Laura Sun

Uni ulm master thesis (Schenectady) I'll tell you what my gosh I got stones in my password Macario this is this is one anger we'd very much like to do that but we've lost three mandolins and so instead we'd like to do something that might entice the 9/10 male audience in this hall tonight to get up and be very groovy oh god strewth this is it very good right this is for Hangul news that geezer whose name is on the bog wall what's his name at this is for I went downstairs we've been in quite a long time actually as you can tell by the condition and we were and we I went to the toilet as people do you thought we didn't in yet and on the wall I saw somebody's name Alan why did so but dear Alan wherever is here it is way way down soul SUNY Empire State College (The Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies).

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