Randy Nunez

The lab university ave sacramento (Putnam) so congratulations the way we're going to do this I'm going to announce your name if you would please come forward what at a time and receive your lapel pin and your plaque in and just stable going to get whole team together and get a photo and may I say on behalf of everyone in the room that we are very thankful you decide to wear your shirts today we'll begin with the coxswain Jean Jeffords stroke tom de Luna seven seat skip she'd six eat dr. Steve right the five-seat Andy Diane or down down obviously didn't contact father Doug before dinner for seat Bob stickler free seat bill Alonso to seat Doug angler and the bow gene Ferraro I don't know what happen to the one seat but he didn't come tonight and of course the head coach mr. bill Jergens Touro Law Center. https://PaperHelp.space

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