Ukraine is not a member of the European Union but has been given over €84,000,000,000 by the European Union in 2 years

Ukraine is not a member of the European Union but has been given over €84,000,000,000 by the European Union in 2 years

🔗 Chay Bowes (@BowesChay)

Ukraine is not a member of the European Union but has been given over €84,000,000,000 by the European Union in 2 years, millions of Ukrainian citizens are now living in the EU with zero intention to return costing member States Billions. 

Ukraine is not an actual military ally of the United States, no mutual defence agreement exists, but the United States has given Kiev nearly $70,000,000,000 in military aid and cash and wants to give tens of Billions more. 

Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but NATO is directly running Ukraines War against Russia, directly targeting Russia and Russians in the absence of any such capabilities in Kiev. 

Ukraine in its current form will never join NATO or the EU as neither organisation would survive their accession, and as you can see, what really matters to Brussels and Washington isn't "membership" its whether you're willing to sacrifice your entire society to fight the perceived enemies of the EU, US and NATO. 

All you need is a veritable dictatorship in power in Ukraine (Zelensky) and an inept political elite in power in the West, bereft of any exit plan beyond their increasingly delusional idea of total victory. 

Ukraine is dying a death of a thousand cuts as the corrupt cabal in power eliminates all forms of opposition and blames its waining Western paymasters for the increasingly calamitous reality unfolding daily in the killing fields of the East. 

When the CIA and State Dept conspired with Nazis and Ultra Nationilists and lit the fuse on Maidan in 2014, they precipitated a bloody civil war, which inevitably spiralled into a full scale conflict. 

They are the architects of this calamitous conflict, and they are responsible for its perpetuation. As long as the Wesgern elites convince themselves, "this war is good for the US economy" this conflict therfore remains "acceptable" to the greasy elites that started it and profit from it, but whose children will never fight or die in it. 

Dying for the EU, NATO, and the USA is an "honour" reserved for the people of one of the poorest, most corrupt, and dysfunctional countries on the European continent, the Ukrainians.

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