Ucas Reference Example For Mature Students

Ucas Reference Example For Mature Students


UCAS reference as a mature student?19
Who on earth am I suppose to ask? I left education a few years ago and I can't ask my employer as he gets arsey if I so much as mention looking at retraining/ other opportunities.

I can't send off my application without one though
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Hi Curly. I asked someone who used to line manage me but no longer worked for the company (actually neither of us did!). Totally acceptable and I’m going nursing in April (at 48!).
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Anyone else at work that can do one? Previous employer?
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When you say you left education "a few years ago", could your former school/college provide a reference?
Someone you have done voluntary work with?
Someone at church, if you attend?
A friend, preferably one with a generally perceived to be good job?
Who would you ask to sign your passport application?
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When I applied for a course, at 48, I asked the person who had been my agent for several years to be a referee. We were on good terms, but not friends and she gave me a respected professional colleague write up. Which was sufficient.
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What are you applying for? Have you got any work experience etc/know anyone in a similar field?
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If you left education within the last five years, I'd try to contact a tutor/teacher who might remember you and be able to write one, most are happy to help even a few years down the line. Otherwise, could you ask a colleague or a previous employer?
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When I say left education I meant university. I finished my first degree, went back and started my PhD and then realised it wasn't for me. I'm not sure my old supervisor would write me a reference as she didn't take me leaving too well.

Immediately after leaving my PhD I started working where I am now. Things get passed around my current workplace so much I think if I asked anyone else for a reference it'd get back to my boss and he would make my life hell. Which would be manageable if I knew I'd be leaving soon but if I don't get accepted onto the course I may be stuck at my current place for a while.

The course I wanted to apply for is healthcare sciences. I'm looking at doing volunteering over the next year and then hopefully they would be able to write me a reference but that would be for next year's entry. I really wanted to apply this year and it would be an added bonus if I got on and not the end of the world if i didn't. But I can't apply without a reference.

Unfortunately I can't use a friend as UCAS specifically states:

Don’t ask family, friends, partners or ex-partners though – if you do your application may be cancelled.

Church person is a good idea.
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OP - When did you leave university the last time, more than or less than five years ago?
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Persian it was less than 5 years ago.
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Persian it was less than 5 years ago
According to the UCAS website you are supposed to get a reference from the university.

"If you’re still at university or got your degree within the past five years, one reference must be from someone at your university who can comment on your academic ability and potential"

That is the information I had when I did my Teacher Training application just before Christmas but I am now thinking that perhaps it is different for UG / PG study??
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Ooh I don't know Persian

I'm only applying to one university due to family commitments so perhaps I should give them a ring and see what they advise.
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I asked my agent, who retired shortly after but was deeply professional, and a friend of my DH's who is a senior officer in the army and has known me as a friend for 20-plus years, to be referees. One was a colleague in the same field, the other personal, but both understood the rigamarole involved and sent the right sort of recommendation, which is

"Sock is intelligent enough to take/ace your course; she has often expressed interest in the subject, and I have little doubt that if selected, she will fulfil the promise you perceive." It doesn't need to be much fancier than that. A couple of paragraphs is all that's needed, one personal and one professional.
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Definitely contact the university admissions department directly for advice. They’re very helpful. Often it’s much more flexible than UCAS portray
Best of luck
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Most universities do want a reference- but it's worth asking if they'd consider your application without one, the worst they can say is no.

I think contact your old supervisor and see how she reacts. If she doesn't seem keen, then perhaps see if there is anyone who remembers you from your undergraduate degree (e.g. a tutor). Your referee doesn't have to know you that well, you can send them a copy of your PS/CV and they can probably find your academic results on their system (or you could provide a copy of your transcript).
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How long is a reasonable time before following up with admissions tutor?

I phoned early last week, was told he was interviewing so email instead. No response to email yet though.

I don't want to seem like I'm badgering him but I really would like to know where I stand.
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I left uni over ten years ago and got one from my old department for a Masters. Also found the work aspect tricky, was lucky to get one from a manager who'd left.
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How to Write a UCAS Reference [Updated for 2021 Applicants]
A good UCAS Reference can affect whether a student is accepted to a UK university. Read our complete guide to collating & writing the UCAS Reference.
The UCAS reference sits alongside a student’s personal statement as an essential component of a UK university application. It’s the only part of the UCAS application which the student won’t have any control over. Universities cite the UCAS reference as a deciding factor which affects whether a student gains a place on their chosen course or not; it could also have an impact on whether a university offers a student a conditional or unconditional place.
Much like students, teaching and guidance staff will have to prepare and write a reference within a given time frame, whilst ensuring they stay within 4,000 character limit. With the reference being such a vital component of a student’s UCAS application, there’s an understandable pressure on teachers and counsellors to get it right – especially when you have multiple students and you want to ensure that everyone gets an equal share of your time.
So what are the essential components for every UCAS reference, and how can you ensure you’re portraying your students in the best possible way?
Learn how to collate your subject teachers' reports into one powerful UCAS reference, ensuring your students' UK university application stands out from the crowd. Includes free examples of both good & bad UCAS references.
Get everything you need to manage UCAS references in your school from beginning to end.
It’s important to remember that the UK reference is different from the letter of recommendation sent to US universities. A UCAS reference is not written by an individual, it is designed to function as one voice from the school.
Generally, subject teachers will contribute to a UCAS reference, then final edits will be done by the Head of Sixth Form, school counselor, or Head of Department.
There is no one answer to this question, and different universities will have varying criteria for what they are looking for in a school’s reference for a student. However, in its own literature regarding the UCAS reference, University of Manchester Director of Admissions Michael Sanders writes:
The UCAS Academic Reference plays a very important role in our decision making process. We use it to assess not only the student’s current achievements but also their future potential
If you want to give universities an overall picture of both a student’s current performance and their post-secondary path, then it’s useful to talk about the following:
UCAS has a number of components which it recommends secondary schools include when submitting a reference in support of a student’s university application. First and foremost, a UCAS reference needs to include essential information which will support the rest of the student’s application. This includes:
Tip: Remember you can comment on their strengths & aptitudes even if they’re not applying to study a subject you teach. 
As well as including the criteria we’ve mentioned above, there are a number of tips and strategies which can be useful as you structure and plan your reference, ensuring you use your available time efficiently and that your reference is an accurate reflection of a student’s merits and achievements.
This sounds like a fairly straightforward piece of advice – however if you’re a teacher or counselor with a large group of students, setting aside quality time with every student to discuss their UCAS application might be difficult. It therefore goes without saying that, the more manageable your student numbers, the easier it will be to have a meaningful dialogue with your student about their application.
Talking to your students as much as possible means your reference forms part of an application which is coherent and well-structured. It’s also important to have an honest and open dialogue with students and parents about predicted grades, ensuring that you are offering students realistic and positive advice as you guide them through their application.
Tip: If you find yourself in the position of having to prioritise students for any reason, then your best course of action is to talk to the students who are applying to study your particular subject discipline at university. 
Obviously, your reference should be tailored to a given student’s application; the best way to ensure you understand each student’s individual aspirations and application is to read the personal statement.
Reviewing and understanding what a student has to say about themselves in their personal statement is an excellent means of ensuring that your own reference complements the student’s application, without your insights and comments seeming repetitive. It can also guide and better structure what you write in your own reference.
Tip: It’s also worth noting that the UCAS reference should not repeat any information given in the student’s own application, unless you are commenting on it.
Like your student’s personal statement, the UCAS reference needs to make a coherent argument about why you feel a student’s aptitudes, skills and experiences mean they are suited to this particular university course. This means that you should illustrate examples to back up your reference.
For example, rather than saying that a student is “proactive”, think of an example from their curricular or extracurricular activities to help illustrate your point. For every positive statement you make about a student, think about a specific example you can point to which demonstrates that particular attitude, characteristic or behavior.
Jasmine has strong analytical skills and is able to operate with complex multi-step thinking. This has been evident in her work on mole calculations, where she is precise and careful, fully understanding the reason that being detail-oriented is so important.
Given the time pressures we’ve already outlined, it’s important that any references aren’t rushed or written without proper planning. Likewise, if you are dealing with a high volume of student applications, it’s important to tailor each reference to the relevant student, and not rely on any particular template, or use similar language for any two students.
Admissions tutors will be looking at a student’s potential in a university setting, so it’s crucial to include this in any given reference. It’s important to talk about why you think they’ll thrive in that chosen university environment, and on that particular programme of study. 
Eduardo works independently, tries very hard and is always eager to improve, seeking one to one feedback on his written work. I am confident that he is equipped with all the skills required to thrive in an undergraduate environment. 
Whilst it’s important you should offer the most positive account of your students as you possibly can, it’s also important to be honest about your students strengths and weaknesses. If a student is frequently late, cutting class, or being rude, then you’re duty bound as an educator to mention this in your reference.
As we mentioned previously, a student’s grades may have affected by external circumstances, which a UCAS reference might have to take into account. Here are some examples:
This can be something which is chronic and long-term, or something which has impacted the student during their studies. It’s only really useful to write about this if it won’t prevent a student from completing their degree course.
Family bereavement will, of course, have a huge impact on a student, especially if they are also having to think about forthcoming exams and their higher education prospects.
This can include any other ongoing issues which may be impacting an applicant’s studies, e.g. parents going through a divorce, financial issues, family mental health issues; these are all factors which could make a student’s home environment not conducive to study.
This can impact a student’s application, as their parents may not be in a position to advise them or, in some cases, even encourage them in their application.
These could include factors such as high turn-over of staff, unusually large class sizes or problems with timetables, which have resulted in a student having to study remotely.
With many schools and students being adversely affected by COVID-19, UCAS has recently published some guidance on how to include this in the UCAS reference.
This year, UCAS is allowing reference writers to provide more contextual information about the effect that COVID-19 has had on their schools and students. This can include: 
In this next section, we’ll go into each point in more detail…
If teaching at your schools was negatively impacted by COVID-19, you should mention this in the UCAS reference.
Tip: If you don't want this information to cut into your 4000-character limit, UCAS is allowing you to create a web page and put the URL address in the reference instead.
Similar to the “discussing mitigating circumstances” section above, you should make sure to include any circumstances relating to COVID-19 that might have affected an individual student’s performance.
If you do choose to put more focus on COVID-19 rather than writing a traditional reference, don't worry - UCAS is assuring that it will not negatively impact your students’ applications.
But whichever approach you choose to take, it's important that you submit your reference with the rest of the student's application, in time for the January 15 deadline.
To learn more about how to manage the UCAS reference writing process in your school, and help your students stand out from the crowd, download our free eBook.
By James Leach Monday 23rd November 2020
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Thank you for such a helpful and informative article! One of the best pieces of information about writing the UCAS reference for students. Especially amazing a tip to be honest.
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Ucas Reference Example For Mature Students

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