Jay Thompson

Value chain analysis university (Erie County) hi it's day three and we are editing and blogging and vlogging we have got the iPad vas today - yo you erasing how he's doing today we are gonna do something different and we're gonna go to a school instead school yeah the primary school and we're gonna teach them some video stuff and they're gonna do some films I would feel like we caught something in there we're gonna have to go see how he's gonna have one yeah so what I'm gonna do our film today but what do I like tomorrow hopefully it's good whether we come this way and ya know to use everything put everything together for the primary schools would I teach them one's going up just saying sprays him it's good old memories and no neither book and just primer it's quite sad we're going oh hi guys hi guys we just finished my god how was it it was alright it's good so windy and raining this is the things about being know Buffalo State College.

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