OBJECTIVE OF UNO FLIP: Be the first player to 500 points or more.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-10 players

NUMBER OF CARDS: 112 cards

RANK OF CARDS: 1-9, Action cards

TYPE OF GAME: Hand shedding

AUDIENCE: Kids, adults


UNO FLIP is a fun variation of the classic hand shedding game, UNO. Published in 2018 by Mattel, UNO FLIP uses double sided cards to increase the intensity of the game. Anytime a Flip card is played, the entire game switches from light to dark or dark to light. Things get meaner on the dark side with cards like Draw 5, Skip Everyone, and the Wild Draw Color. If that card is played, a player must draw until they get a designated color. 카지노사이트


The UNO FLIP deck is composed of 112 cards. Each card is double sided with a light side and a dark side.  

The light side contains numbers 1-9, and eight Draw Ones, Reverses, Skips, and Flips. There are also four Wilds, and four Wild Draw Two’s.

The dark side contains numbers 1 – 9, eight Draw Fives, Reverses, Skip Everyone’s, and Flips. Four dark Wilds and four Wild Draw Color cards are also included.


Cut for high card to determine dealer. The highest card deals first. Action cards are worth zero for this purpose.

Make sure all 112 cards are facing the same direction, shuffle, and deal seven cards to each player. Place the remaining cards light side down and turn up one card to begin the discard pile.  

Deal passes left each round.



The player left of the dealer goes first. The player must match the color or number of the turned up card. If they are unable to match the card or choose not to, they draw one card. If that card can be played, they may play it. They can also choose to keep it. After drawing one card, the turn passes.

If the turned up card is an action card, the card’s action takes place. For example, if the turned up card is a Skip, the first player is skipped and play passes to the next player. If it is a reverse, the dealer goes first with play continuing in the opposite direction. If it is a Wild, the dealer picks a color.  

It is possible for the turned up card to be a Flip. If this occurs, all cards are flipped, and the game begins on the dark side.


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