Penny Bowers

Uni one definition (New York County) these are the elevators in Wesley pause for halt universe if it's bird yeah start by going down let's see d1 I guess g2 is lower it's okay the sports a little loose down here the garage I will go up to five originally otis or modernize with innovation bruiser we're at five we'll get our cab you know I'll take this one down to one there's no over to closer it's got the foam on there past the 4000 now we are going to take a rack on the service elevator over here this big one we're going out with g0 this time whoa this one's 5,000 pounds but up there it says ball 50 a little copy of this one so it's definitely bigger taller doors a little back door on the outside for some taller tip goal service elevator once again these used to be lexan store now they are who did this long just jolts starts it's pretty fast much faster than the hydraulic flexing motor and I close up Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Science.

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