Sarah Frank

Case study uni koln (Tompkins County) good afternoon to know how you feelin buddy so right here it's basically in Dallas have you ever done a skydive before no awesome welcome brother so tell me do you remember everything from class and everything that your instructor told you all right quick quiz how has the plane going all right how fast we fallin are you gonna be going that fast driving to the airport today later hopefully you don't have to drive that best what I'll teach you pull and parachute yeah perfect one more thing super important it's not in the videos sometimes the instructors don't go over it so that's up to me have a good time and give me a big high five yeah are you ready ready to go the Kilburn you hey buddy how do you feel was it worth the wait feel like a new man you would recommend it to friends and family and everybody thank you thank you very much you're always looking back here it's got our Spaceland Dallas buddy Manhattan School of Music, Morningside Heights (Columbia University area).

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