Jessica RiveraUniversity of utah personal statement (Tioga) Here I am sitting with jester they're the kind of band I couldn't take home to mother unfortunately I think she'd be very scared together since 1997 yeah 1997 pretty long time then where are you from don't from folks think they're lovely by the coast life's come true we've signed up with people sound like just a compilation how kingpin they released last year we it was like all the Underground's like new wave of particle bands and that coming out the latest release that on virgin EMI just before Christmas so we're waiting within the side to come live okay mm - we're ready to go oh yes absolutely they should make a bit of a difference to you I hope so yeah like sushi yeah the end of the day it's just about getting out they were doing it and having fun I mean the society I mean if we get anything out of it then they survive this but if not we just enjoy Keller Graduate School of Management.