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Un couple digital

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Kundenbewertung: Talking Point Cards - Family Edition

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My girlfriend and I played this game, which was so much fun. I loved looking into her eyes while she talked about topics that were important to her—and then watching her laugh as we picked a question from the other deck. She looked so happy. 10/10 recommend this game

I know this product will help me in getting to know my future partner well. Thanks

My therapist recommended this at couples counseling. I like the idea but most of the questions are basic. Great idea though as conversations starters.

My fiancé and I started playing this game just a week after our first date … we wanted to get to know each other on a deeper level. Both of us had spent years dating great people but came to realize that they weren't "the right one." I wanted to find my soulmate and so did he. This game is amazing because the questions help you to discover who that person is, what makes them tick, what makes them angry - and how they act when they're angry, If/how their parents showed affection, how they were disciplined…etc. I realize that people can gain this kind of understanding for their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife without this game. However, in my dating experience, it's taken years to achieve the kind of deep understanding that this game fosters in a matter of weeks. I'd imagine that asking someone these questions would be awkward if you weren't playing the game. But since it's the point of the game for both people to answer personal questions, it takes the awkwardness out of it and makes it fun to open up to each other. I highly recommend this game if you don't want to "waste" years of your life dating the wrong person. Speaking IMHO, it's better to know early on if we differ on how to raise children, how to spend money, how to celebrate holidays, etc. I could also see this game working wonders on your relationship even if you're already married because a rule in the game is that you can't speak unless it's your turn. Truly listening and feeling like you're being listened to is vital to successful communication, and when you can communicate effectively, you are able to see past differences and understand the other's heart. Even something as simple as asking each other a question from one card while getting ready for work in the morning can keep the communication lines open and strengthen any relationship.

24 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

This game is an awesome way to get to know yourself and friends and family!

Knowing full well that these "ungames" are primarily meant for therapeutic use, my wife and I decided to give them a try. If I recall correctly, the 1st set of cards is contains lighthearted and surface level questions, whereas the 2nd set contains those of deeper and more serious questions. We played through the bulk of the 1st set in one evening and, if anything else, it gave us something to do together that didn't involve a screen of some sort, which, in my opinion, was a plus. The second set was much in the same, although we did notice the deeper questions, which made the second time we used the game a bit less "fun" and more a bit more intimate. Overall, this card game won't last you very long if you are intending to purchase it for an entertaining night with your significant other. However, if you are okay with a fairly small stack of cards and desire a way to connect or reconnect with that special someone, you might enjoy this version. Although, I would probably recommend the ungame to therapists and other similar helping professionals more so than the average consumer.

3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

A really great couples game to talk about easy and difficult topics. It brought up questions that I never thought to ask. I can tell it will take some time to get through it all. We spent an hour on four questions! It will be important to be open and have a judgment free zone with this quality time together. We both have enjoyed this ungame and highly recommend it. Some of the questions seem simple...like "Talk about your best friend". At first I didn't think it was applicable, but after he discussed a few things about his best friend I realized a few things that are important to him and how I can also connect with him differently. I talked about my best friend and he understood my needs better. We alternated between deck 1 and 2. That was helpful to have light questions with deep questions. We have committed to answering a few questions a week to ensure there is no pressure and it doesn't consume our relationship.

8 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

Opened the cards last night and my husband said he was tired. I said, "just one". I went through the cards and found a good and read it aloud. My husband answered it lol. I gave my answer and do then went through the cards. After a minute my husband said read another lol. We did a few cards and it was fun. I would say not all the cards were as fun as others so I only gave it 4 stars, but it could just be our preferences in fun and questions that we liked. We have been together almost 8 years so we know a lot about each other, but a new couple may find all the cards interesting.

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A non-competitive game that encourFor Ages conversation and communication. Use as an ice-breaker or for serious exchange of thoughts, feelings and ideas.

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Outreach workers in Syria are worried about the vulnerability of women and girls under curfew. © UNFPA Syria
Domestic abuse , also called "domestic violence" or "intimate partner violence", can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound someone. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. It can occur within a range of relationships including couples who are married, living together or dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. 
Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, faith or class
Victims of domestic abuse may also include a child or other relative, or any other household member.
Domestic abuse is typically manifested as a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim.
Domestic abuse can be mental, physical, economic or sexual in nature. Incidents are rarely isolated, and usually escalate in frequency and severity. Domestic abuse may culminate in serious physical injury or death.
Look over the following questions to think about how you are being treated and how you treat your partner.
If any of these things are happening in your relationship, talk to someone. Without help, the abuse will continue. Making that first call to seek help is a courageous step.
Physical and sexual assaults, or threats to commit them, are the most apparent forms of domestic abuse and violence and are usually the actions that allow others to become aware of the problem. However, regular use of other abusive behaviors by the abuser, when reinforced by one or more acts of physical violence, make up a larger system of abuse. Although physical assaults may occur only once or occasionally, they instill the fear of future violent attacks and allow the abuser to take control of the victim's life and circumstances.
The Power & Control wheel is a particularly helpful tool in understanding the overall pattern of abusive and violent behaviors, which are used by an abuser to establish and maintain control over his/her partner or any other victim in the household. Very often, one or more violent incidents may be accompanied by an array of these other types of abuse. They are less easily identified, yet firmly establish a pattern of intimidation and control in the relationship.
(Source: Developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, Duluth, MN, https://www.theduluthmodel.org/ )
Emotional abuse includes undermining a person's sense of self-worth through constant criticism; belittling one's abilities; name-calling or other verbal abuse; damaging a partner's relationship with the children; or not letting a partner see friends and family. You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship if your partner:
Psychological abuse : involves causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner or children; destruction of pets and property; “mind games”; or forcing isolation from friends, family, school and/or work.
Financial or economic abuse : involves making or attempting to make a person financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding access to money, and/or forbidding attendance at school or employment.
Physical abuse : involves hurting or trying to hurt a partner by hitting, kicking, burning, grabbing, pinching, shoving, slapping, hair-pulling, biting, denying medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use, or using other physical force. You may be in a physically abusive relationship if your partner:
Sexual abuse : involves forcing a partner to take part in a sex act when the partner does not consent. You may be in a sexually abusive relationship if your partner:
Stalking involves any pattern of behavior that serves no legitimate purpose and is intended to harass, annoy, or terrorize the victim. Typical stalking activities include repeated telephone calls, unwelcome letters or gifts by mail, surveillance at work, home and other places that the victim is known to frequent. Stalking usually escalates.
How you can help victims of domestic abuse?
Note : Keep in mind that a survivor often makes several attempts to leave the abusive relationship before succeeding.





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