UZOMA; Innovative Platform For Tourism

UZOMA; Innovative Platform For Tourism


Uzoma Review

UZOMA is biological communities where everybody can appreciate shoddy treks without paying uncalled for commissions to middle people who don't have esteem included and furthermore get huge limits for inns in Bali. Giving basic travel installment arrangements, across the board utilizes digital currency and blocking innovation. The organization's central goal is to give a simple, reasonable and safe stage to pay for flights, lodgings, visits and excursions in Bali. Customer framework Uzoma like this organization for a lower rate, setup choices, and resale administrations. On account of the propelled highlights of blockchain innovation, UZOMA gives rooms; visits and outings in coordinated markets 20% lower without influencing benefits. 

To improve the request by building some ecosystems 

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Uzoma is not quite the same as different tasks. Our stage encourages installments and monetary issues, as well as gives a stage that is required by our locale. We call this stage Uma jobfreelancer. we characteristic that there are 

such a large number of individuals around us who have what it takes yet think that its elusive work on account of absence of data. For this, Uma jobfreelancer is one of the special environments in Uzoma 

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Uzoma will work with a few amusement designers to make an extraordinary biological community that will build the interest for uzoma tokens available. 


As a supplier of reports on the most recent and essential occasions that will be conveyed to general society through online media. The Uzoma news entry will give data about Fintech, Cryptocurrency, Regarding Forex, E-Commerce 

also, identified with the business world. Uzoma News' primary objective is to refresh business media data with the goal that guests get valuable data 

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Uzoma will make a biological system that will convey little exchange Bali attractive universally. We with an expert group will support and encourage them so they can grow their market. 


This is a place for individuals to get Uzoma tokens for nothing just by completing a basic errand. On this stage individuals must have a Facebook account, Twitter record, and Instagram account. 

Uniqueness of the Platform 

The UZOMA stage will offer clients an assortment of administrations that give numerous advantages when arranging a trek. These administrations can be paid utilizing UZOMA tokens UZOMA - that is a token dependent on ERC20 to market to the blockchain with keen contracts. 

The UZOMA organization needs to make a completely decentralized the travel industry framework, where everybody from everywhere throughout the world will have great costs for inns in Bali and appreciate singular ways to deal with their movement needs with genuine experience, wherever they go. UZOMA is in excess of an installment technique. It is a necessary piece of the reward of society and comes back to theory of commitment. 

The idea of the UZOMA framework is altogether different from different tasks. The UZOMA stage encourages installments and money related issues, as well as gives a stage that is required for our locale. This group calls this stage UMA job free-lancer. The group trusts that there are such a large number of individuals around them who have certain aptitudes, yet it is hard to land a decent position on account of absence of data. Thus, UMA's work is one of the interesting biological communities in UZOMA.

Token Details

Token Name: Uzoma Token

Symbol Token: UMA

Type: ERC20

Ticker name: UMA

Total Supply: 200,000,000,000 (200 Billion)

Sales Tokens: 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion)

50% distributed to the community

25% of Reserve Funding

10% Founders and Teams

9.75% Influence & Marketing

5% Advisor

0.25% Bounty


For more Information Visit UZOMA Link: 




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Author: abeexy

My BitCointalk profile link:;u=2247475 

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