UPDATED When All the Laughter Died in Sorrow by Lance Rentzel fb2 ibooks iphone

UPDATED When All the Laughter Died in Sorrow by Lance Rentzel fb2 ibooks iphone

UPDATED When All the Laughter Died in Sorrow by Lance Rentzel fb2 ibooks iphone

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Book description
I really enjoyed this story. It was a humbling autobiography written by former star NFL wide receiver Lance Rentzel about his fall from grace. Built up by his family and peers to be an idolized football sensation Rentzel succumbs to a psychological flaw and ends up ruining his life. After achieving fame as a standout in college and subsequently for the Dallas Cowboys, Rentzel falls in love with beautiful singer/actress Joey Heatherton and struggles for some semblance of a normal life. This is a heartfelt story written with candor and humility about a shattered life and fleeting dreams. If you would like a glimpse into the life of a star athlete and all of the trials and tribulations associated with being a public figure then this book is for you.
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