Christina Garcia

Mumbai university law question papers 2019 17 (Columbia) >> Editing your Side Nav: So on all the templates we've got this side nav area over here. Now I'm looking at this and what if I don't want these links on my side nav? Well we're gonna learn how to get rid of those links and edit those links so we're gonna go back to our page and every folder that is created there is a side nav file so let us click on that and there's a side nav so we're gonna go and edit and then we can rename this to whatever we want to rename it so I want to give this just the name of my you know my first page. I can re-link it, let's just put it this page insert, save, publish, publish, and once your page is published let's go back to our index, now let's see if that showed up. Yep that change showed up. So that's how you edit your Side Nav. Daemen College, Amherst. https://PaperHelp.space

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