Husband/Father/Fireman/Hero..no explanation as to why or how this occurred. Disjointed characters briefly interact as they come to terms with their disillusion. I kept waiting for someone to get to the heart of the matter...to know about Ethan and how/why he transformed himself, but instead got inner dialogue of his devastated wife, teen girl who turned in the murderer, but was still friends with his son, and whose 17 year old sister had been
Unrealistic plot..Rapist/Murderer turns into Perfect Husband/Father/Fireman/Hero..no explanation as to why or how this occurred. Disjointed characters briefly interact as they come to terms with their disillusion. I kept waiting for someone to get to the heart of the matter...to know about Ethan and how/why he transformed himself, but instead got inner dialogue of his devastated wife, teen girl who turned in the murderer, but was still friends with his son, and whose 17 year old sister had been kissed on the toes by the murderer and wanted to run away with him.....well, you get the idea and it was not a good one.


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Aug 05, 2014


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did not like it

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What can I say about this book other than it made me cringe? Quite a few things, since I was taking notes for a book club discussion, searching for its themes amid the overblown, flowery prose such as that found in this example: "He has walked through the fire with her name on his lips; he has drunk of it and found sustenance in it, until at last he was carried to the other side of the black river." Oh boy. Multiply this by the 303 pages found in this book, and you'll understand what I'm talking
What can I say about this book other than it made me cringe? Quite a few things, since I was taking notes for a book club discussion, searching for its themes amid the overblown, flowery prose such as that found in this example: "He has walked through the fire with her name on his lips; he has drunk of it and found sustenance in it, until at last he was carried to the other side of the black river." Oh boy. Multiply this by the 303 pages found in this book, and you'll understand what I'm talking about when I say that I couldn't wait to be done reading it. The story is pretty simple. Ethan Ford is an ideal husband, father, and citizen of a small town in Massachusetts where he's been living for the past thirteen years. But he has been living a lie that whole time, having taken on a false identity fifteen years earlier after committing a horrible crime that he walked away from in another state. But now, the truth has come out for those willing to face it. Each person whose life Ethan has touched must decide for himself whether or not his faith will be shaken or strengthened by the events that follow the revelation of Ethan's past. And so on and so forth. After a while, I didn't really care what happened since none of it seemed real to me. Everything seemed staged. This was an older book by the author, so maybe that was the problem since I've read a handful of her other books which came later, uneven in quality, but solid three star reads and none of them as disappointing as this one. This book was all tell and no show, spoon feeding each character's thoughts and feelings to the reader so the reader need not think or feel for herself. Consequently, I felt nothing for these characters who felt trapped in their lives by fate or some form of predestination, if not by choice. I only know that I wish I'd had some choice about reading this book. If you want to read something decent by the author and more representative of her skills, try The Red Garden or The Dovekeepers.


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Aug 26, 2008


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This was a good book, not the quality book that is life-altering or really touches your soul, but a good solid book nonetheless. The book centers around earth-shattering truths revealed to a woman about her husband. Its a bit unsettling to think about how quickly life can change. Equally as upsetting is how little you may know someone you think you know and love. Imagine you found out your husband had committed a horrible crime, only moments before you met and fell in love with him. Years later,
This was a good book, not the quality book that is life-altering or really touches your soul, but a good solid book nonetheless. The book centers around earth-shattering truths revealed to a woman about her husband. Its a bit unsettling to think about how quickly life can change. Equally as upsetting is how little you may know someone you think you know and love. Imagine you found out your husband had committed a horrible crime, only moments before you met and fell in love with him. Years later, with a child, and a well defined life, you find out about his secret past. What do you do? Can you forgive him? Do you abandon him? Do you even pretend to know him?


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Oct 29, 2012


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Alice Hoffman’s books can be kind of depressing, but you almost don’t mind because they’re so beautifully written. The first chapter describes the idyllic perfection of the life Ethan and Jorie Ford lead along with their son Collie. Everything is wonderful, Ethan is a perfect, gorgeous, hardworking man and Jorie is a perfect, gorgeous, lovely wife. Collie is perfect, gorgeous, and happy. They live in a small, Massachusetts town and everybody loves them. Then, everything falls apart. Ethan is acc
Alice Hoffman’s books can be kind of depressing, but you almost don’t mind because they’re so beautifully written. The first chapter describes the idyllic perfection of the life Ethan and Jorie Ford lead along with their son Collie. Everything is wonderful, Ethan is a perfect, gorgeous, hardworking man and Jorie is a perfect, gorgeous, lovely wife. Collie is perfect, gorgeous, and happy. They live in a small, Massachusetts town and everybody loves them. Then, everything falls apart. Ethan is accused of a murder committed 15 years prior when he was “a different person.” The family and the townspeople have to decide whether to stand by Ethan or turn their backs on him. Those who love him most may be the ones who feel most betrayed. I found it difficult to believe that the kind of man who would commit the crime that was described could possibly have changed so much as to become who Ethan was at the beginning of the book, which, frankly, is what the other characters are having a hard time believing as well. However, I still don’t buy how that kind of act can hold up for such a long period of time without reversion to past behaviors. Unfortunately, Ethan himself does not play a large part in the book. We are not really privy to how he was able to make these changes. It seems he just woke up one day wanting to be a better man and then he was. This is not a story of redemption, it’s more about forgiveness and whether one can find that in him or herself. Hoffman’s characters feel things deeply and act in a manner that is congruous with their feelings, and that is to be commended, but I still didn’t find it very plausible. It was still lovely to read and pointed out some things about the human condition that can’t help but be true

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