Robert Copeland

Victoria university academic writing (Columbia) so here is the Kettering magnetic slab let's go inside you the Oakland post has written about the magnetic slab you can check it out at Oakland post online com alright we're inside now so this place you're not really supposed to go inside as an OE student but the door was open and there were no sign there no signs telling me not to go in strange projects over here that never got finished here's a skeletal sketch looks like some work somebody was studying old equipment voltage and amps dials phasing switch whatever that is seismic graphs maybe this is a probably most interesting thing here not sure what it is looks like a long tube goes down this box now this is straight out of a sci-fi novel Cold War era lots of crazy stuff in here it's like some kind of microscope slide thing inside of the magnetic slab building here's a couple cool photos that I took from the day as well you American Museum of Natural History. https://PaperHelp.space

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