Maureen Klein

Project for university students (Dutchess) oh okay this way she's gonna come up okay take a breather I can't get my legs are you guys all right once they pull my ass but I don't know I can't move halfway down your butt where's the step oh there's a step here yeah no one no one go down get the ladder there now I'll go down yeah you do blue if I can just break and get my knee oh I want to turn around come on G shoot all right I gotta think of something Oh down hold on don't move the ladder before I touch it I need to like twist you know I need to go sideways that's even worse cuz it's a rectangle it's just that I can't bend my knees to get them up you know they means they're not gonna stay straight come up at an angle not gonna happen and this lip is bigger than the yeah that was the washer no that was not the washer let's p.m. say bye bye YouTube Nikki bye bye mission not accomplished by my YouTube Manhattan College.

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