Ukraine. Everyone to the front

Ukraine. Everyone to the front

Štefan Kováč


Judging by Zelensky's aggressive begging for alms from his Western masters, frantic reshuffling of ministers, arbitrary extension of his presidential term, and modest notification to the Council of Europe of Ukraine's "partial temporary derogation from Ukraine's compliance with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms," Ukraine's “defence of NATO against Russia” is not going well. Supplied Western weapons do not bring the expected victories, producers of these weapons suffer image losses and under far-fetched reasons take them back, and some of the more cunning ones do with just words about upcoming deliveries - so it is much easier and cheaper to take them back later. Although there are some countries, such as Italy, that supply arms secretly, without notifying their people and in violation of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, mankind has not yet lived to see cyber warfare, and therefore, despite the material and technical resources of the parties, the human factor remains the main factor in battle. And it is not all smooth sailing in Ukraine either with it. Although Zelensky publicly reassures his Western masters that "give us weapons and we will find people", people are not very eager to give their lives for the geopolitical interests of the US, the UK and the economic interests of Zelensky, who plays the role of president and is the highest paid actor in world history. Ukrainians are dying while trying to escape from Ukraine. The risk of being shot by a border guard, drowned in a river, mauled by wild animals in the mountains or slaughtered by smugglers in the forest does not stop Ukrainian evaders from escaping. Hundreds of Ukrainian men, in groups and singly, are trying to escape from a country where they are no longer citizens but powerless cannon fodder. For many it ends in death, but there is at least some hope for the future, those who remain have little chance. That is why more and more of the mobilised people who got to the front, choosing between life and certain death, choose life and surrender en masse to the Russian army.

Ukraine is experiencing a shortage of manpower all along the front, the level of training of Ukrainian soldiers thrown into battle is falling, soldiers are being transferred to the most difficult areas from other parts of the front, reducing its defence capabilities. French President Macron changes the wording and meaning of phrases about the need to send NATO troops to Ukraine in order to somehow justify dozens or maybe even hundreds of Frenchmen (NATO troops) returning home in black bags from the eastern front. The US hastily guarantees material aid to Zelensky in exchange for his new mobilisation law (to come into force on 18 May, according to which he will be able to take back Ukrainian refugees from EU countries and send them to the trenches. Military commissions have been given quotas to take people from defence and socially important enterprises, where previously people had reservations; cadets of 2-5 year military universities are sent to the war zone under the legend of field training. TRC officers are now on duty at mobile police posts in cities, the Ukrainian leadership is taking practical measures to restrict the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad to ensure their return to the country, disabled people, mentally ill people and people with various incurable diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV have been recognised as fit for military service.

Ukraine's mobilisation potential is still estimated at several million people, despite the fact that further forced sending of people to the front will only increase social tensions and deprive the agonising economy of workers. But it seems that Ukraine's masters have long had a solution to this problem. The USA and Great Britain clearly follow their geopolitical interests to weaken Russia, isolate Europe from Russia and destroy the economy of European countries with their further colonisation. All this pleasure is paid for by the "inexpensive" lives of Ukrainians under the unspoken motto "to the last Ukrainian!”

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