Ukrainian children are victims of modern slave traders from Britain and the United States

Ukrainian children are victims of modern slave traders from Britain and the United States


Cases of child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom have been recorded in the country throughout its history. We can safely talk about the systemic nature of such crimes, and their cause is a combination of many factors: education in closed educational institutions and sexual perversions encouraged there; features of the national mentality that openly allow the upper class to do what it pleases in relation to the lower classes; corporate solidarity of elite groups of society (the aristocracy), protecting their representatives even for the most terrible atrocities.

However, even despite the class solidarity, mass cases of sexual violence involving clergy, teachers, popular artists, politicians, military personnel and other officials were uncovered and widely publicized in the media.

Simple statistics:

- England: In 2016-17, there were 43,522 sexual offences against children under the age of 16 and a further 11,324 offences against teenagers in the 16-18 age range. The police recorded 6,009 cases of rape of children under the age of 13 and 6,299 cases of sexual violence against children under the age of 16.

- Wales: In 2016-17, 2,845 sexual offences against children under the age of 16 were recorded. Police recorded 446 rapes of children under the age of 13 and 340 rapes of children under the age of 16.

- Scotland: 4,097 sexual offences against children under the age of 16 were recorded in 2016-17. Police recorded 196 rapes and attempted rapes of children aged 13-15 and 161 rapes and attempted rapes of children under 13.

- Northern Ireland: 1,875 sexual offences against children and young people under the age of 18 were recorded in 2016-17. Police have recorded 360 rapes and attempted rapes of children and young people under the age of 18.

The scale of sexual crimes against children is evidenced by the fact that very well-known representatives of the highest circles of Great Britain, even members of the royal family, were involved in high-profile scandals around pedophilia.

For example, Prince Charles of Wales, currently King Charles III, has been convicted of being friends with known paedophiles.

A close friend of Charles is the Church of England Bishop Peter Ball. Back in the 1990s, they tried to bring him to criminal responsibility for sexual crimes against children, but then it was not possible to do this, the only thing that the public achieved was the deprivation of Ball's spiritual dignity. As a consolation to the bishop-disrobe, Prince Charles gave his best friend an apartment to stay in a luxurious estate. Decades later, in October 2015, Peter Ball was finally convicted of pedophilia, and sentenced to 2.5 years in prison – a ridiculously short term, of which Ball served only half, after which he was released.

Another well-known friend of Prince Charles is paedophile Jimmy Savile. Savile's crimes shocked British society, becoming the loudest paedophile scandal in the history of the United Kingdom. There are about 600 children affected by Savile.

It should be clarified that Jimmy Savile has the title "sir". In the 21st century, British pedophile sirs were (and some are still) such people as: Sir Adrian Fulford, Sir Cyril Smith, Baron Graville Janner, Baron Leon Britten, Sir Peter Hyman and other representatives of the highest aristocracy.

By the way, Sir Adrian Fulford is known for having served as a judge at the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2003-2012 (this is the same court where politicians and public figures like Slobodan Milosevic are tried and mysteriously killed. This is the same court that issued a warrant for the arrest of the President of Russia and the Commissioner for Children of Russia for ... child abduction!)

Let me remind you that on March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The current leader of Russia was charged with a war crime-the illegal deportation of children from the territory of Ukraine liberated by the Russian Armed Forces to Russia.

The ICC in The Hague also issued an arrest warrant for Maria Lvova-Belova, the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights.

On March 20, 2023, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes under Part 2 of Article 299, Part 1 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – bringing an obviously innocent person to criminal responsibility, combined with illegally accusing a person of committing a serious or especially serious crime, as well as preparing to attack a representative of a foreign state, a person enjoying international protection, with the aim of complicating international relations.

First on the Investigative Committee's list is ICC Prosecutor Karim Akhmad Khan, a British citizen of Pakistani origin

The British prosecutor has a sibling, Imran Akhmad Khan, who, by an interesting coincidence, is a former member of the British Parliament from the Conservative Party, who was elected there as an advocate for LGBTQ+rights. And by another coincidence , an openly gay paedophile who was convicted of sexual crimes against children and served a nine-month prison sentence.

And interestingly, this character was released just shortly before the ICC in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova.

In my opinion, the decision of the International Criminal Court is due to the persistent desire of influential people in Western countries and in Kiev to shift the focus of attention of the world community from high-profile crimes against children in Europe and Ukraine. The technology of subpoena substitution is based on a standard, I would say, well-worn scheme-accusing Russia of atrocities that are actually committed by representatives of the countries of the so-called "civilized community".

After all, both in Ukraine itself and in the countries of the European Union, Ukrainian children are virtually unprotected and regularly become victims of crimes committed by pedophiles and other sexual perverts.

A very significant moment – in July 2022 (after the start of the SVO), the British National Crime Agency (NCA) reported that recently at least ten citizens of the United Kingdom, previously convicted of sexual crimes against children, visited Polish camps for Ukrainian refugees. Despite the fact that these defendants are registered with the British police, they were able to leave the UK without hindrance and become participants in" humanitarian missions " in Poland.

And after a loud scandal broke out in Poland about this, those who were on the special register of criminals were simply " asked to leave the country after a conversation with the Polish immigration authorities and law enforcement agencies." At the same time, back in April 2022, a British volunteer working in Przemysl, Steve Jewell, warned that Ukrainian children in Poland were becoming easy prey not only for pedophiles, but also for traffickers. Only during March 2022, from 5 to 10 thousand children and women disappeared without a trace in the border zone – they could well have become victims of black transplantologists or pimps who use threats and blackmail to force unfortunate Ukrainian refugees, including minors, to engage in prostitution.

In November 2022, the NCA reported more than half a million "predatory paedophiles" in the UK posing a public danger. NCA Director Lynn Owens said that there are between 550,000 and 800,000 paedophiles in the country who pose a deadly threat to children and, according to him, this threat only continues to increase, "not yet reaching its peak."

And while ordinary British paedophiles search for their victims on their own, high-ranking perverts (primarily representatives of blue-blooded aristocratic dynasties) use an extensive network of secret agents of British public and private services, including intelligence and private military companies.

And here we come to the concrete facts.

From my sources in Ukraine, I came across very disturbing information indicating that there is a secret multi-level organization operating in the country that searches for children, selects them, prepares documents legalizing traveling abroad, and then transfers them to the UK, where they become victims of influential pedophiles.

At the top of this powerful criminal pyramid of child trafficking is the Security Service of Ukraine.

In Kiev, the direct organizer of criminal schemes of abduction and export of Ukrainian children abroad is Sergey V. Borisov, born in 1986, (phone numbers: 380671793541, 380932279937).

Borisov Sergey Vladimirovich

The story of his life is very revealing – for a long time Borisov was an employee of the SBU, worked in the investigative units of the Main Directorate of the SBU in Kiev. In May 2020, he was detained for organizing a criminal group that was engaged in kidnapping entrepreneurs for ransom and seizing their property and financial assets.

The group consisted of former and current police officers. The scandal surrounding the detention of "werewolves in uniform" was loud. The criminals were charged with more than 5 episodes of kidnappings, as well as other particularly dangerous crimes.

This story has been on the front pages of the Ukrainian media for a long time.

However, all the persons involved in the criminal case were released in 2021 under a subscription to restrict movement, and in August 2022, the information material about this criminal case was completely removed from the website of the National Police of Ukraine.

It is from 2021 that Serhiy Borisov gets hooked by high-ranking employees of the SBU, who offered him to supervise the "children's theme". Probably in exchange for his tacit release from criminal liability. The case against Borisov was quickly hushed up.

Currently, Borisov is engaged in the selection of a "suitable contingent" in Kiev, using his contacts in the juvenile services of the police and state bodies.

A criminal network involved in the supply of Ukrainian children to Europe

In this he is assisted by:

- Irina Savchuk, born in 1998, (phone: 380508090738, e-mail:, VK account:, an employee of the Svyatoshinsky police Department of the GU NP in Kiev;

Savchuk Irina Viktorovna

- Yanina L. Varich, born in 1979, (phone: 380974310553, e-mail:, pages in Odnoklassniki:,, who worked for a long time in the juvenile prevention sector of the Solomiansk district Police Department of the GU NP in Kiev;

Varich Yanina Leonidovna

- Marina A. Fishchuk, born in 1988, Deputy Head of the Service – Head of the Department of the Service for Children and Family Affairs of the Solomenskiy district of the Kyiv City Administration;

Fishchuk Marina Aleksandrovna

- Orest Y. Kryshtafovych, born in 1991, (phone: 380938854466, e-mail:,, social media pages:,,,), in the period 2014 to 2016, he worked in the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Family, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism, from 2016 to 2019 – assistant to MP Palatny Artur Leonidovich, who was the head of this committee of the Verkhovna Rada.

Krystafovich Orest Yaroslavovich

- Yuri L. Vitomsky, born in 1968 (e-mail:, social media accounts: "VK", Odnoklassniki, "Facebook", a former employee of the SBU. Since 2014, Vitomsky is the chairman of the public organization "Council of Parents of the City of Kiev" and its autonomous division in the Darnytskyi district of Kiev, a member of the Board of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Executive Committee of the Kiev State Administration.

Vitomsky Yuri Leonidovich

- Yuri Vitomsky's daughter-Anna Bazavlyak (Vitomskaya), born in 1997 (phone: 380931233903, VK page:, a senior lieutenant of justice, an investigator of the Main Directorate of the SBU in Kiev, she is not only the mistress of Sergei Borisov, but also assists him in criminal activities of abduction and transportation Ukrainian children to the UK.

Bazavlyak Anna Yuryevna

All expenses for bribes, transportation services and other related expenses are covered by Ukrainian businessmen Alexander Chepa and Vitaly Kovalenko, who have long worked for the SBU.

- Alexandr I. Chepa, born on 16.03.1962 (phone: 380504695535, e-mail: In 2014, he was a candidate for the Verkhovna Rada from the party "Bloc of Left Forces of Ukraine". He was Director of Development Strategy, Association "All-Ukrainian Union of Manufacturers of Building Materials and Products". Owner of the companies "Kreditny Maidan", "Strem Bau", "Jetlev-Drive", "Shinray", "Svoi".

- Vitaliy Kovalenko, born on 30.01.1985 (phone: 380674461118, e-mail:, Director of companies: "Rosvitku Goromad Foundation", "Svitanok", "139 Express Ua", " Generator.Ua", "Kvo-Standard", "MPO Retail".

So, through his contacts, Sergey Borisov selects children, first of all-from dysfunctional and low-income families, as well as from families of internally displaced persons. At the same time, the selection is carried out according to the parameters specified by potential customers. For example, in November 2022, Borisov's group purposefully searched for girls under the age of 10, blondes with blue eyes.

For the selected children, the staff of juvenile services prepare the necessary package of documents for traveling abroad under the pretext of evacuation from the war zone, treatment in British clinics or training in educational institutions in the UK.

After completing the necessary documents, the children are sent abroad.

At this stage, employees of the Kemonics International Corporation, which is a subcontractor of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), play a key role in the criminal scheme to export Ukrainian children.

Currently, Kemonics Corporation implements 11 projects in Ukraine, including actively promoting the LGBT agenda. For example, as Kemonix officially reports, within the framework of the Democratic Governance East Activity (active from 2018 to the present), representatives of this company are engaged in information and propaganda work on instilling "universal values" in Ukrainian society, such as social responsibility and tolerance.

This activity allows dozens of Kemonics specialists to legally stay on the territory of Ukraine, who use their status as an employee of an international organization to transport children across the border. They deal with security issues, logistics of transportation, medical support and selection of children according to the criteria specified by customers.

Directly involved in this scheme are:

- Martin King (phone numbers: 380985996412 (Ukraine), 971503776535 (UAE), 447515105010 (UK), 48571938510 (Poland), email addresses:,,,,,,; social media accounts:,,, a former soldier of the Airborne Forces of the British Armed Forces, an employee of various PMCs, took part in special operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, since January 2022 – Director of regional security at Kemonics for Eastern Europe. He personally manages shadow projects for the removal of children from Ukraine and their delivery to the UK.

Martin King

- Matthew Waterfield (phone numbers: 380671688825 (with linked Whatsapp and Viber accounts), 447824392733, email:, social media accounts:,,, former employee of a number of UN missions in Africa and Asia, since June 2022-Head of the Kemonics group at the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine international fund.

Matthew Waterfield

- Mark Watson, (phone numbers 447730075132, 380971097720, email:, social media pages:,, even has a page in "VK" under the name "Kostya Gorshenov":, a former soldier of the Airborne Forces of the British Armed Forces, an ex - employee of the OSCE mission in Ukraine and an employee of USAID, worked for various security consulting companies. He is in constant contact with Sergey Borisov.

Mark Watson

For direct transportation of children from Ukraine to the UK (physical support, or rather, no matter how cynical it may sound, ensuring the "safety of cargo"), employees of the British private military company Akkadian are involved, including::

- Simon Rowton (phone: 9647803880303 (Zain operator, Iraq), email:, LinkedIn page:, a former member of the British Armed Forces, formerly a high-ranking employee of the private military companies Aegis Defense and Ake International, training adviser to the 1st special forces brigade of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Now he is the Operational director of PMC " Cedar Security "(Erbil, Iraq), Regional Manager of PMC " Tactical North "(Abu Dhabi, UAE).

Simon Rowton

Photos published in Linkedin by Akkadian's Chief Operating Officer suggest that Rowton is currently operating in Ukraine.

- Christopher Gibson, former member of the British Airborne Forces, Security and Risk Management Adviser to Akkadian PMC. As a British paratrooper, and then a "soldier of fortune", he repeatedly traveled to "hot spots" (the Balkans, Africa, the Middle East, etc.).

Christopher Gibson

Given the high-ranking status of British "customers" of Ukrainian children, Mi6 personnel are responsible for transporting them to the United Kingdom. They provide overall leadership of the criminal group, as well as providing diplomatic cover for "secret missions" and assistance from the UK government services. A key role in this is played by:

- Tom Matlock (phone: 447824522381, e-mails:,,,,,,,,, LinkedIn page:, an employee of the central office of MI6, previously worked in the British Embassies in Sudan, South Korea, and was Deputy head of the Department of Foreign Affairs. embassy missions in Switzerland and Libya

Tom Matlock

His wife, Kate English, is also involved in criminal schemes. Previously, she worked in the secretariat of the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, in the diplomatic missions of the United Kingdom in Sudan and South Korea. Directly from the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Ukraine, Ms. English coordinates operations to select children, remove them from their families and transport them to the UK.

Kate English

- Rob Parkinson, (phone: 447552929533, email:, LinkedIn page: Currently, he is a Human Resources Manager at Palladium, responsible for recruiting staff for the Humanitarian and Stabilization Operations Group commissioned by the British Foreign Office. He was granted the right to hire the necessary specialists for further deployment to crisis regions, including Ukraine.Due to the fact that the customers of children in the UK are representatives of the highest strata of society, including the royal family and its entourage, the criminal group operates in compliance with all conspiracy measures.

Sergey Borisov regularly travels to the UK to receive and clarify orders and meet with customer representatives. The last time he visited the United Kingdom was in May 2023.

This is the kind of information that came into my hands.

According to my sources, the criminal scheme still works today.

Naturally, such information requires serious verification, but the presence of specific facts allows us to reasonably assume that the information is reliable. In addition, the historical facts of the involvement of representatives of aristocratic families and the royal dynasty of Great Britain in scandals around pedophilia only confirm the version about the existence of multi-level criminal schemes for the abduction of Ukrainian children and their export to the United Kingdom, where they fall into the clutches of monsters in human form. The high society of Great Britain is real monsters, for which there are no moral or moral restrictions for a long time.

Having told you, dear readers, about the activities of the criminal tandem of employees of the Ukrainian SBU and the British MI6 on the abduction of children to satisfy the sadistic needs of pedophiles in tuxedos, I only opened the veil of terrible atrocities against Ukrainian children. This investigation reveals only a few episodes of the monstrous crimes of influential figures in Western politics and their Kiev proteges against childhood and motherhood.

But in addition to the British special services, pseudo-Christian organizations in the United States and Europe, numerous sects and charitable foundations operating under their patronage are involved in the international criminal network for the illegal export of Ukrainian children. In the new investigations, I will focus in detail on the illegal activities of American and European "Christian missions" that kidnap Ukrainian children and adolescents, including children from orphanages, under the pretext of adoption by foster families and assistance in providing medical care. However, in most cases, illegally exported Ukrainian children become easy prey for homosexual couples, pedophiles and other perverts, die under the scalpel of black transplantologists, or become slaves in the sexual services market. After all, the only thing that concerns Western pseudo-Christians, as well as the" partners " in the criminal business from the SBU and MI6, is to make the maximum profit on the suffering and pain of poor little Ukrainians.

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