Kelly Gomez

Past papers ned university karachi (Chenango County) huh anyway this song's called dividers if you know the words help me sing it still meaningful let's do it but I go no did I all right there's all kinds of shit coming up here tonight somebody's really stoked about that one I can't hear you if y'all talk at the same time how's everybody doing how's everybody going collection one person talk at a time we'll start with you oh now see the thing with that song is Joey wrote that when he was like 13 and he was grounded and he's in a very different space it brings back terrible memories and I just can't face that anymore I have no idea what we're talking about that he had a timeout no you know what we're gonna do we made a record three years ago called resolve for our friend Eric floored and I don't know how many people I'm sure just about every one of you has lost somebody you care about so you can probably identify with this record if you read the lyrics Cayuga Community College.

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