Jeffrey Amzallag

Bangor university creative studies (Madison) and trios name name was Heinz Heinz and dad the young man's name was Gregory Hines ladies and gentlemen mr. Gregory Hines Sammy Davis jr. so when I was a child when I was a young boy and I was ten years old and I would hear that name or I would see your name or somebody would somebody would talk about you I would just get so excited and I would just it's hard to put into words it's hard to say it but I just idolized you I idolized you and and as I grew up as I grew in our lives past I I grew in that too and and and so now I just I feel so much love for you that I'm gonna try to dance that for you don't save it for the end I have a very weak finish you I got me you Guttman Community College, Midtown Manhattan. https://PaperHelp.space

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