Noelle Williams

College or universities in california (Bronx County) [Music] you ready to show you something yay very good good he's dancing now he's dancing when you saw when I look at him it's a happy good job Ethan you to beep end up not roaming no traffic good job pull this one right here look see that one wouldn't put it oh it's hard to pull both up let's see oh it's just a big piece of food [Music] Wow good job that's a nice one oh no daddy hold it for you okay so you don't lose it all right [Music] there's another one Oman that looks like a nice one see that one buddy did you find - I don't know it's possible hope maybe get that right here right there oh let's see what's that [Music] it's worked it's a unit base scraper Wow [Music] [Applause] Mandl College of Allied Health.

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