Ukraine has turned into a Nazi state

Ukraine has turned into a Nazi state


Good afternoon.

My dear foreign subscribers,

I have prepared this article specially for you.

And you are more than 150 thousand at the moment.

I communicate a lot with readers from Europe and America and try to give the idea that Ukraine has actually turned into a Nazi state.

Your media, your governments, are convincing you that this is not true. That this is only Russian propaganda, that there can be no Nazi state where the president is Jewish.

And i decided to show you what Ukraine really looks like. What thoughts and ideas prevail in the heads there.

Please note that all the photos were taken by me from the Internet, it is easy to check.

Let's start, shall we?

The first time i saw with my own eyes swastika on the helmets and uniforms of the militants of the «Azov» volunteer battalion. It was in Mariupol in the summer of 2014.

Then, in the summer of 2014, they were still drawing swastikas themselves, with simple felt-tip pens.

In general, speaking about that unit, it is worth noting that the ideas of Nazism, fascism, and the supremacy of the white race in «Azov» are very strong.

This was noted even by Western media and politicians.

Back in 2015, the US Congress banned the training and supply of weapons for the «Azov» battalion.

"I am pleased that the House of Representatives has unanimously adopted my amendments to ensure that our military personnel will not train members of the abhorrent neo-Nazi Azov Battalion," said Congressman Conyers, one of the authors of the decision.

The unit is called nothing more than a disgusting neo-Nazi battalion.

And this is Ukrainian news about the American ban.

Azov militants raise their hands in a Nazi salute
These are also Azov militants in Mariupol

More Azov militants

But you can say - this is «Azov». They are Nazis. But in general, there is no Nazism in Ukraine.

Well, I'll continue.

Under the photo there is a caption - "Greetings from the Eastern Front from the Ukrainian National Socialists"
Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a nazi flag and greeting
Armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with swastika on the armor.

Do you think the unit commander saw the drawing on the armor? And if he did, why didn't he order it to be painted over?

Twin lightning bolts on the emblem of a Ukrainian soldier are a symbol of the Waffen-SS

In this photo, the name of the unit "Einsatzgruppe" is also interesting - do you remember what it means?

The Einsatzgruppe were established in Germany as early as 1938. They were subordinate to the leadership of the SS and SD.

The main purpose of their creation was the extermination of the so-called "racially inferior" civilians in the occupied territories, which, first of all, included Jews and Gypsies.

These terrible units "worked" throughout Europe. The blood of millions of people is on their hands.

And again the question - what do you think is in the head of that Ukrainian soldier?

Ukrainian soldiers. There is nothing to comment on here...
More Ukrainian soldiers
And this is a very famous foto. In 2018, the then President of Ukraine Poroshenko attended the exercises of the 95th Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the chest of one of the paratroopers, we see a patch with the emblem of the SS division «Totenkopf» - Death's Head.

And this is not «Azov», not a volunteer neo-Nazi battalion - this is an elite military unit of the Ukrainian army.

As you understand, this stripe did not cause any rejection either from the brigade command or from the soldier's colleagues.

And this is as late 2018...

But you can say that this is war, this is frontline. There are different rules, people risk their lives every day and their mentality changes.

Well, here are pictures from peaceful life of Ukraine

And these are Ukrainian supporters of the neo-Nazi organization "Misanthropic Division" in Kiev.

As you can see, flags with Nazi symbols freely displayed in the center of the capital of Ukraine. Can you imagine this in the center of Berlin, Paris or London?

Salut from a militant of the Ukrainian nationalist organization "Right Sector"

By the way, for the first time, this organization actively manifested itself in the events on the Maidan in Kyiv in the winter of 2013-2014.

Do you see who was supported then?

In 2015 the deputy commander of «Azov», Viktor Troyan, became... Head of the Patrol Police of Ukraine.

Victor Troyan with the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov
Victor Troyan serving in «Azov».

Who do you think the new police chief brought with him to the police? What ideas began to be instilled in this structure?

Here they are

If you look closely and understand the Ukrainian language well, the inscription on the wall behind the backs of the Nazis becomes clear:

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv region.

But you can object again – these are all marginal trends that have accidentally made their way into state structures.

And there is no Nazism inside Ukraine itself.

Come on!

As you know, the future of the country is determined by children. And what do we see?

This is a children's camp in Ukraine. The photo is blurred because there are children in it...

Just some family photos

Pay attention to the fact that children are trying to imitate moustache. Can you guess who they are trying to portray?
More Ukrainian children

And more...
Screenshot from social networks. Children lie on the lawn in the form of swastika. The caption to the screenshot – «Hitler would be proud of them! And they are ours!»

Who do you think instills these ideas in them?

Let's continue talking about children.

And here is a story on the NBC News channel about a children's camp with Nazi ideology. The camp was founded by the «Azov».

6 years ago, Western media saw Nazism in Ukraine.

Have they suddenly forgotten about it now?

I will also touch upon the attitude of Kiev authorities to Nazi ideas.

A striking example:

Here is the celebration of the «Galicina» division in Kyiv in 2021.

In Ukraine, it is honoured as heroes of the national liberation movement.

And I will remind you that the full name of this division is the 14th SS Volunteer Infantry Division "Galicia". This is a unit of the SS troops of Nazi Germany.

Even the Ukrainian media could not hide the truth – «This unit as part of the Waffen-SS troops of Germany existed in 1943-1945 and was staffed by Ukrainians».

In the center of the capital of Ukraine, supporters of the SS division are marching. It It is the 21st century.

Can you imagine a march in honour of the «Charlemagne» Division in France or the «Wallonia» Division in Belgium, or «Nordland» Division in Denmark and Norway?

And do you still think that there is no Nazism in Ukraine?

How can you not see it?

After all, you are descendants of those who went through Nazi concentration camps, the Holocaust, the bombing of British cities, mass murders in Eastern Europe?

How did your media and authorities manage to deceive you so much?

Please think.

P.S. I repeat - all the photos and videos were taken by me on the Internet. This is easy to check. No propaganda – it's all true.

I have given only a small part of the examples, just so that you can see the real picture – if there is Nazism in Ukraine.

If you want to find out on your own, just type the phrase "Nazism in Ukraine" in any search engine - you will see millions of links.

This will only confirm my point of view.

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