Michael LozanoColumbia university essay questions (Suffolk) get twisted temper there's a driver in the front I'm holding on you need I don't mean to alarm there's a sign that was the biggest knife my mom's doing I'm gonna go join them join join the head-butting crew why does it keep trying to grab me - I'm trying to grab the floor oh and then do it I'm at worker I don't know what we're doing we're dead feels like I've had enough a knife oh crap you saved your life oh crap the freaky cat killed me I put him in the water a hundred o'clock I'm still you don't oh my gosh nope nope nope nope nope cat would not die dude I am under the iceberg it's not good okay I'm grabbing onto the iceberg and I'm gonna lift my foot on top of it trick shots Oh freakin killed him Gustavo oh my actual crap how are you still alive I killed him know what I'm still hanging on down there I mean the Gustavo game nope you oh my gosh my arm what the heck that thing grabbed me you spit take Rockefeller University.