Scott Hernandez

University college u of t registrar (Lewis) Pins and Needles Actors: Lucy Dornbach, Elizabeth Larson Actors: Elliot Drolet, and CSB Freshman ??? Director...??? sorry, she's standing right between the stage mics' range Designed by CSBSJU students too sorry, we wish we could hear the joke. We're sure it's fantastic audience is rowdy. First show. Emily comes to fix the mic Thanks, Emily LIGHTS. [Ringing telephone] [ringing stops because she answers it] Elizabeth Larson, everyone Lucy Dornbach enters DREAM SEQUENCE ACTIVATE Elliot Drolet Enters dramatically. As always. Apparently, Elliot invented a special gun. yay, Freud GUNSHOT Way to go, Elliot Audience chuckles awkwardly because reality is too terrible. GUNSHOT. AWKWARD SILENCE Clapping? Clapping now? Definitely clapping. Sorry I didn't know more names, guys You can stop watching now. Move on to video 2 OH GOD PLEASE STOP WATCHING BAD EDITING AHEAD!!!!!!! IM SORRY Teachers College.

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