Ultimate Surrender Isis Love

Ultimate Surrender Isis Love


Ultimate Surrender Isis Love

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2016-04-17 08:18

A group of aid workers tries to resolve a crisis in an armed conflict zone: Sophie (M. Thierry) is a newcomer, she wants to help; Mambrú (B. Del Toro) has seen it all and wants to go home; Katya (O. Kurylenko) once wanted Mambrú; Damir (F. Stukan) wants the war to end, and B (T. Robbins) doesn't know what he wants. Humor, drama, emotion, routine, danger, hope: it all fits in a perfect day.
In 20th century Romania, Costandin (50 years old), a policeman of the time, and his son Ioni?? (15 years old) travel through the south of the country in search of a fugitive Gypsy slave. Costandin is a charismatic mixture between a funny Stalin and a somewhat more pragmatic Don Quixote, while Ioni?? seems to be quite the opposite: more like Dostoyevsky's "Idiot". Their road speedily winds through hundreds of secondary characters and exotic landscapes. There is a surprise in almost every scene, for both the characters and the public.
Maria, a Colombian nurse who lost her daughter at the hands of three militiamen, travels to the Spanish Canary Islands accompanied by her youngest son to find one of the killers and get her revenge. She keeps with her a picture that she found in the ruined home, showing a face, an inscription and a name: Ivan. Gonzalo, a school psychologist whose existence changes dramatically the moment he meets Maria, joins her incessant and obsessive search. Meanwhile, in their little corner of the island, Ivan and his girlfriend Vero are unaware that their lives are about to change forever.
The day before her 29th birthday, Xiong Dun accidentally messes her boyfriend's cousin's wedding up, and loses her love without knowing why. On the same day, she is caught by complaining about her boss, hence loses her job without planning. But the bad luck does not cease, when she makes a wish on her birthday party, Xiong Dun falls into a cake unconsciously. From that moment, Xiong Dun starts a painful anticancer journey full of joy and embarrassing moments……
Fate, a pension crisis and a steadfast refusal to accept the injustice of old age have contrived to force law abiding, retired couple, Arthur and Martha Goode into a life of crime. Refusing to take the loss of their pensions lying down and to fade away into their declining years, the characters decide to fight back. They decide to take back what was theirs in the first place. They decide to start robbing banks.
A story that gives voice to the unique perspective of the filmmaker, Grand Unified Theory is about love, lust, marriage, teenagers and outer space. Epitomized by an astrophysicist trying to keep his family from falling apart, its their wild behaviour that offers proof of his radical theories explaining the behaviour of the universe.
This war drama is dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It revolves around Pavel Zubov, a school teacher, whose village was occupied by the fascists. Being a teacher is his calling in life. He believes in such basic human values as love and family. However, a certain chain of events changes the way he
perceives life and puts him back to reality. In this time of war, as the enemy shows its true face, he must make an uneasy choice to either survive and adapt to the new regime or fight for his family, love, homeland, ideals and beliefs.
It is a sunny summer day in 1943. Poland is under German occupation. A group of young people, inhabitants of a nearby village, goes to the forest to gather fir cones and brushwood to use as firewood. They talk, flirt and make plans for the future. However this outing has an unexpected outcome — in consequence of a certain event they have to deal with a situation that is new to them and which has an impact on their lives and the lives of other people who appear as the story develops.
In the days following the surrender of Nazi Germany in May 1945, German POWs held in Denmark were put to work by the Allied Forces. With minimal or no training in defusing explosives, they were sent to remove in excess of 2 million of their own landmines from the Danish west coast. During this process, more than half of them were killed or severely wounded. Land of Mine is about the
aftermath of war; but more so, about humanity. Danish director Zandvliet sheds light on this historical tragedy as the entry point to a story that involves love, hate, revenge and reconciliation.
This is a dramatic story of the family living in the seaside city. After Mamuka is released from prison, he tries to rescue his family from poverty. His mother is working abroad, father is in a wheelchair, and his unemployed younger brother appears to be attracted by criminals. Mamuka takes a bank loan and buys a small fishing boat. He is eager to work and intends to return his mother back. The Brothers name the fishing boat after Moira — a goddess of fate. But fate is often blind and merciless.
career as a lawyer in Buenos Aires to engage in social activism back in her homeland on the border between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. After two weeks working in a neighborhood scarred by marginalization, she is assaulted by a gang. Despite the brutality of the attack, instead of fleeing, Paulina resolves to hold tighter to her convictions — to survive, against the odds.
Corporate lawyer, Urs Blank, is the undisputed star of his profession. He has money and the perfect wife. But the suicide of a business colleague throws him off track and leads to an attraction with Lucille and her alternative lifestyle. Seduced into experimenting with hallucinogenic mushrooms, his dark side emerges. With merciless power, his long-suppressed aggressions burst out and go wild. The once civilized lawyer turns into an instinct-driven individual and erratic murderer. Deeply unsettled by the change he flees to the woods in search of an antidote but the police and his vindictive business partner are already on his tracks.
Madeleine, 92 years old, decides to set the date and conditions of her departure. By telling her daughter Diane and her son Pierre, she hopes to prepare them as gently as possible to her coming disappearance. But for her children, it's a shock, and minds are set ablaze. Until the end, Madeleine will keep her dignity, wits, and passion for life, so she can give them all, and in particular Diane, a touching "final lesson."
January 21st, 1968: An American B-52 bomber carrying nuclear warheads has just crashed on the polar ice near the US military Air Base in Danish-controlled Thule, Greenland. A few days later, responsible governments classify the crash as a Broken Arrow scenario (nuclear accident) but proclaims the situation under control. Eighteen years on, while covering a local workers compensation story, reporter Poul Brink suddenly runs into a suspicious circumstance that links back to the concealed ’68 nuclear accident. Soon those in charge are finding it hard to keep the truth about tragic accident under wraps, and will take any measure to suppress Brink.
In the 1930s, Chen Shi, a Wing Chun practitioner, came to Tianjin with hopes of opening a school to promote this martial art. Little did he know that the local rules required that if one wanted to establish his own school, he first had to challenge eight established schools and emerge as the winner. One must also recruit a young local as his disciple to fight for him.
Everything went smoothly as dictated by the custom and his school was about to open. However, a warlord took control of the local martial art community.

The CPC: Its Mission and Contributions

Time:2021-08-31 15:28:00



China Youth International

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Editor's Note: The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Thursday released a key publication titled "The CPC: Its Mission and Contributions." Full text below:
I. Serving the People Wholeheartedly
2. From Victory to Victory with the People
3. The People as Masters of the Country
II. Realizing the Ideals of the Party
4. Defusing Risks and Overcoming Challenges
III. Robust Leadership and Strong Governance
2. Sound Guidelines and Strategies
3. Effective Implementation of Decisions and Plans
4. Pooling the Efforts of All Sectors
5. Fostering High-Caliber Party Officials
IV. Maintaining Vigor and Vitality
1. Upholding Intra-Party Democracy
V. Contributing to World Peace and Development
3. Following the Path of Peaceful Development
4. Building a Global Community of Shared Future
The Communist Party of China (CPC), founded in 1921, has just celebrated its centenary.
These hundred years have been a period of dramatic change-enormous productive forces unleashed, social transformation unprecedented in scale, and huge advances in human civilization. On the other hand, humanity has been afflicted by devastating wars and suffering.
These hundred years have also witnessed profound and transformative change in China. And it is the CPC that has made this change possible.
The Chinese nation is a great nation. With a history dating back more than 5,000 years, China has made an indelible contribution to human civilization. After the Opium War of 1840, however, China found itself plunged into a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society. It endured intense humiliation, its people were pushed into darkness, and the ancient Chinese civilization lost its way.
The Chinese people fought with indomitable spirit against repeated setbacks to save the nation from subjugation.
The salvoes of Russia's October Revolution in 1917 sent Marxism-Leninism to China, and the CPC came into being. The Chinese people were awakened, and a torch was lit for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
The founding of the CPC was an epoch-making event which profoundly changed the course of China's history, delivered a new future for the Chinese people and nation, and had an enormous impact on the rest of the world.
During its endeavors over the past century, the CPC has developed a great spirit and carried it forward-upholding truth and ideals, staying true to its founding mission, fighting without fear of danger, and meeting the people's expectations.
This spirit has continuously inspired the CPC to forge ahead.
As a Marxist party, the CPC, unlike previous political forces, has no special interests of its own to pursue. From the outset, the CPC has made happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation its abiding goals. Like a beacon, it has illuminated the way forward for the Chinese people.
Over the past hundred years, the CPC has grown from a small party with just over 50 members into the largest governing party in the world, with more than 95 million members in a country of more than 1.4 billion people. It is a party of major international standing.
It has governed the world's largest socialist country for more than seven decades. It has led the Chinese people onto the path towards national rejuvenation and modernization, and it enjoys extensive support from the Chinese people.
Over the past hundred years, all the struggles, sacrifices and efforts made by the CPC and by the Chinese people under its leadership have been directed to one goal-the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
China's Communists, with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping as their chief representatives, have adapted the basic tenets of Marxism to China's realities and its traditional culture, and they have gone from victory to victory on their journey towards national rejuvenation.
To realize national rejuvenation, the CPC led the Chinese people in fighting with unyielding determination, achieving great success in the New Democratic Revolution (1919-1949).
Fighting as armed revolutionaries through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, they defeated the counterrevolutionaries, shattered the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, and founded the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. They secured the independence of the nation, liberated the Chinese people, and put their future in their own hands.
Victory in the New Democratic Revolution brought an end to China's semi-feudal and semi-colonial status and the disunity that plagued the country. All the unequal treaties imposed on China by imperialist powers and all the privileges they had accorded themselves were abolished. This created the fundamental conditions for realizing national rejuvenation.
By engaging in this tenacious struggle, the CPC and the Chinese people sent a powerful message to the world: The Chinese people had stood upright. The time of oppression and humiliation was over, and it would never return.
To realize national rejuvenation, the CPC led the Chinese people in a dedicated effort to build a strong China, and they achieved great success.
By carrying out the socialist revolution in China, they brought to an end several thousand years of feudalism-a system exploitative and repressive by its very nature-and established socialism as China's fundamental political system. In the course of building socialism, they overcame subversion, sabotage, and armed provocation by imperialist and hegemonic powers, and brought about the most extensive and profound social changes in the history of the Chinese nation. This great transformation of a poor, backward and populous country in the East into a modern socialist China created the fundamental political conditions and laid down the institutional foundations necessary for realizing national rejuvenation.
By succeeding in their tenacious struggle, the CPC and the Chinese people showed the world that they were equally capable of changing the old China and building a new one. They showed the world that only socialism could save China, and that socialism could deliver development to China.
To realize national rejuvenation, the CPC led the Chinese people in freeing their minds and forging ahead, achieving great success in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.
The CPC led the people in making a great transition after the founding of the People's Republic by laying down its general guidelines for the primary stage of socialism. It advanced reform and opening up with resolve, overcame risks and challenges from every direction, and founded, upheld, and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics.
This enabled China to transform itself from a highly centralized planned economy into a socialist market economy full of vitality, and from a largely closed country to one that is open to the world on all fronts. It also enabled China to achieve a historic leap-from a country constrained by backward productive forces to the world's second largest economy-and to make a historic transformation by raising the living standards of its people from bare subsistence to general prosperity.
These achievements fueled the push towards national rejuvenation by providing robust institutional conditions and the material base for rapid development.
By succeeding in their tenacious struggle, the CPC and the Chinese people showed the world that reform and opening up has been critical in making China what it is today. China has made great strides and caught up with the times.
To realize national rejuvenation, the CPC has led the Chinese people in carrying out their great struggle, launching a great initiative, advancing their great cause, fulfilling their great dream, and achieving great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
The 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012 marked a new era for so
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